We have many times talked about doing the Word. We have covered the fact that we can not actually do the Word unless we have fresh revelation from the Father. We are not asked to act upon paper and ink, but upon the “Living Word” from God--that which He reveals to us. We cannot exercise faith just because someone else has learned about faith in a given area of their life and has told us to do likewise. We must hear the Word for ourselves. That is because we know that faith comes by hearing (revelation) and hearing (revelation) by the Word of God. We have covered the fact that this “hearing” the Bible speaks about has to do with the inner-man, the man Peter calls the hidden man of the heart. Hearing the Word of God is more than just physically hearing sounds with our eardrums, but hearing the Word in our Spirit--the new creation of God that dwells within us. It is by this Spirit that Paul says, “We know the things of God.”--1 Cor.2:12
This particular hearing of the Bible speaks of is a sure knowledge, a knowledge of the Spirit which is communicated to us via the Word. It is a revelation of God’s will--His nature. We then can become doers of the Word and not hearers only (James 1:22).
We know that a revelation of God’s Word and His will is a special knowledge that has been given us with the Father’s blessing and does not come to us via our senses. It is not sense-knowledge, but Spirit knowledge. It is not a knowing after the flesh but after the Spirit. It is a quickening or accelerating of thought instituted by the Holy Spirit.
Everything we have learned previous to being born again was through our senses. But now that we are new creations in Christ, the Father wishes to talk to us from a realm which is above (higher than) the sense realm. That is because we now possess and are endowed with heavenly faculties. We have had a brand new birth--a Spiritual birth (John 3:6). We can now communicate with the Father on His level. We have been made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus just for that very purpose (Eph. 1:3). We now have the ability.
We understand that in order for one to truly act upon the Word, or to do the will of God, he must first know what the will of God is. If he does not know, then he can not effectually act upon that will. Too, faith is not just blind obedience, but obedience to the revealed will of God, not in oldness of letter but in newness of Spirit.
Paul prays that we should be filled (overflowing) with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and Spiritual understanding (Col. 1:9)--notice that the Bible says, “Spiritual understanding,” not a sensual or physical understanding. Paul again says, “Be ye not unwise, but understanding the will of the Lord.” He also said, “…I would not have you ignorant brethren.”--1 Cor.12:1
There must be a clear understanding of God’s will in order for the believer to do and to act upon that will intelligently. Is this possible? Let’s see what the New Testament or the new will of God has to say, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding (new creation) being enlightened: that ye may know what is the hope of His calling and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.”--Eph. 1:17-18. There it is! According to the scriptures, it is plainly God’s will for us to know His will. What else does the Bible say? “Having made known unto us the mystery of His will...”--Eph. 1:9. We can see now that it is the Father’s will to unveil His will to us so that we may have a definite and clear insight into the Father’s purpose for the believer. It would be foolish for Paul to pray that the eyes of our understanding should be enlightened if it were not the Father’s will, or if it were not possible. Paul was actually praying God’s will.
Question: If it is so much God’s desire that we know His will, that we do His will, that we act upon that will, why such gross ignorance in the church about His will? It seems almost everywhere one goes, people are grappling and stumbling in the dark as to what God’s will should be. Everywhere I go I hear words like, “If I only knew God’s will for my life.” Do they know they actually carry it under their arms to church every Sunday morning? So often I hear words like these, “Please pray for me that I will know God’s will and not miss it! Please pray that I do not fail the Lord and do the wrong thing. I don’t know if it’s the Lord or the devil speaking to me-- I wish I only knew.”
Brethren, in the words of James, “This ought not to be.” Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice...” Why then the confusion, why so much of a problem for us to find and do God’s will?
I have a sneaking suspicion that I know why. I have a hunch that someone is behind the curtain preparing for his next act and is doing his best to deceive the believer. Any ideas?--Satan! Yes, that is right! How he laughs at us! What fools he must think we are! We are fooled and so often deceived. There couldn’t be anyone else behind it, but old slew foot himself.
You see, he is at his old tricks again. How many people do you think he has feeling condemned because they just can’t quite bring themselves to sell all they own and to give it to the poor just like the scriptures say! How many people are led to believe they are taking second best because they aren’t missionaries somewhere other than where they are!
