Father, you can make the knowledge of Your goodness so personal that it means nothing to anyone in all the world but to me--yet it is for everyone. That is because there is no one else that can share in my personal experience of joy--you are a very personal God.
What you have provided is like a comfortable garment tailored just to fit my individual needs. My needs are so personal that I can say there is no one just like me in all the world--but you already knew that, didn’t you?
For so long I tried to wear other people’s garments but they were not comfortable. They did not properly fit. There was always something lacking. I tried very hard to get others to wear what I had too; but they, like me, went away incomplete. That is because you were their personal tailor also and you understood their needs better than I. What you had for them was more comfortable than what I could provide.
Then one day, we both discovered something--You, the God of all grace, had provided just the right thing for the both of us. When we put on Christ, we found exactly what we were looking for. Even though we tried but could not wear each others garments, we found you had provided that which fit us individually and personally.
In Christ we found true peace, harmony, and a contentment beyond words. In Him the two of us became one and our differences melted away.
The individuality that had once divided us was dissolved forever in Your love. Now we need no longer strive to fit into each others separate world.
We are no longer separate.
-- Warren D. Rogers