It is Satan’s desire to deceive the believer by putting a physical interpretation upon the Word of God! He does not want the believer to know that the Word is “Spirit and Life.”
It is Satan’s desire that the believer observe his new Life in Christ strictly from the material point of view, blinding his eyes to its Spiritual significance.
Satan used the same tactic when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness to turn the stones into bread in order to prove that He was the Son of God. Satan has not changed! That’s because he only has so much material to work with-- materialism itself.
Many times we get the idea that we may not be doing the will of God unless we are actively pastoring a church, touring as an evangelist, or out somewhere on the mission field. It seems that we are conditioned to think we must always be somewhere else in order to be truly doing God’s will. This is not good. You see, the real doing of God’s Word has little, if anything at all, to do with these physical things. Being a pastor, an evangelist, or a teacher, and so forth are of themselves physical, not Spiritual! Please don’t misunderstand me--I am fully aware that the Bible speaks of all these things, but these things in their very nature are not themselves Spiritual. Only God is Spiritual. So is this new Life He has given the believer. These other things we speak of can become more or less the results of following God’s leading; but if we say they are the only means of determining God’s will, then there are a whole lot of people left out of God’s will and God doesn’t leave anyone out. It is His desire to include them in.
Perhaps we should ask ourselves what the Bible means to “do” God’s Word. Remember it can mean all of these things, but there is more to God than just things.
It occurred to me one day that the Bible had said a lot of things before it ever got around to the “go ye's.” Please understand I do believe in teaching the Gospel. However in order for one to be a true doer of the Word from God’s perspective, one must know exactly what the Word is saying in order to properly act upon that Word. Sad to say, there seems to be almost gross ignorance in the church as to the Bible meaning of being a doer of God’s Word. Our minds have been so steeped in doctrine and tradition that we have lost sight of God’s perspective of the Word.
We hear an awful lot about works today. Example: “Faith without works is dead.” But often we get so buried in our works that we become less and less sensitive to the Spirit of God. Yet if we do not hear the voice of the Spirit of God within our lives, we do not find direction; and without direction, we cannot really say that we have obeyed the Word of God.
Too many times we are under the impression that the proof of doing God’s will is having a radio program, pitching a tent, or building a church. Yet the scriptures tell us that as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God.
Do we actually seek God’s leading or do we just go off in some direction so we can say, “I’m doing it, I’m doing it!”
You see, we could do any of these things and still not have learned to be a doer of the Father’s Word. The fact is “doing the Word” might be to stay home and take care of the kids or wash the bath tub.
We must go back to the very beginning where Jesus himself began to teach us what it means to do the Word of God. Do you remember when He said certain things to the woman at the well? This is to be the foundation upon which all other knowledge is to be built. Remember what Jesus also said about building our house upon the rock. If we do not build upon the rock, then our house will fall and Jesus says great will be the fall of it.
When Jesus spoke to the woman of Samaria (John 4:24), He was clearing up a lot of cob webs, so we had better listen. No man had ever said this before! “God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.” Do you get the point? The knowledge that the believer is to follow now that he is born again is a Spiritual knowledge--no longer a physical knowledge. Up to the time that the Holy Spirit was poured upon all flesh, man only could know God from a physical point of view. All he knew were the external regulations of religion.
Jesus had previously stated that man had neither heard God’s voice nor seen His shape. They were not born again. Their only chance of knowing God at that time was by knowing Christ after the flesh or within the confines of their senses, seeing his miracles, etc. But if you and I are to become doers of the Word in the way that our Father wishes, then we are going to have to tune down our physical ears and tune up our Spiritual ears that came within the new creation. No man can know (recognize) the Spirit of God, but by the Spirit of God (1 Cor.2:11).
The believer is born of the Spirit. His Father is the Holy Spirit. In order to be able to communicate and understand the Father, he must seek after Him with his whole heart. We can not know or understand the Father’s will unless we do this.
We must realize that what our Father wants to tell us and have us do is of a Spiritual nature. Whatever happens physically just becomes the outworking of something that began within the Spirit. The will of God must be done within the heart before it can ever effectually be done in this world. The heart must be changed before the world can be changed. “It is with the heart (Spirit) that man believes.”--Rom.10:9-10
Jesus did the will of God in His heart before it was ever done upon the earth. The scriptures say, “It is God in you both willing and doing of His good pleasure.”--Phil. 2:13. And yet how we worry about the works! You see, we must discover the Word and will of God in our own heart and do that before we become concerned about these other things. God wants us to change before we can think about changing the world. We must learn to hear the Word of God in our Spirit, or we haven’t heard but with our physical ears.
We live in danger when we listen only to what others are telling us. We must hear God for ourselves! It’s mandatory! There are not ten steps to victory--there is only one and that is to Christ; and if we have chosen that way, we are there! Many times we listen too much to what man has to say, but neglect hearing what God has to say. It isn’t what we tell one another to do that is vital to our personit’s what the Father is speaking in our hearts that counts.
We may become very familiar with the mechanics of the Word with our intellect; but when it comes to the test, it must be more than just schematics. The gates of hell are not impressed with human knowledge or intellectualism--it takes a revelation from God. In order for us to do the Word properly, the Father knows that we must have more than our physical faculties to hear and respond to Him. That’s why we are born again--not just to make us candidates for heaven.
It takes more than just an intellectual understanding of God’s Word. God can not be learned or understood like one would study a text book of principles in biology or some other physical science. That’s because God is not physical. One can not memorize God. He is more than a religious concept--He is Spirit!
