I know a truth that lifts the soul. It’s a truth hard to understand because I can not see it. Sometimes, when I am pressed by the responsibilities and cares of this world, it seems faint with-in me. Yet, it is still true.
It is the truth that Christ is in me. He is my Life.
I have opened up my heart to Him and He has entered. There are many things that bear this out, even if I did not know His Word. There is a deep seated peace within me when my thoughts are fixed on Him. There is a knowledge deep within me that things will work out all right when everything around me seems to point to discouragement and despair.
I know encouragement does not come from the evil one; so because deep within me there is this feeling of care, I know that my God is there.
There are those who laugh at me, and sometimes my heart is heavy, but I know a truth that lifts the soul.
I sing, “Hallelujah” and “Blessed be His Name,” because I am glad for Him who cares for me.
I will not turn from this truth because it is my only salvation. My God is within me. I am His child, and He cares for His own.
My senses are dull and easily overcome by my surroundings, but when I am quiet and turn my thoughts to Him, there is a peace and warmth that steals softly over my soul.
Yes, I know a truth that lifts my soul.
It is in the moments of meditation that I feel there is only God and me in all of His Universe; and because of this, I know His love.
There are times that I must tend to other things too, but there must always be a time when my heart is strengthened; and then I go forth again into the world of my responsibilities. But I do not go forth alone; I go forth in the strength and wisdom and presence of my God.
My load is lifted and my heart is warmed because my God is there. And that’s the truth that lifts my soul.
-- Roy L. Stahl