One night I dreamed of missions
In a far and distant land.
I trod where God had sent me -
I was led there by His hand.
There were little huts and villages,
And my heart said I must go.
But the Father’s will in clearness
I confess I did not know.
“Lord, surely I’m not useless -
There is something I can do.
“But with all this choice confronting,
I still must know it’s you.”
And then it loomed before me -
A cathedral great and fair,
So I stepped behind the pulpit -
I knew my niche was there.
No sooner raised my eye lids
And looked upon the pews,
When I noticed they were empty -
There were none to hear my views.
My heart now deeply saddened -
It scarce began lament,
When suddenly now I saw it -
At last my evangel tent!
I dreamed of crowds there standing
As they hung on every word.
Then the Father spoke again to me -
I believe I finally heard.
“To distant lands you need not go
Or tents erect for me,
“But speak the Word right where you are -
Proclaim my Liberty.
“No man can do the will of God
That surely you must know,
“‘Til all his dreams are broken down -
My Spirit then can flow.
“Just be willing in thy heart, my child
As Abraham of old,
“Who took his Son to sacrifice,
Obeyed as He was told.
“That’s all I really want from you -
I will do the rest.
“There’s no other way, my Son,
For you to pass this test.”
So this advice I give, my friend -
If you are dreaming too.
Don’t wait until you’re over there -
It’s now He speaks through you.
Not everyone’s a missionary -
It wasn’t right for me.
But we can do God’s will at home
In truth and verity.
All things still work for our good
Wherever we may be,
So never doubt His guiding hand –
His will He longs to see.
-- Warren D. Rogers