Bill Turner

Message to God's Church

Behold, you who would be my church--
                  a temple of my spirit,
yet I hear little praise.
Much the noise that comes forth
                  and there is no joy--
                  songs, words spoken without feeling,
and there are numbered days.
                 You come together on the sabbath--
                yours, not mine--
ritual, glance around, conform,
while I have set you free.
Convenient gathering--to meet a law­
                once a week to test your faith,
then only if it's nice and warm,
and a world around you dies without me.
Can you not praise me an extra hour
              or even a whole day?
What about the rest of the time?
First, deal with your hour and a half.
            You can’t even love me then,
and mine ear will not hear.
There will be no outpouring,
             yea even none--
no power in the body
             'til your love flows free.
First, I will inhabit your praise
              so that I can hear you pray.
Then I will move on you as one;
              and there shall be the gate
              to release a flood of my spirit.
But first I will come at your praise
when you worship to be free in me. 

Behold, I say “yea and amen.”
             your hearts are hardened--
playing church satisfies you.
              A hardened heart is not the one that hates
             in the open--
neither does it love
              in the open.
The hardness does nothing but restrict
              what's inside.
Like this building it is but a shell
             full of what it contains.
Anger against me, I can change.
             Love for me needs only to grow--
but indifference kills.
When i'm not first, others take my place with you
       and you are luke warm, undecided­--
             half hot, half cold--tepid. 

I will spew you out of my mouth. 

If your heart would be my temple,
            then raise it up to me on lifted hands
            with voice and dance and instrument.
Praise shall be between you and me only.
            nothing shall interfere--­
my praise shall flow unbroken,
            and crush the hardness around your heart. 
Your praise shall not be measured or compared
             to show how much you love me.
             Your praise shall be as proof.

Out of your mouth shall flow
            the abundance of your heart.
My Enemy

You have asked me, and I will tell you of this battle.
             This battle of the flesh and spirit.
I tell you now that you are in a fight,
              One of two different, opposite sides.
In everything you say and do
              You take a side
No matter what you do
                Every time you choose
It’s a spirit or flesh choice.
Throughout my word
                It is there
                      Scattered Places
Constantly showing you how to live
            Win in the spirit; serve me
             Lose in the flesh; serve yourself.
In other words it’s not hidden from you. Don’t complicate it.  
                       Don’t mystify it
It is simply what the fight is.
    What you must do
Recognize the process, for what it is.
               One step at a time, but always in my direction.
You know Satan's mission
He taught you how to sin
    And you showed up to class
            Every day
                   On time
You were a good student
I came to destroy the works of the Devil!
     All of them….and it is done
For those who will walk in it
      It’s already won.
But just like war on earth,
Between the end of the old and the new beginning
  Hostilities continue.
Not to settle the outcome, but for the souls of those remaining
     Minds being changed
              Lives being lost 
                    Lost being found

                             Death coming to life…new birth.
Yes the battle continues
With and within those who don’t know me
    And those who know me ,
             But won’t engage in the war
Seeing themselves secure
                     Their bondage to self only strengthens.  
                           Like weeds in an untended garden
And it destroys their witness of me
 And they never learn of my glory.
Crucify your flesh every day
     By choosing my ways over yours.
Seek my word every day 
        And find open doors 
To heaven on earth
You are not flesh
       Your life is spirit
Your spirit with me
          Is without end
Sin makes you sin
        Because you let it
Doing my will stops sin.
      Starves it.
              Takes away the power over you.
You cannot be me, 
  Don’t try
    Don’t strive in your flesh to be like me 
          It will never happen
              You will fail
It’s not what you are called to do.
 You are to live your life as the Spirit leads,
     As He leads you.
All of His guidance 
  All of His instruction
     All of His gifts
          All of His fruit.
That’s what I did
        That’s all I did
I only did as my father told me
    I said What He said
I was not God on earth,
But I am the God with title deed
      Earth….I own it
I paid the fee.

