I’m not much interested in anything, but Jesus. I am sure nothing can add to me, or be of value, except Christ. There is nothing this world can offer me that can make me a better Christian. This world can not equip me, in any way, to do that which my Father wants me to do. All that I have, or am, I can give to Him and let Him do as He desires. But nothing that I am, or have, makes me more or less desirable to Him. He loves me.
I want to do that which will show Him my love. I want Him to know that the desire of my heart reaches toward Him. But all of my doing is in myself; it crumbles and becomes as nothing when I see the great love wherewith He loves me. There is nothing I can give; there is nothing I can do to match His love.
He has loved me with Himself. He came to me and I saw Him and I beheld Him. My heart melted within me. He looked at me and I wanted to be forever lost in His love. I no longer wanted to be. I tried to tell him of my desire, but there were no words within me. I said, “I will do good things for my beloved.” But I became lost in the doing and could not lose myself to Him.
There was no contentment in my doing. I would offer Him the works of my hands and I would know His love, but still I could not satisfy my love for him. I was still “one apart.” Sometimes I thought that all my life would be spent hopelessly trying to show Him my love. I was frustrated. I never could show Him my heart as I desired.
Then, one day, in the midst of my trying, I heard His voice. He said, “Let Me.” My heart rejoiced. I gave Him my trying, and it was done! There was a harmony within me for which long I had sought. He knows my heart. He did that which all my doing could not do. He said, “Let Me,” and He wrapped me about with Himself. I am no longer “one apart.” I am in His heart.
And so, I’m not much interested in anything, but Jesus. There is nothing that can add to me, except Jesus. I have no words. I have no deeds except His desire. But I have ears. I heard His voice. He said, “Let me,” and so I did. I let Him do all that He desired, and in “letting” Him, I entered into His heart.
-- Roy L. Stahl