I live in joy. I have discovered that I am not alone. Even in the desert experiences of my life, when my senses tell me that I am forsaken, even then there is a multitude of witnesses about me. I am not aware of them by natural means, they are ministering Spirits. They are those who are one with God, doing His bidding. I am being strengthened by God. My body may be weak and my soul seem faint within me, but I am alive in Him. My mind has taken hold of the heat of the day, and forgot the refreshing of God’s Spirit. My mind does not give thought to God. My mind has said, “See there is no one who cares.” I listened, and when I listen I become disconsolate.
But my mind is a devil--it propagates lies because the truth is not in it. It does the will of its father and separates my soul from God. I listen to it and I lose my consciousness of God. My mind is a devil. I see this clearly so I will not give heed to it any longer. It is when I subdue my mind that I learn of God. It is when I subdue my mind that. I become aware of God. I look for Him to be the thing I need, and He fills me with Himself. I sing praises to Him and my soul is released, and I rush to my beloved.
He opens my Spiritual eyes when I am willing to close my physical eyes. Then, like the King of' Old, I see the Host or the Lord encamped about. I am no longer afraid because my eyes have seen my deliverance. I live in joy. I have discovered that I am not alone. God is for me and no one shall prevail against me. He is my strength and He is my deliverer. There is no god beside Him. He fills the earth, and He is mine. I am lost in Him. My enemies can not find me.
My Soul has confidence in my God. He will not let me fall. I will put my heart in His ways and walk therein all the days of my life. My desire is to do my Father’s will, and He knows of my desire. Because of His knowledge, my soul is at rest. He has promised to care for me according to the desires of my heart. He will not let me fall.
People may look at me and scoff and laugh. They may deride me and say, “Where is thy God?” But my God will not let me down. He knows my weakness, but He looks at the strength of my desire. He covers my weakness with His grace. His love looks on my heart.
Then He ministers to me with all the children of His love, and they stand to¬gether about me. In my Father’s strength I am made well and strong. I am sustained by my Father’s love. I am made whole by the ministering of His hands. My soul has confidence in my God. I live in joy--I am not alone.
-- Roy L. Stahl