Unknown Author

Escritos de un autor desconocido

God's Crucible

I have a peace that not only helps me live from day to day but also helps me understand what Life is all about.

Life is like being in a crucible. A crucible is a vessel used for heating substance to high temperatures for refining and purifying. It is also called the “severe searching test.”

Our lives are lived in God’s crucible. Testing is the crucible according to 1 Peter 1:6-9. It is designed to develop or perfect our faith and according to James 1:2-4 we are to be pleased with the testing that comes our way because patience will be produced.

It is interesting that it is only through learning patience that we can become perfect and complete, and there is no other human quality that produces such an outcome. If we believe Romans 8:28, then all trials will be for our good; and since I am called according to His purpose, then I have to believe it.

There is also the assurance that the testing will not go beyond that which I am able to endure. 1 Cor.10:13 confirms it to be so. But since faith is the key to unlocking all of God’s promises, then surely I would want patience to be developed. Now that would be true, especially if the testing is good for me and I have the promise that I can endure. But although I doubt that I will ever be called upon to be a Job, nevertheless I am hesitant to ask God to develop faith and patience in me; it’s just too painful. Again the classic syndrome of selfishness rears its ugly head.

I am convinced there is no such thing as luck for the Christian. Proverbs 16:33 proves it to me. Therefore the trials that do come my way are of the Lord. There is no such thing as “fate”--destiny yes, but fate no. God has a plan for me and luck has nothing to do with it. Trials then are not a matter of luck; they are according to God’s plan.

My trials affect my family and each of theirs affect me. It is hard enough being in the crucible by ourselves; but when we have to jump in every time a member of the family is in the pits, why sometimes we wonder “what’s going on?” Don’t you ever feel like letting God know that “I’m perfect enough already, no more for awhile--O.K.? Why don’t you ease up for a bit? How about some time for harvest and not so much pruning?”

Well the depth of the issue lies in I Peter 4:19. Our Lord wants us to trust Him. He wants us to believe that He knows what He is doing within our lives. We are to entrust our lives to a faithful Creator and do what is right. Trust is the only element that makes the whole process bearable. Prov.3:5-6 tells me that trust is the element that allows God to light and direct my path. But there is a relationship between trust, faith and patience. They seem to build upon each other and growth in anyone of them appears to be dependent upon growth in the other.

Since I rarely learn anything lasting and beautiful from the good things that happen to me, it looks like my progress is dependent upon trials. I do want to grow--it’s no fun to stay the same, and I do want to be efficient with my time because the days are evil.

The Lord deserves my best. Jesus went through a lot for me and He has promised to help me through all I have to go through. The trip would be terrible without Him--but it is not nearly as rough with Him. I will end up a better servant and He will be pleased. That will make it all worthwhile.
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