Tu perteneces a mi corazon

Tu perteneces a mi corazon

Do you remember when I said that I would not leave you comfortless, My child? Do you not believe Me?

Have you forgotten that the place I have prepared for you is in My heart and we are one? Do you not remember in My Word when I told you of these things (John 14). So let not your heart be troubled. 

No man can take My joy away from you; that is why you can rejoice nor can the evil one touch you!
You see, My heart is a place of contentment and I have personally prepared your place of abiding. I want you to remember this. I love you.

You are in My heart and I am in your heart; and the world can not remove us one from the other. If we were two, the world could stand between--but we are one, My son. 

Because you are now Spirit, nothing in this world can separate you from Me or Me from you. It’s a miracle, My son, and you must always remember that. There is no miracle like the miracle of being made one with your Heavenly Father. Nothing shall ever equal or surpass this fact.

Before we were made one, the enemy stood between us; but through the death of My only begotten Son, we are now made one. The enmity has been slain--the enmity in flesh and blood.

I am in you now and you now are in Me. We are no longer separate or estranged. We are perfectly and completely one, not only on this earth but always and forever.

You see, I do not want your heart to be troubled or lonely or filled with despair because I am there. 

I am the Light of your world and the darkness will not overcome us. I want you to know, My child, that neither things seen or unseen are big enough to separate us because I have already overcome the world. I have led captivity captive and given Spiritual benefits to men. I did all this because I was thinking of you and wanted you to have My place of abiding. Nothing can compare to this place for it is eternal (Psalms 91:1-2, John 14:2-3). 

Yes, we are now together. Two have been gathered into one. This was My plan even before the foundation of the world that you should be Holy and without blame before Me in love. That’s how you appear before Me, My child--right now. Do not struggle, just rest in Me. I have carried out My plan and it is finished!

Now I am your Father and you are My son--you are accepted in the beloved and you may dwell there forever. Because we are one, there can be no loneliness. Loneliness is of the flesh, and I have told you that you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if so be the Spirit of God dwells in you--and He does (Rom. 8:9). You are a creature of the Spirit because you are Spirit. That is the miracle, My son.

You see, I did not forget to prepare this place of abiding for you because I understood the real needs of your soul. I knew that sin separates and that in separation there is loneliness. I did not send My Son just to leave you alone, but I sent him to make you all one--I in you and you in Me that we could be made perfect in one.

You must believe, My son, you have been born of the Spirit so that you need no longer be alienated from Me. In your first birth of the flesh, you were born in sin and separate from Me because you were flesh and I Spirit. But know this, My child, you who were once afar off are now made nigh. I have crucified the flesh through the death of My Son, and you are free, The middle wall of partition has been broken down so rejoice, My child, rejoice. We now live together. Have not I said that he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit? Do you see now why you should be glad and not heavy of heart? 

Yes, I have come to you in the Spirit just as I promised. I am your Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. Did I not say that I am the way, the truth, and the Life? Do not divide Me, My child, for I am one. I am yours forever!

Yes, I have received you to Myself because I want you to be with Me where I am and I too want to be with you, even in you, My son. I want you to be of good cheer. 

I want you to know that there is much room for you in your Father’s heart. That is why I sent My Son to earth to get you. I didn’t want you to be lonely and afraid,

Aren’t you glad that we are no longer separate--I some place in heaven and you some place on earth?

My son, I want My very own gladness to fill your heart--a gladness that is born out of knowing these things. My heart is eager to share all that I am with you. Rejoice in Me and be of good courage. I am here. You can not see Me with the eyes of your flesh so open the eyes of the Spirit I have given you. Know ye not that no man can see the things of My Kingdom unless he is born of the Spirit? And what is My Kingdom that you should see it, My son. It is not meat and drink--not a material kingdom of this world but a Kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. That is Me, My child, I, your Father am the Holy Spirit. I am Spirit and I have desired you for Myself. I want to open my heart to you and your understanding too. I want you to know that you are filled with all the fullness of God and you are complete in Me.

You must understand, My child, that it is always, always, always your mind--your carnal mind, your sense-taught-mind that Satan uses to try and generate the thought of separation between us. That is why you feel lonely sometimes because you have forgotten that the carnal mind is a thing of death. You must renew it. It does not believe in nor understand the things of Your Father. It is My enemy and yours too because it divides.

About this Father-thing, why do you suppose that I want you to call Me your Father? Isn’t it simply because I want to care for you and cause you to know how tender My heart is towards you? I have not focused My Love upon any other creature upon the face of the earth. I sent my Love to you and you only.

Why don’t you just rest in Me and consent to be loved? I’ll do your worrying for you. You just rest in Me.

The real proof of My Love for you was when I broke the silence by sending my Son. He is a direct revelation of My heart towards you. Have you noticed My compassion and tender mercies? Grace and truth came by Him. Never forget that He willingly became separate from Me just so that you and I could be together now, not just someday but now! There is no more waiting, My son. Now is when you need Me. Now is when the tempter tries your faith. Don’t delay, My little child. Enter into your Father's joy and victory now! I have prepared a place for your abiding, and it is ready now. Now is the day of your salvation!! I want you to be com¬forted now. This day are these scriptures fulfilled in your ears! Yes, My word is good for today.

I have not left you comfort1ess. I have kept My word! I have one desire and that is that those who believe in Me dwell with Me where I am--today.

Am I a God only of the past? Am I a God only of the future? Am I not the God of present? Now I am your Father. Now you are My Sons. Now you are in My Kingdom. Now My Kingdom is in you. Now you are seated in heavenly places. Now you are in Christ Jesus. Now Christ is in you! Don’t believe your mind, believe My Word.

I did a Spiritual thing for you because nothing material in this world or in heaven could bring contentment and rest to your soul. That, My little one, is because I made you for Myself.

Do not let the evil one blind your eyes from the reality of Spiritual things and move you away from My Love. My Love is just for you. My Love is greater than anything that you can see in this present evil age.

One more thing, My little one, do not allow men to make a mere religion out of my Love for you. I am more than that! You must simply know that My heart is always open and tender towards you. We are family. I am your Father and you are My children. You belong to my heart!

If you will trust Me and abide in My heart, I'll abide in yours--for without Me you can do nothing. 

No trial or temptation can ever be bigger than My Love for you and you shall never be overcome! That is My promise and that is My Word--be of good cheer!

Your Heavenly Father

-- Warren D. Rogers
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