Martin Luther had to give an answer to the Church of Rome. We must give our answer to the principalities and powers--the spiritual rulers--who reign in the darkness of men’s hearts. Is not our faith just as surely on trial? The Bible speaks of “the trial of your faith which is more precious than of gold.”--1 Peter 1:7
Sure everyone has temptations and trials--everyone. Who or what makes us feel that ours are any bigger or any worse than someone else’s? Isn’t God’s grace and mercy great enough to cover them all? I am not endeavoring to provide what others call “license to sin.” I did that without a license! Rather I wish to emphasize mercy and forgiveness to people who have need of it, and who doesn’t! The Bible says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” But that is to be expected in ourselves.
However, we must remember that we are not “in ourselves” but in Christ. There is a great difference. The Bible talks about the new birth and that is the miracle that makes the difference! Paul said, “You are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if so be the Spirit of God dwells in you.”--Rom. 8:9. He also says, “They that are in the flesh cannot please God.”--Rom.8:8. We must remember that according to God’s Word we have been taken out of the shortcomings of the flesh and have been placed by a Divine act into Christ where all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge reside. Because of this fact, the Bible says, “Ye are complete (entire) in Him.”--Col. 2:10. We are not complete in ourselves, but in Christ. We are no longer outsiders but insiders.
Sometimes we think about the wrong things. When we are thinking about yesterday’s failures or even today’s, we still are not thinking about that which will cause us to enjoy the victory and confidence that we have in Christ! To do this is futile, and spiritually impractical, and it frustrates the grace of God. Yet it isn’t really God’s grace that is frustrated. Frustrations happen to people. God doesn’t get frustrated, but people do and that is because they are not in the habit of receiving Divine gifts. For some reason, they like to feel they have earned things. But the gift of God is by grace, which simply means that it is purely by God’s generosity and not by our works. Listen to this: “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God and not of works…”--Eph. 2:8. No man can boast. Faith is the gift of God.
There was only one person who did not fail and that was Jesus. But let us not forget that grace and truth came directly to us by Him (John 1:17). So you failed and you haven’t done very well! So what! Is God bound to our past! Is he interested in what’s behind us? Every day is a new day--in fact every moment is a new moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow either.
God has separated the light from the darkness, the past from the present, the night from the day. He wants us to know that he has forgotten the failure of our yesterdays and has no worry for the tomorrow. He wants us to think about only one thing right now and that is His goodness.
Never forget that. God does not throw the past into your face even if it was only five minutes ago. You know who wants to do that--the devil. He hates you because you belong to God! The Bible calls him “the accuser of the brethren” (Rev. 12:10).
You see, Satan knows that if he can keep us thinking about our record of failures that we will just keep on failing. That, you see, is because the carnal mind is in itself a spiritual failure and does not understand the things of God (Rom.8:7, 1 Cor.2:11-14).
Satan also knows that, if we think about God, we will no longer be failureconscious but God-conscious, and there is no failure in God. When we are thinking of failure, we are thinking of ourselves, and there is no victory in ourselves--victory is in Christ!
Just because one may have a record of failure does not mean that God is keeping books on him. He wants us to forget the past and start every day with the knowledge that here is a new opportunity as fresh as the morning itself. Did you know that every morning is a sign of forgiveness? “The darkness is past and now the true light shines.” Even the clouds must eventually give way to the sun.
Aren’t you glad that God has divided the night from the day? I know of no where in God’s Holy Word where it says that defeat is final! The only thing that is final is God’s Word! He says “Let not your heart be troubled…”-- John 14:1
If you have come to God, He has received you! You are accepted in the beloved and you are His. He has taken you to Himself that where he is you may also be right now (John 14:3).
Everyone sometime or another will look the wrong way and then “Wham!” That's what we get for not paying attention. That’s just the way flesh is. But that is no reason to be condemned. Our salvation does not depend upon us; thank God for that. It depends on Jesus, and Jesus never fails. He is the rock in a weary land.