In this battle, the transition from Calvary to the new Jerusalem
     Is so millions might be saved.
Your witness counts
I had to live and die in the flesh
       To be tempted and tried in the flesh
 I conquered my own flesh.
          And empowered you to do the same
Listen to the Spirit
      That is why I sent Him
                That is why He came
The miracles, the words of knowledge
           Prophecy and all the rest
The father told me…I did it
    He was glorified by it,
And I passed my test.
Those of the flesh would not see it,
             Still won’t
It is too simple, too straight forward
When I told you that you could not be like me,
     Copier quality reproduction,
                I meant it
Your flesh cannot come close.
You are a new creation,
         New construction
Created to be you ….only.
And from glory to glory,
       The changes in you,
Will reveal the Me
                     In you
Die to your flesh by living to me
That’s not a cutesy saying
   Not a silly quotable
It is the beginning of you fighting back
There is a battle plan
       Fully laid out for you
In the bible in your hand
    It tells you what to do.
When you became my friend
               My brother
Your flesh wanted to stay in class
To learn of self…flesh
              Satan’s way
He has no power over you 
            but what you give to him.

Respond to his temptation
        His deception
                His accusations
And you will take care of your flesh
            Protect and nurture it
                    Your rights
                            Your pleasures
To focus on these is to walk away from the spirit
While you were yet doing these things
 I found you
                        and saved you
and empowered you to be a son
   a son of My father
            a son of your God
you sought me and now you will glorify the Father.
Here are your marching orders
In every circumstance of your life
       Every choice
See it as opportunity
            An occasion
To follow the spirit and crucify the flesh
Little things to grand things
                       Spirit or flesh
Choose Me
my word says to meditate
Day and night.
Do you know why?
you were created with a powerful mind, 
     Regardless of how you use it, it is powerful
                Enough power to control you.
Your mind is the field where this battle between the flesh and spirit is fought
An example of the power
  A pursued thought, it becomes a bridle to lead your flesh
         Or spirit
In a new direction
Even away from Me
Your mind is always active, 
So fill it with my word
You wont have time for the flesh
Meditating is working a thought
Around and around in your mind
        Romancing it
Being able to bring your senses into it and your emotions

         To analyze and solve
To feel and re-experience
You can freely meditate on the flesh or the spirit
Satan wants to keep from knowing of your new life
Causing you to meditate on a hurt
   A trial
      A lust
            A “right” you have had violated
  Time wasted…distance created
  Separation from the promises in my word
For you no longer see them
.every thought not of me
      Crush it with my words in your brain
Satan will put thoughts in your head
But not as many as your flesh will
          Thoughts for stimulus
                        Thoughts of remembrance
You will follow your mind
                A thousand times a day
Choose your thoughts
        Eliminate intrusions
Satan really isn’t the problem
It is how much you yield 
                   to your own flesh
and how much you don’t follow the Spirit
On the field of battle
       In your head.
Satan will suggest things for you to ponder
               To meditate on
Again….you choose your thoughts
                 Eliminate the intrusions
By meditating on my word
  And in doing so
         Receive revelation
Flesh is flesh
        Spirit is spirit
It is really that simple
My Fathers grace abounds
                 Enough to take care of your sin
                              And take you beyond it
My word, that of the father which is me
                  The word which was made flesh
Is the sword of the spirit.
    So sharp!!
It can separate the truth from a lie 
                And separate your spirit from your flesh.

