You are not just a God of this world, You are the God of all things, both seen and unseen. You are my God.
You gave me Your Life so that my life is not just the life of this world. My life comes from deep within Your heart. It is One with Your Life. It is Eternal Life.
When did it begin'? How can I say? I know that it began before time began, because You, alone, are Eternal. You sent Your Son, Jesus, to tell me that I could have Your Life, and live with Him in Your heart. I entered into the knowledge of Your Love and provisions for me when I received the Truth that Jesus spoke.
I am comforted in this knowledge. My Soul is content. Not so, my mind! I find that when I let my mind direct me, I am disturbed. I am not sure of anything. I have hopes, I have longings, but I have no substance. I have many “maybes” and “what ifs,” but I have no “I knows.”
My mind does not bring me comfort and contentment. Jesus does. So, I will direct my thoughts to Him, and Him alone. I know that God will supply all that I need because I believe His Son, Jesus.
He cares for me. He supplies my needs. He comforts me. In Him I have peace.
I am content.
-- Roy L. Stahl