I will not be defeated. Even though Satan should vex my soul so that clouds of darkness should overwhelm me, I will not turn from my God.
I will not doubt Him who loved me with His own Self. I will put my trust in the Lord, for He alone is God.
He will deliver me from all my enemies. In Him will I live, and I shall not be overcome. He is my shield, He is my hiding place. He is Spirit, He is my Life. His Spirit is a covering for me that stands between me and my enemies. I am lost in Him.
I am seen by the world but I am not understood by them. They know not Thy Spirit, and only in Thy Spirit is understanding. The world can beat against me, but their blows touch me not because I am hid within my beloved.
Only in my beloved do I have immunity from the world. I dare not step out of Him lest I be consumed by the enemy.
Teach my soul to forsake that which is of my flesh, and may I live in my beloved. Let not my soul be enticed by the sweet sorrows of this life, but may my thoughts continually be renewed in Thee.
Let my eyes see beyond the confines of this world and see the reality of Thy Spirit. Oh, how great is Thy Spirit, how precious Thy Love. It is an all encompassing balm that heals the broken heart. It is my joy that lifts me up when my enemies would push me down. It is the surety of my salvation, it is the measure of my life. It is Thy truth in this world of darkness. It is Thy light that illuminates the way. It is established forever; and even though the darkness comes against it, it is not overcome.
I will rest in Thy Spirit and I shall live, because it is Thy Life.
-- Roy L. Stahl