That’s the process
Who’s will are you going to follow
Yours……or mine
At each thrust of the sword
The flesh falls away 
        Revealing a little more of me
As your flesh gets smaller
It’s harder to see
            To follow
It distracts less
              Wins less often
Until it matters little to you.
I have told you much
        And encourage you more.
“Nobody is perfect”
is no excuse 
  it is not a hall pass to get around your flesh
Because your flesh will never be perfect
And your spirit already is
  “Perfect” as the world sees it
is a prissy impossibility
perfect as I see it 
        is being completed in Me
Remember that sin still kills
In choosing life or death
You have the choice of the Spirit or the flesh
When the Spirit way, My way. is chosen
The changes in you will be just as natural
As the fruit growing on the vine
That is the way it is supposed to be
The result of being of the vine
     For I am the vine
And so will your fruit in me 
                 Be seen as m
one step at a time 
Glory to glory
Walk by the Spirit
Which is love

Hijo, hijo mío, me has pedido que te explique cuándo dar es bendecido, cuando es en vano; qué ofrenda recibo, las que desprecio.

Bueno, primero debes ver que todo lo que das no tiene nada para mí; la mayordomía es por obediencia para que pueda liberarte.

Se está ocupando de lo que es mío: de tu Señor, de tu Maestro, usándolo para obras divinas, satisfaciendo las necesidades de otros y seguramente las tuyas a su debido tiempo.

Hijo, no tienes una cosa, ni siquiera tú mismo; Sé generoso, deja ir todo. Da amor, da fruto, salva almas y escucha a los ángeles cantar.

Quita tus ojos de la plata y el oro; ese brillo te cegará. Lo que das no tiene dominio; es lo que no querrás lo que te une y tu amor se enfriará.

Es un espíritu generoso que es bendecido, justo y santo, no aquellos que solo invierten, buscando más, mientras mi camino es el mejor.

Esta advertencia debes prestar atención; no busques la prosperidad, cuando tantos tienen una necesidad; viven con austeridad mientras tú burlas de tu avaricia.

¿No le parece extraño que a lo largo de la historia las necesidades básicas del hombre no hayan cambiado; bueno, yo tampoco: tu riqueza, no la arreglaré.

No soy una prostituta porque mi amor está a la venta, ni soy un instituto para prestar a interés, ¡ni soy indigente!

Solo tengo un objetivo, un regalo tuyo; no es el dinero que repartes; es todo acerca de ti: mente, cuerpo y alma.

Mira a tu alrededor, hijo; ¿Ves alguna necesidad, algún dolor, deseos, incluso uno? Llénalos, hijo, tranquilízalos, todos y cada uno.

Da libremente, por amor, incluso cuando quieras conservarlo. Debes pensar en otros, para que incluso los perdidos sepan que tu regalo es de arriba.
The Vision

This is the vision of the latter rain and the words which followed--these are the things seen and heard:
Yea, it is raining--the spirit is being poured out and has been since the pronouncement of peter of the prophecy of Joel.
I saw a rain come down and increase even more, ever growing, and soften the ground while it yet resisted.

Lighting broke the eastern sky all the way to the West. Darkness fled before the light. The earth broke, water burst forth looking as a man of clay, exploding from within and the rain increased to fulfill all that has been said.
Then the lord said to me, “Did I not say it would be as in the days of Noah so shall it be as the world goes on with its ways, I shall pour out my spirit on all flesh and have been. The only hearts which now yielded are those already mine and you still hold onto your hardness--the firmament of you. I shall break the very shell of you and bring forth the living water.

“My voice within you shall sound as of thunder, not still or small. The water will not kill the flesh of the lost nor destroy the world for I have said so. Nay, this water is life and it shall consume all the flesh of my children. Flesh consumed, spirit revealed and their spirits shall be seen as mine. Darkness of sin shall flee before them.”
Then he said unto me, “Yea. The pouring out of my spirit is because of praise. It comes from my children and I inhabit it and I dwell therein.

“As it rises unto me, I move to it and my spirit changes things--anoints, fills, and empowers. Then even your works shall be as praise and signs and wonders shall draw men of unbelief. Then they shall praise.
“The rain you now see is small--a sprinkle. It is the gift of your praise returned a hundred fold. In the beginning, I made the ground give off a mist-­-a fog to nurture the growth and this cloud gave Noah the rain to confirm my word.

