A moment, curtained from the world, just Jesus and you, how wonderful and refreshing!
It’s not a time for asking. Words are irrelevant. It’s a time of awareness--just Jesus and you.
There are no words, yet you are surrounded with the goodness of God. There is a feeling that no matter what you try to put into words, He knows all about it, even better than you can tell.
So, you praise Him. You try to tell Him that you love Him; and again, there is that feeling that He knows. So you are still.
The world is curtained off from you and there is an awareness of pure Spirit about you. You are one with Him. There is really no feeling of form or destiny--it’s just that you are removed from the world. You sense strength and confidence because of Him.
The things that had bothered before seem to be melted. They are still there but they don’t seem as hard and harsh as they were before. You have gained knowledge that God has things in control. You didn’t ask for this--it is just the natural outcome of this moment with Jesus.
There is still no praise required from my lips. I desire to offer praise but for the moment; it doesn’t seem to be proper. The moment is too sacred for words. I am awed. I can not understand how this can be. But, I am strengthened. I know that I am accepted by my Father.
And now, the moment ends. The curtain is parted and I am again part of this world. But I am changed because of this moment. I am warmed and relaxed by this great love. I am here in this world, but I am not alone.
I am renewed because I had a moment with Jesus.
-- Roy L. Stahl