Kevin R. Lewis

Writing by Kevin R. Lewis

Winds of Change

There comes a time for each of us upon the winds of change, when we reflect upon our past and say it’s time to rearrange--

To put life into perspective and see things through clear eyes, 
To acknowledge the mistakes we’ve made, and finally realize--

That we were put here for a purpose and we’re part of an awesome plan, That Someone up there loves us still despite the ways of man.

He knows of everything we think--of all we say or do. He knows of every “whats” to be. He died for me and you.

He knows of every single hair that rest upon my head. I know he forgives my every sin, for this is what he said--

He said, “I stand here at the door to knock and if you let me in, if you ask me to live inside your heart, I’ll wash away your sin.”    

So on the day these “Winds of Change” blew into my life. I gave the Lord my broken heart and all my hurt and strife.

And he told me, “Son you are a wise man and now you’ll surely see that all the grace and glory go to all who follow me.”

I know my life is changing now and the way is always up. Those winds they brought a change that’s good and I never will give up.

So I give praise to my Creator, and I’m glad I finally see that he’s the one who made the winds that finally did change me.
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