How many people are thinking they are left out of God’s will because He hasn’t yet rolled back the heavens and said with a loud voice, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”? How many people do you suppose there are in all of Christianity who feel worthless because they have no ministry behind the pulpit in any church upon God Almighty’s earth? How many are under the impression that if they can’t have a radio broadcast, or a tent, or attend a theological seminary somewhere that they are just no good for anything and God does not and can not use them? How many people do you suppose there are who feel unimportant because the big fellows are specially called and the rest are to be ignored by the Father, or at best fed meager crumbs from His table? How many housewives, how many missionaries, how many evangelists, how many pastors feel that maybe they would be doing a better job of it if only they were somewhere else or someone else?
You are a very special person! That is right, you are! Need a scripture? Okay--how’s this one? “You are the body of Christ (God’s expression) and members in particular. But now has God set the members every one of them in the body as it has pleased Him!”--1 Cor.12:18. Glory to God! As it has pleased Him, He has set the members in His body, not as it has pleased Satan, not as it has pleased us, not as it has pleased your neighbor, but as it has pleased Him and believe me He is pleased!
You see, all this ignorance of the will of God in our lives is because the devil wants us to put a physical interpretation upon the will of God instead of doing God’s Word when it says things like, “Cast all your care upon Him, let not your heart be troubled, acknowledge Him in all of your ways, seek peace and pursue it, seek the Lord while He can be found, bless the Lord at all times, renew your mind, repent--change your way of thinking, place your affection on things above, reckon yourself dead indeed to sin, yield your members to God, love not the world, think upon Spiritual things, hold fast the confession of your faith, abide in me and I in you, suffer hardship as a good soldier, rejoice at all times, let this mind be in you that was in Christ, be kind to one another, be tender-hearted and forgive one another.”
There is no end to all the sweet and wonderful things that are God’s will for us to do. So let us not complicate things so much with our own thinking. These are the things that are the will of God concerning you and me. If we are not willing to do these things, then we can not really say we are willing to do God’s will no matter where we may think we should be or not be.
If we can not be loving, and friendly, and confident, and peaceful, and victorious right where we are, then what makes us think that we would be any good to our Father in Argentina, Mexico, or under the roof of a big tent?
Don’t let the devil trick you into thinking that you must be somewhere else or someone else in order to do God’s will. You must be willing to do His will in your heart right where you are before you can do any good somewhere else on some other continent. Don’t let the devil frustrate you.
Sure be a pastor, an evangelist, a missionary, a teacher, a painter, or a bus boy; but if you can’t learn to do God’s will here at home, then you probably won’t do much better somewhere else. If you won’t change here by obeying the Word, you probably won’t be willing to change “over there.”
We can not really say that we have done God’s will or allowed Him to do His will in us until we have learned to be transformed by the renewing of our own minds. Romans 12:1-2 says, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Is God only interested in changing the other person or is He speaking directly to you? I know many that would like to be somewhere else, but few who are willing to change right where they are.
If you have seen God’s will in anything, then of course do it. Be kind, be forgiving, be understanding, but don’t spend your whole life thinking God is only interested in converting and changing that other fellow. Get changed yourself! Renew your mind! Sad to say there are many who fa1l away from the faith simply because they are taught that the only implications of doing God’s will are if you are actively engaged somewhere in some kind of church activity. When we measure the reality of the new creation of God’s Life within us by such things, we are doing exactly what Satan wants us to do. When we only put our hope into future ministries and events and forget that now we are a new creation, now we rule and reign over Satan’s cohorts, now we are delivered from the powers of darkness, now we have God’s ability, now we can speak His Word, then we are indeed deceived.
If we would allow Christ to infiltrate every nook and cranny of our lives, then we could truly say that in a Spiritual way we are a teacher, a pastor, an evangelist. We will spread the Word everywhere. We will evangelize the world. Christ can do all things through us who is our strength.
When we make the Word of God a physical entity and try to organize it, we make it like anything else in this world. We can’t find God unless we go to church. We can’t be used of the Lord unless we are a minister. We can’t be ordained unless we attend a theological seminary, etc. God’s will is not physical--it is Spiritual because God Himself is Spirit. God’s will is no more bound to these things than His Word is bound. So speak up--release the power of God’s Word in you now. Don’t wait until you are behind a pulpit!
God is not limited to a church building. His Word is not bound to a box. Sure God can speak there, but He also can speak to the man on the street. It might even be that the man on the street is just the one the Father will use you to talk to.
Sure act on God’s Word. Become a doer of His will, but get familiar with the will before you become overly zealous. Listen for the quickening of the Word of God, then you will know why Jesus said, “Because I Live, you shall Live also.”--John 14:19 Warr