Believing is done within the heart--it is the result of knowing in the heart God’s will. It is acting upon the known will of God.
Acting upon the Word of God, walking in the will of God, and obeying the Spirit of God is always done within the heart before manifested in the flesh. It is Spiritual, not physical. With the heart man believes (Rom.10:10).
Regarding healing, believing is the healing of a wrong attitude that has taken place within the heart. This is usually because of lack of knowledge. One cannot believe without knowing, and one cannot know without hearing. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”--Rom. 10:17
Lack of knowledge (revelation knowledge to the spirit of man) hinders God’s will from being known, exercised, and enjoyed by the individual.
The real hearing of God's Word which produces faith in your heart comes from the Spirit of God. This hearing, or Spiritual unveiling, is the revealed will of God towards and concerning you. This gives opportunity for faith. You now become a doer (believer) of the Word not just a hearer (James 1:22-25).
Just before you were saved, if you will think for a moment, there was an inward desire to obey the will of God when you heard it. You heard that it was God's will for you to believe in His Son Jesus Christ. As soon as you obeyed this compelling desire (the Spirit), you entered a new era, a new existence completely. The greatest desire you had from then on was to do the will of your Father God. But you had to know what God’s will was before you could do it. The Spirit began from that day on to show you the Spiritual will of God. This will incorporated your total Life. You heard the Word say, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”--Acts 2:21, so you called upon Him and you acted upon that Word.
You began to find out that some of the things that your five senses told you would at times contradict the revealed will of God. You didn’t feel saved, you had to ignore your senses and trust in the knowledge you had received from God. You believed in God’s will and you were determined to have it. You sought only to do the will of God. You heard the Word, so you acted upon God’s will. You were saved! You took what God said was yours.
The person who seeks something from God must be sure (confident in the heart through knowledge of the Word) that it is God’s will for him to have this certain thing that he is searching for.
God only expects us to do and trust that part of His Word that we know to be His will. This is trusting or having confidence in the known-will of God. God’s Word is His will. God’s will must be known before it can be acted upon with confidence. That is why He gave us His Word.
One’s grounds for belief must come through the revealed will of God, through God’s Word. Your confidence has nothing whatsoever to do with the five senses. You believe because God’s Word has told you. His Word, His will, His Spirit has given birth to your faith. They are one and the same. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”--Rom. 10:17
In the case of healing, your faith and your confidence are not governed by the rate, or speed, that your symptoms disappear. Your healing is not dependent upon what the immediate testimony of your senses says. The real miracle takes place within the heart. Faith in God’s Word has no physical eye as far as the senses go. Faith is Spiritual, not physical. Faith is always born within the heart, not the mind.
Look for your healing in the Word before you look for it to be manifested in your body. When you see your healing in the Word, your heart will be put at rest (faith) and you will no longer be concerned with symptoms. It is in the Word, so look for it. There are symptoms in the Word that declare you are already healed. Listen: “Surely he (Christ) has borne our sicknesses… and by his stripes we are healed.”--Isa.53:4-5
Believe because you see it in God’s Word, not because you see it manifested in your body. Believe like the Spiritual creation you are. Look for the things that are not seen with the physical eye but are seen with the Spiritual eye in God’s Word--the eye of faith! “Himself took your weaknesses and bore your sicknesses.”--Matt. 8:17
When you know this, when your heart is persuaded and God’s Word has produced confidence and trust within your heart, you can act upon this knowledge. You aren’t governed by symptoms any more. You don’t have to be ruled by them any longer; you don’t even have to look at them. For now you KNOW in your heart that God says, “Fear not, you are healed!” You believe in your heart, not your senses. You are not about to be persuaded any other way. If God says so, it is true. You are a Spiritual being and you have received your information from a Spiritual source. 1 Peter 2:24 says, “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree…by whose stripes you were healed.”
These are Spiritual facts direct from the Eternal Spirit Himself. He created you so you could partake and enjoy the benefits of these truths. You were created to be ruled, educated, and supported by these eternal statements. You know now that symptoms of disease and sickness are temporal, and are not to rule your Life. They are an undependable source of knowledge, because they contradict God’s Word. They are Satan’s method of attacking your mind and creating thoughts of unrest and distrust in your heart. If he can do this, you will believe you have lost your support, your foundation, which is the Word of God. “The carnal mind is enmity against God.”--Rom. 8:7. Your mind becomes ruled by your senses rather than by the Spiritual knowledge God has given you. This is how fear and anxiety take place. The mind manufactures doubt-- the Holy Spirit produces faith (Gal. 5:22).
If your senses contradict God’s Word, then they oppose God’s will for you. Look to the Word of God rather than your senses. You will find your rest there, not by looking at symptoms. The real miracle is in the event of finding through the Word of God that it is His will for you to be healed right now. Once your heart finds this out, you will take your healing unless you enjoy being imprisoned by the devil. You want God’s will, don’t you? His will is eternal and unchangeable. His will is for you right now, not just someday! You can have it today so receive it right now by faith.