“but the flood rose and grew in power and might as the ground gave forth the hidden waters. you are but of clay and have
Given unto me a mist, a small cloud of praise. It has not been enough. From within you shall come greater floods.

“The former rain stopped with the temple. The latter rain started when I filled men-­-new temples with my spirit.”

Then he said, “Rain is not created anew. It is how I return what is given to me, water from the earth praise from your lips.
“The latter rain is that which overcomes winter, washes the silence away. This rain warms and fills with life, prepares all work for the harvest according to the calling, breaking aside resistance, freeing that quiet adhesive cold around the heart.
“Summer is near, the harvest comes. I prepare the works for this gathering shall be the last.
“The praise that hides behind your lips, a reservoir held back. But I shall loose the flood gate that you can let the river flow from within.

“The praise I receive shall be returned a hundred fold and a flood shall begin.
“To praise me, you must love me and that covers a multitude of sin for both sin and praise are attitude. I'll have nothing to do with sin. But I say again I shall inhabit your praises.”
“A final word I hear, “All is either, or--black or white, dark, light--no middle, no grey, no dimmer switch--just me or nothing.

“If your lips don't speak praise, they will criticize. If your heart holds not love, evil will reside there. You shall be known for your love of each other. That praises me. All else is strife, death. I have given you life. Speak life. Praise me.”
Who Is My Teacher

Father, who is my teacher?
 Is it the TV teacher,
my pastor, my preacher,
 or the friend who quotes Scripture?
Is it the Scriptures themselves?
 The Holy Spirit?
Where do I go when I want to know?

My son, you ask again 
    one of your questions.
You would probe My mind,
as though you could understand,
so you can be like me.
 But you cannot, for you still contend—
 still fight the flesh.
You still have your flesh
 and you still contend with Me.

To question is good.
 You need to know.
It can be understood,
 and it will make you grow.
For that is who your teacher must be—
 the one that causes change,
 who uses My word,
 and sows the seed.

And let Me be the one to explain--
Teacher, preacher, prophet, scholar 
 can speak my Word.
Your neighbor, a friend, your spouse—
even an enemy can all be used to teach.

But the power of learning of wisdom
comes from my Words to your spirit.
I will use whatever source available
to get to your heart.
Balaam closed his heart.
 A donkey broke it,
Crows fed a prophet,
and the mouth of babes have taught priests.

So all sources can be used to teach you,
 but in a way that pleases me.
Study my Word, read a book—a chapter.
 Test it against other Scripture.
Let My Holy Spirit ask you questions.
 Let Him answer yours.
Do not reject a teacher 
 because in your eyes He errs.

Let My whole Word decide the error.
 Then pray for him.
Faith too strong, not enough Holy Spirit.
 Music too loud, wrong kind, he can’t sing,
          etc., etc, etc.

And yet I will use one speaking to millions
 to touch the heart of one soul who needs it.
And I will deal with the preachers/teachers you don’t like
 after I deal with your judgment of them.

I am your teacher 
 through Jesus.
He showed you how
  through the Holy Spirit.
He is with you now.

Read and study the Word.
 Meditate on what you learn.
The result will be revelation to you—
 new knowledge of what you thought you knew,
 powerful things for you to do.
I would surely teach you everything.
You will learn only,
 and as much as you desire, to know Me.
And I know it all.

Though I am no respecter of persons
 in that I show no favoritism.
I love the things which make you…you
 and I teach you as your heart can hear.
The Book of Deuteronomy causes pause.
 Scholars stumble over all there is.

Many doctors of Theology don’t understand John 3:16
 in their hearts,
 cannot accept the simplicity, 
And the power 
 of My love.       
Come to me, and I will teach you. 
All the sources you study
 will come together in my revelation—
         the revelation of who I am to you—
        That is all.
              That is everything.
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