Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the Lord for all that He has done, and blessed be His name for His eternal power. Blessed be the name for the love He has bestowed on me today.
My mind looks back, and I see the moving of my God. I read of His care for Israel, and I see the might of His love, but my soul is desolate and in need today. My mind searches for the future and says, “Verily, God is there,” but my soul is not satisfied today.
I hear the Gospel from many lips, and my mind says, “I heard that long ago,” but all the while my soul is starved. I gather with the believers and my mind says, “This is nothing like that which was,” but my soul cries out for life today.
My soul needs life today, and my God supplies that need today. I find that my mind supplies me nothing; and because I have listened only to its emptiness, my soul has become faint within me.
But I am not put down, nor will I taste defeat. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; and so I say, “Today the Lord is mine.”
I care not for tomorrow, nor do I revel in the past, my life is NOW. It is present because it comes from beyond time. I cannot wait until tomorrow for my victory, but my victory is today because it comes from God and He is mine today. My mind looks forward and says, “Someday,” but my soul cries, “Today!”
Blessed be the name of my God for what He is NOW. He is my strength, so today I need not faint.
He is my light, so today I need not walk in darkness.
He is my purpose, so today I need not be driven and tossed about. My purpose is sure and my way is plain.
He is my righteousness, so today I need not be condemned by unworthiness.
He is my completeness, so today I need not feel lost. I have been found by the Finder of all things, and I am made complete in Him today.
He is the One who loves me today with His perfect love, so I need have no fears.
All that I need He has supplied to me today.
When tomorrow forgets itself and becomes today, my God is still God and He changes not. His love is steadfast. His strength is sure, His life is eternal, His righteousness is complete, His light fades not away, and they are all mine because my God has given Himself to me today.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
-- Roy L. Stahl