Rev. T.H. Speegle

Writing by Rev. T.H. Speegle

The Appearing of Jesus Christ

Seeing that we are all just learners, and much of the Bible is hard to understand, and some passages have more than one meaning or interpretation, why do brethren allow a difference of understanding over the Word cause strife and division? Should we not have more love and understanding with those we think have been taken in error and try to restore them in meekness--Gal. 6:1?

The wonderful subject of the coming, or appearing of Christ, is one of the subjects over which brethren separate, and surely this ought to be one we could harmonize.

The general belief among the protestants today is that Jesus promised to return in bodily form and sit on a literal throne and rule the earth in that manner. Jesus did not mean His return would be like that. Here are several scriptures to prove it. I really believe many people are missing the blessing of His presence today, because they are putting something in the future that should be enjoyed today.

Every promise Jesus made of His return, or coming, was made to the ones He had worked with while here in person. Three of these in Matthew are like this: Jesus made them a promise that they would not get over all the cities of Israel until the Son of Man be come. Then in Matthew 16:28, He made it more definite by saying, “There be some of you standing here that shall not taste of death, until they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom.” And again in Matthew 24:34, His answer to the disciples questions in the third verse, “When shall these things be?” was, “Truly I say unto you, this generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled.”

Now many of my dear brethren whom I have baptized and worked with in the church for years have given me a cold shoulder, because if for no other reason than that I believe just what Jesus said.

I cannot believe that Jesus made any false promises, so instead of taking a verse in *Acts 1:11 and one in I Thess. 4:16, and trying to make all the scriptures prove a literal appearing, I think we should take the words of Jesus himself and prove He kept His promise to the disciples, and that He did come to them in the manner He said he would, and that they were caught into the air (Spirit) to ever be with Him. (The Greek word “pneuma” is translated into four English words: wind, breath, air, and Spirit. Which one would you choose?) This viewpoint harmonizes with all the statements of Jesus and the Prophets.

As Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, 1 Tim. 3:16, even so now, if God has converted a people unto himself and filled them with Himself (Spirit), and they manifest the love and works which Jesus did, would this not be Jesus in the earth today? Not that same man that was Mary’s son, but that same Jesus who said, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father--John 14:9. Would this view not harmonize with Jesus statements in John l4? “I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU,” verse 18. “For He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you,” verse 17. “The Father and I WILL COME AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH YOU,” verse 23. And that, “They would know in that day that He was in the Father (Spirit) and ye in me (Spirit) and I (Spirit) in you,” verse 20.

In Acts 1:11, the angels asked them why they were gazing up into heaven? The disciples returned to Jerusalem to Peter’s house and continued in prayer and supplication until the day of Pentecost came and they were all filled with the Spirit. Was this not the Spirit of Truth that Jesus said was with them and should be in them?--John 14:17

Had not Jesus come to dwell in them by faith?--Eph. 3:17 And was this the beginning of the One He said would come? Not one man in the skies, but a many membered body the Church, which is His body.--Eph.1:23. (How could we be Christ’s body if He weren’t already living in us? Are we a Christless body?)

Did they tarry until they heard His voice, and open the door that He might come into them and sup with them and they with Him?--Rev. 3:20. 

Was this the Christ that was to come and make His abode with them, or were they to look for another?

An old English Bible had the word Holy Ghost as Holy Guest. This is more expressive of their experience, for it was the Holy presence of God taking possession of their lives and they became the Christ (Christians) or the anointed.

None of them ever mentioned that Jesus would come in the skies, or that He would come after them some day.

But listen to John, the beloved, “For we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life--1 John 5:20. This fulfills John 14:20 to a letter. (How could we be in Him if He isn’t here?)

Then listen to Peter, the man with the keys--Matt. 16:19. “Repent ye therefore and be converted when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; AND HE SHALL SEND JESUS CHRIST WHICH BEFORE WAS PREACHED UNTO YOU.”--Acts 3:19, 20.

When? When you ask Him into your heart!

Many have made plans and set dates for Him to come in the sky in the last hundred years or so, but He failed to appear that way, for all the time He was standing at the door knocking, wanting to come into their private lives and bless them, and they would not. 

The scripture does not say that Jesus is coming after a church as so many quote today. But it does say He is coming with them (Jude 14). (Actually He comes as the church!) How would He come after someone He had never left (Matt. 28:20)? How can He come after something He is already the head of?--Eph 4:15 and Col. 1:18 

Dear one, He can never be any nearer than He is. Paul told the people of Athens to feel after Him and find Him, though He be not far from everyone of you, for in Him we live and move and have our being--Acts 17:27-28
Does it not seem reasonable that He has come to those that look for Him without sin unto salvation--Heb. 9:28, and that the Christ that we are to look for is in us, and that He is our life--Col. 3:4, a life full of love and compassion and good works like unto His body, full of grace and truth. And when you see your brothers, the Church, you can see Jesus’ hands and feet, His eyes, His ears, His mouth; and as you go about doing good, you know as you do it to the least of these brethren, you do it to Him, then you will know that right where He is, you are also, for you are in the pure presence of God.

Then you say, what became of the man Jesus? He did just what He came into the world to do, and returned to just what He said He would, the Father or Spirit. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever--He who had made us and sent us into the world. He likewise took part of the same; and for about thirty-three years, He clothed Himself with flesh and lived the holy life in our midst, and showed us the way to perfect peace and happiness here and hereafter.

But when He had finished that work, He returned to the same state He was before (pure Spirit). This is Jesus’ words in John 6:62 and John 16:28. He was the seed that fell into the earth and died that it might bring forth much fruit--John 12:24. And Paul says, “The first Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam WAS MADE A QUICKENING SPIRIT.--1 Cor. 15:45

And Paul also says, “And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be.--1 Cor.15:37. So the Church is that body which was to come, a many membered body that would fill the earth. They were first called Christians (many Christs) at Antioch. Paul says it is His body, the fullness--all of it. 

Jesus said the world would not see Him--John 14:19. And Paul sys, “The natural man (carnal mind) cannot receive these things, for they are Spiritually discerned--1 Cor. 2:14. But those who are baptized into His body should be able to understand His coming. “When he shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all of them that believe.”--2 Thes.1:10 Hosea says it is like the latter and former rain--Hosea 6:3

“And He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share, as we tarry there, none other has ever known.”

*A clarification of referenced scripture: When the angel said, “This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall come in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven,” remember that the cloud (see Acts 1:9) is always symbolic of the presence of God in both Old and New Covenants--the cloud at the Tabernacle (Old Covenant) and the cloud on the Mount of Transfiguration--Matt. 17:5. The cloud also received Jesus out of their sight, and He comes in like manner--in the presence of God and out of their physical sight. He comes in the Spirit like He said He would, but the worldly mind cannot receive this truth according to Jesus statement in John l4:17.
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