Heavenly Father, I thank you for all You have done for me. You have made me a new creature and given me a new Life. This Life is not of this world but is of You. I can no longer seek fulfillment in this world but must turn all of my thoughts to You. It is You alone who can make my soul Live. When I follow the things of this world, they end in despair; but when I turn my thoughts to You, I am made alive.
There is no place in all the earth that I can go but to You. Many times I have allowed Satan to take my thoughts all the while forgetting that there is Life only in Thy Spirit. I did not know it was Satan; but when my thoughts do not bring joy, You have told me to beware. I thank you for your Words, for if it were not for them, I would have no comparison and wander long in my own ways.
You have shown me great mercy and loved me even though I have striven so many times within myself, all the while ignoring Thy precious Love.
Your Love is greater than anything that has ever touched my life. Surely the goodness of God leads one to repentance, which is a change of mind and heart.
Help me to give myself to You even as Jesus gave of Himself for it is in dying that we really Live. When I perpetuate my own ways, I am removed from the way of peace; but when I submit to Thy Love, a great calmness comes over my soul. Apart from Thee, I am dead; but when I think of You, my soul Lives. I rejoice and my heart is exceeding glad.
Teach me, my Father, Life is not to be found in the flesh, but real Life is only in Thee. You have told me that I am not living in the flesh but in the Spirit if so be Christ is in my heart. I know that when I look for Life in You, it is to be found. You have told me that man shall not Live by bread alone but he that eats of the Bread of Heaven shall never die. When I seek diligently Thy word, this truth again bears witness to my heart. You have told me that I am not to seek You with my mind for it is of this world and knows not Thy truth but I am to seek You with my whole heart. I do not find You until I do this. You have told me that it is my heart that shall rejoice when I see You, not my senses for they too are of this world. You have told me that You are Spirit and that You have given me a new birth so I may be Spirit and be able to understand You. I can now see the things that are in Your Kingdom. You have told me again and again that Your Kingdom is not of this world. In telling me this you have warned me not to look for You with my carnal mind. Your truth, You have said, cannot be received by the world or its mind.
When you came the first time and walked the earth, there were those who could not recognize You. This again tells me that flesh and blood cannot inherit your Kingdom. If I am to recognize You, I must know that you are Spirit and do not conform to the standards established by men. Your Kingdom is for those who with the eyes of the Spirit seek You and find You in a realm that the carnal mind cannot enter.
Teach me, my Father, that the flesh is dead because of sin but truly Thy Spirit is my Life because of Your righteousness that has been imparted to me. Help me to realize that all that is apart from You is death but all that is one with You is Life Everlasting. Surely in my flesh itself dwells no good thing but within Thy Spirit are joys evermore. When I obey the flesh and its mind, the sentence of death is pronounced upon me, but when my thoughts are of You, I am continually revived and renewed. Just the thought of You raises me up out of despair and establishes my feet on a sure foundation.
You have told me in order to be transformed I must renew my mind. You have left this for me to do but You have provided the way. It is a most difficult thing, but You have told me that through much tribulation, I must enter the Kingdom of God. Tribulation comes when I am not willing to carry my end. Joy comes when my stubborn will concedes to Thy truth. Again I thank You, my Father, for the truth of Thy Word. When I obey, I am sustained just as You told me.
There is nothing in heaven or earth that is truer than Thy Word. When I demonstrate my faith in Your Word, You are there to sustain me like You have always been. I prove my faith in Your Word by believing it and I prove I believe in Your Words by doing them. You have said that many shall say, “Lord, Lord,” but few will actually enter the Kingdom of God. This warns me that just to assent and say “Lord, Lord,” is not enough, but I must of my own freewill enter Your Kingdom. I must cast down the carnal mind. I must realize that Your Kingdom is always a now Kingdom and not something out of reach. You have already prepared a place for me to abide and it is ready. I remember when You spoke to your disciples and said, “Why do you call me Lord but do not the things I say?” Again You have warned me of the trap my mind has set for me. It knows not Thy truth for it refuses to believe it. Therefore, I shall believe in You with my heart and my mind will have to suffer the consequences. If I were to wait for my mind to accept the truth of Thy Word, I should forever be shut out of Thy Kingdom.
Teach me that I am not of this; world, my Father, even as You are not of this world. I am one with You. Because You Live, I am Living also. You are the reason for my Life, for all other reasons are death to my soul. I cannot find my abiding place in this world even as Your Spirit cannot be sustained within the confines of man's religion.
Teach me that I am your Son and that is my highest responsibility. Reveal my true identity that others might be comforted because of Your presence with¬in me. Teach me, my Father, that I no longer am, that in Your eyes I have undergone an absolute change.
You are my present Life. Let all my thoughts be renewed in Thee; and then I will know that I have passed from death unto Life, from flesh to Spirit, from darkness unto Light, from Satan’s hands into Your arms.
-- Warren D. Rogers