Our hearts crave the eternal. God doesn’t expect us to be satisfied with a temporal deliverance. “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free”--eternally free.--John 8:32
Once you know the Truth and are persuaded concerning your healing in the Word of God, it will never be taken from you. You know this to be yours; you know it is God’s will for you to have it now. Now is the day of your salvation.
“He has sent His Word and healed you and delivered you from your destruction.”--Psalms 107:20. “The Lord upholds all that fall and raises up all that be bowed down.”--Psalms 145:14
The knowledge of God’s will (Word) becomes something personal now. You are included in His will. He has given you certain rights and privileges. The only thing that kept you from enjoying this part of your salvation was lack of knowledge. Because you did not know, you could not have faith. God did not expect you to believe in something you had not heard. You hadn’t heard, therefore, you couldn’t believe. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” The word salvation means saved, made whole, delivered, do well. You shall do well when you do the Word.
God’s Word produces faith when it conveys the knowledge of God’s will into a hungry and believing heart.
You couldn’t receive Christ as your Savior until you were willing to believe that it was his will to save you from your sin. When you received the sufficient amount of knowledge, you could believe, and then by faith, acknowledge Jesus as your Lord. This took care of your sin problem because you had knowledge equal to his Divine work. You could only believe in what you knew. Had you been taught more, you could have believed more. All of your believing took place within your heart (Spirit); it had nothing whatsoever to do with your senses.
No one did these things for you. You did your own hearing and your own receiving and your own believing. You received knowledge of God’s will for you. You had no doubts and no questions. You could receive with confidence.
God doesn’t expect you to believe until His will is made known to you. He does not expect you to act until you receive knowledge. However, He does expect you to do the Word when these things take place.
Because God’s Word is Spirit, it must first make contact with your spirit in order to truly make known the will of God. The Spirit and the flesh are contrary one to the other. Just like faith and doubt. God does not make His will known to you by means of the senses that are in the flesh. Whether it concerns healing--the new birth--or the revelation of Christ in you, it is all done by faith. (Believing in that which you cannot see.)
God does not want to make His healing power known to you by the agency of the flesh (feelings, sight, etc.). He will do it just as you came to know Jesus as your Savior. The Spirit did this through revelation of the Spirit which came by the Word. This knowledge produced God’s faith which is the substance of the thing sought and desired. You heard, you were persuaded that this was the will of God for you, you acted; and when you acted, you arrived at what we call faith (substance, enjoyment of unseen realities). Faith is perceiving as REAL FACT what is not yet revealed to the senses.
Read the Word of God and believe that it is His will for you. It will not leave you in doubt as to whether or not it is God's will for you to have certain things. It will tell you what God’s will is. It will reveal to you what Christ has already done for you, and what is legally yours. Jesus was your sin substitute. He willingly bore your sickness, weakness, and distresses (Isaiah 53).
You will never be able to utilize the benefits that Christ purchased for you in his substitutionary sacrifice until you know what they are and that they are yours now. If Jesus bore your infirmity for you--YOU NEED NOT BEAR IT!
If we are going to believe in Christ and benefit from that belief, then we must know our rights and privileges, or we will never know him to be the Lord we so often confess Him to be.
Belief brings relief. His Word is the only key that unlocks the chains and opens our prison doors so we can go free. This key will open your heart to understanding if you will just turn on the desire to be set loose, by diligently searching the scriptures and finding out the will of God for yourself and then act upon that will. “He that believeth in him (acts upon his Word) shall not be confounded.”--1 Peter 2:6. He shall not slip, falter, be denied, disappointed, distressed, ashamed, wasted, or thwarted.
Jesus, the Word of God, stands at your prison door. He has already inserted the right key into the right lock. Your chains have fallen to your feet; the door of deliverance stands wide open. The way has been provided to cast aside every binding fetter and walk away, unbound and free. Jesus says, “I have set you free; now walk out of that prison house; take your freedom. You are set free from every binding tie; your freedom is yours. I have bought it with My own life.”
Jesus has done the work, but thousands still stand before an open door of deliverance, not realizing that they are free and released from the very thing that once held them captive. They do not know that believing is receiving and receiving is an act of our will, not God’s. Receiving is taking. It’s the faith that takes not the faith that waits. “Whatsoever things you need when you pray believe you receive and you shall have them.”-- Mark 11:24
Open your heart and Jesus will open His Word, and you will leap and run out of your prison. You will begin to enjoy the freedom that Christ bought for you. You won’t have to wait for the prayer of faith; you won’t have to wait on anything but yourself to take advantage of your rights. You can put your own faith into action by acting on the Word of God and taking to yourself the very deliverance that is yours. The Bible says, “Be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might”--Eph. 6:10. We are not talking about the faith that fakes, praise God, but the faith that takes.
Now, expect a miracle!