It is not a normal thing for my mind to pay attention to Spiritual things. The mind is not made to understand the things of God--it is only made to understand the things of this world. The things of God are not of this world--they are of a different realm.
Now that I am a believer--a new creation in Christ, I have a great responsibility. It is a responsibility I did not have before I became born again because before the new birth, I had no choice. Now I do have a choice because I am from the other side. I have entered the Kingdom of God through the power of the Spirit. I have become a new kind of being. I have a new identity. I have a different life source now. Something new makes my mortal body alive as well as my Spiritual being.
I can’t think like I used to think because my identity has gone through a complete change. I am born from above. I am a partaker of the Divine nature. I am a Son of God! I can no longer say, “I am only human.” Now that I have a choice, I can think in either of two realms--the realm of the flesh or the realm of the Spirit. The realm of the flesh the Bible says is the realm of death and destruction, but the realm of the Spirit is the realm of life and peace. I have the privilege of choosing where I want to live--a choice I never had before I knew God. I am free to live where I want to live, but only one realm brings life to the soul.
There is a definite dividing line between these two realms; and even though they both seem to be close together, they are as far apart in nature as light is from darkness, heaven is from hell, and God is from Satan. The Bible simply defines these two realms as flesh and Spirit. Because there are only two realms, man is either in one or the other--there is nothing in between. God wants us to live and think in the realm of the Spirit while Satan, the god of this world, wants us to think and live in the realm of the flesh. Flesh is Satan’s realm--Spirit is God’s realm. That’s why we had to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God and exit Satan’s realm.
There is a definite outcome from living in either of these two realms and the result is just as sure as the law of gravity or the rising of the sun. The Bible plainly tells us what we should find in either realm. It tells us that death, frustration, and despair is the result of minding the things of the flesh, whereas life, joy, and peace are the sure promise to those who mind the things of the Spirit.
It’s nice to know why and how things are like they are. God’s Word is very plain about informing us as what to expect. It says, “They that sow to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but they who sow to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”
Isn’t it wonderful that we can tell what we have been sowing by what we have been reaping? Aren’t you glad that God has separated the flesh from the Spirit and then told you where you can live? Some say that it’s not all that important, but to the believer, my friend, it’s nothing less than a matter of life and death!
Warren D. Rogers