It is thrilling to note that Jesus himself before he was filled with the Holy Spirit (born again and the first born among many brethren) had read and studied under the Old Testament or old will. He knew the Psalms! He read Isaiah! He was familiar with all the books of the Old Testament! Yet how strange, after He was filled with the Holy Spirit of God, He said things like my doctrine is not mine but His that sent me. I know nothing by myself, but as I hear from the Father I understand. Of my own self I can do nothing. I can only do what I perceive the Father doing.
I had never paid much attention to this before. I asked the Father why Jesus, the very Son of God, would say such things. But there it was. “The Son can do nothing of Himself.”--John 8:28. I had missed something in my zeal for God.
Here Jesus was confessing by the words from his own lips that He too needed fresh revelation from the Father in order to be a “doer” of the Living Word. That meant He could not work miracles! He couldn’t walk on the water! He couldn’t raise the dead! He couldn’t heal the sick! He couldn’t cast out devils! He couldn’t do anything contained in God’s will on his own! He possessed no knowledge or power whatsoever apart from what the Father disclosed to Him! There it was in black and white.
I saw now that Jesus had entered into the perfect and complete rest of faith. He knew that the Word was more than paper and ink and more than principles. He learned to hear the voice of his Father in the Spirit realm. He was obeying a Life, not just a Book. It was only as He heard the Word in His heart that He could effectively act and become a true doer of the Word that came from God. He knew that no man could become a doer of the Word unless he understood that God Himself is the Word--the very Word that existed before the foundation of the world, the Bible, or preachers and teachers. He is the Logos--the thought of Almighty God, the ancient Word.
One may read the scriptures until kingdom come, but if he does not hear God in his Spirit, his doing will profit him nothing and his kingdom will never come!
Is it any wonder that the apostle Paul wrote later, “Now we (believers) have not received the Spirit which is of this world, but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”--1 Cor.2:12. We must realize (real eyes) with the Spirit that the Father has given us what God means by the word “Word.”--not what I think the Word is, or my friend what you may think the Word is, but what the Father considers the Word of God to be. One can not effectively do the Word unless he knows what the Word really is and what the Word is saying.
I have pointed out in John 1:1 that the Bible itself says that the Word is God. It doesn’t say that the Bible itself is God, although it is the written Word. But what was the Bible before it was written? It was the Living Word who is God! The “Word” is not an “it” but a “He.” The Word is alive. The Bible is simply God’s thoughts, will, and desires put on paper. But it does not truly become God’s Word to us until we truly believe it; and we can not truly believe it until we see that the Word is alive and God dwells in it and He is speaking directly to us. We can not act upon a dead letter but we can obey a Living Spirit because He quickens us. He makes us alive. Jesus said himself, “The letter killeth but the Spirit giveth Life.” The true Word therefore is Spiritual!
After all is said and done, the Word that you and I are to do is not blind obedience to a written word, not just a physical word, but a Spiritual Word from God, fresh and vital to our souls. But the Word does not become fresh and vital to us until we receive revelation of the Father’s will. Then we can act upon the Word! Then we can become not just hearers, but doers of the Living Word of the Living God.
Example: When Jesus asked Philip where they would get bread to feed the 5,000, John 6:5-6 says, “Jesus said this to test Philip for He himself knew what He would do.” That’s the key and this was just after He had said, “Of my own self I can do nothing.”--John 5:30. We are not asked to try to obey the whole Book at one time. As the Father reveals His will, then we are to act upon it. That is when the Father enables us to do His Word. It is with God’s Spirit that man believes--not with his mind. His faith is now unified and cooperative with God’s
I hope that I have some how made my point clear. The Word James is talking about is more than a physical Book combined with mere blind physical obedience. The doing of the Word is not just a doing of the Bible, but a doing that is based upon revelation from heaven.
John, the Baptist, said, “A man can receive nothing unless it be given from heaven.”--John 3:27
The believer needs to understand that faith to do God’s Word is provided by the hearing of that Word in the Spiritual realm. We are born again and become a Spiritual creature so that we may understand and communicate with our Father who is Spirit. He dwells within us. That’s why nothing shall be impossible unto us because it is Christ in you! “Christ can do all things through us who is our strength.”
We finally depart here from the realm of mere human religion and become obedient to the voice of the Father who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. The light of understanding stands under us. It is our firm foundation. “The entrance of His Word bringeth light.” “The Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway.” The Father guides us with His eye.
His promise is that if our eye be single our whole body will be filled with light. If the body of Christ needs anything in this day, it is a single eye or the eye of oneness.
If the doing, acting, or believing of God’s Word is only in method, manner, and mechanics--if it is no more than a physical obedience to physical words made of paper and ink--then we do not need the Holy Spirit of understanding. All that we need to live a victorious life is human intelligence--our carnal minds.
The Bible says in Romans 8:6 that the carnal (unspiritual sense-ruled, no faith) mind is death. It is a mind void of truth and ruled by sense and reason. It is out of God’s realm and is a foreigner that cannot speak God’s language.
We must learn to hear and understand God’s Living Word in our Spirit. Is it any wonder that we are admonished to be still and know that He is God!
We cannot live successful victorious lives as Christians no matter what we do unless we have ears that are tuned to the Father. Perhaps it should finally occur to us that with all of our floundering and struggling we have yet to do as well as He who openly confessed, “I of my own self can do nothing.”--John 5:30. “This is the work of God that you believe on him whom the Father has sent.”--John 6:29
Let us therefore enter into rest. For there remains a rest for the people of God. For he that has entered into His rest has ceased from his own works as God did from His. For the Word of God is alive and filled with power (Heb.4:9-12).
So have faith with works and works with faith, but be sure they are God’s and not your own. Even Jesus came to do His Father’s will and not His own!