Roy Stahl was a most peaceful and restful person, and his faith in God's Word was unshakable. He was an ordained minister of the Gospel and a teacher in Sunday School. His greatest love was the Word of God. He was my dearest friend for over forty-three years. I never met a man who loved Jesus more. Reading his articles over the years has always given me a deep settled peace and comfort. I, Warren Rogers, provide them for you and hope they do the same for you.
Be sure to read "How Mr. Will Learned from Mr. God." For comfort, read the articles under "Prose." God bless you as you read.
“If you want to read something that is absolutely astounding , read Roy Stahl’s fascinating presentation of “The Temptations of Jesus” from Luke 4:1-13. Hebrews 4:15 says, “He was tempted in all points like as we……” If you have always wondered just what happened in the Wilderness, you will find out what Christ’s real temptations were. You will be both astonished and surprised. You will know the actual reason Jesus went into the Wilderness to begin with. You will learn some very important things that will help you with your own temptations as a believer and will now understand how subtle Satan really is. I, Warren Rogers, have never read or heard a teaching on the temptations of Jesus, the Christ, that has been as informative. There are many things in this manuscript that can change a person’s life if they hold back their own opinions until the verdict is in. You probably will want to read it a couple of times in the beginning and periodically refer to it. Please enjoy!”
No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus (MP3)