He that toils in the vineyard of the hopeless shall reap no harvest. All his labor and striving is for naught--he shall gather only thorns and thistles.
He shall be the sower of the seeds of his own destruction. He shall be the planter of his own futility.
He labors, not knowing that the enemy has provided his seed. He labors as one in expectation as a fool not knowing that he sows the seeds of hopelessness. The seeds of discord and frustration inhabit his ground. He shall reap no harvest but the harvest of disappointment.
Oh, listen to Me, my little children--labor not in the field of hopelessness. Sow not to the flesh nor be partakers of any of its ways. For I say unto you that the flesh is fertile ground for the seeds of deception and the wicked one is still the master of deceit. Many are willing to be fooled. Labor not in his field for they that toil know not that they do so for the wages of emptiness.
Spend thy thought rather, my little ones, in my Spirit for there thy heart’s desires shall be gratified and thou shall find contentment.
Let not the god of this world deceive you, but turn unto Me for I have redeemed you from the blindness and the darkness of the flesh. Have I not given unto you the sight of my Spirit?
Therefore wander no more lonely and with empty hearts, but be ye filled with the Spirit, for I shall guide you with Mine eye.
Oh, comfort ye, my children! Oh, comfort ye! For I am the Holy Comforter and am come down not only to visit with you but to abide!
Shall I not remain with you even until the end of the age? For I am with thee and none shall sever. Oh, lift ye up your hearts, my children, and sing for the enemy has not triumphed over you--neither shall he.
Know ye not that disappointment is not in me? Disappointment comes from looking to the flesh. But ye are not in the flesh, little ones, but in the Spirit. Do not turn to flesh and blood, my children, for it has not the answer. I am the answer and fail not--I shall not chide, neither shall I condemn.
Look, therefore, unto me and be made alive.
-- Warren D. Rogers