Satan will always have what appears to be “good reason” to condemn us as long as we carry this body of flesh around but that has no effect on the Christ within. We are to reckon it dead. Christ is not defeated because of me, and He has promised to never allow the waters to overflow me. Anyway, the Bible tells us not to be moved by appearances.
Satan can vex my soul until it seems that all is hopeless and lost, but like David I can say, “None that trust in the Lord shall be desolate or forsaken.” Satan may accuse me day and night; but I will not be condemned until God condemns me, and He says He came to save me--not to condemn--I must reckon this body of sin to be dead and claim Christ as my new Life! I must identify myself with Him, not with the old man of sin.
Someone asked Luther, “Do you feel that you have been forgiven?” He answered, “No, but I am as sure (faith) as there is a God in heaven. You see, feelings come and feelings go and feelings are deceiving; my warrant is the Word of God for nothing else is worth believing. Though all my soul should feel condemned for want of some sweet token, there is one greater in my heart Whose Word cannot be broken. I’ll stand on His unchanging Word ‘til soul and body sever; for though all things shall pass away His Word shall stand forever.”
Just because we haven’t learned victory (Christ) in all things does not mean that we are not victorious. Jesus knew full well that I was hopelessly bound by sin and could not be victorious in myself, so he won the victory for me. He condemned sin in the flesh and he put it to death. Just because Satan tries to vex our souls with discouragement does not mean that all is lost. 1 John 5:5 says, “Who is he that has overcome but he that believes that Jesus is the Christ.”
I believe that God’s advice to us today is to forget our failures no matter how pronounced they may seem to be. I don’t care how long a list Satan has against you. That note according to God’s Word was nailed to the cross in Jesus, “…blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that were against us.”-- Col.2:14
According to the laws of our land, I am given to understand that no one is to be tried twice for the same crime once he is found innocent. Well, Jesus paid it all. He took our punishment and our sin upon Himself. Because of this, there is no guilt attributed to our account. David said, “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” Paul says, “To wit, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them”--2 Cor.5:19. To whom did God impute sin? It had to go to someone. Someone has to answer the sin question. “For He hath made Him (Jesus) to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be the righteousness of God in Christ.”--2 Cor.5:21
Isaiah 53 says, “He (Jesus) has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; He was wounded for our transgressions; bruised, taking our place for our iniquities, He was punished on our behalf that we might have peace with God.” When His wounds were opened, ours were closed and we were healed. Isaiah says, “God has laid on Him all of our iniquity, even the sins of the whole world.”
It is only Jesus who has power to condemn for He said, “All judgment has been given unto the Son by the Father.” He knows our weaknesses and our shortcomings, but He still says, “Neither do I condemn you.” “For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.”--John 3:17
Romans 8:31-35 says, “What shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own son but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not with him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect!” It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died and has risen who is even at the right hand of the Father there to appear on our behalf.” The answer to all of this is no one has the right to condemn the believer. He doesn’t even have the right to condemn himself. Nothing has the right, authority, or power to separate us from the love of Christ--absolutely nothing!
We will not be defeated until Christ says it is OK, and He won’t say it. There is no joy in sorrow and there is no hope in despair. Whatever touches our lives, we must remember that Christ does not change. We must do the changing. If we resolve by grace to live in the Lord, Satan cannot touch us there. He may touch our bodies, but he cannot touch us because we are new Spiritual creations hid with Christ in God (Col.3:3).
All things work together for the believer’s good--his victories or his failures; but he will not be defeated in Christ. Satan may plead his case which is always based upon reason, but our answer to him must be that we do not live by reason. “The just shall live by faith!”
“He that believes is not condemned, but he that believes not is condemned already because he does not believe in the name of the only begotten of the Father.”--John 3:18. “There is therefore now no condemnation or self incrimination against those who are in Christ.”--Rom.8:1Reason is a liar. Only God’s Word is truth! Our confession of faith may not be reasonable to Satan or to the people of this world, but it pleases our Father to confess His Word.
We must not allow the devil to rationalize us out of our victory. We must establish our faith by the open confession of God’s Word and His integrity. It is this confidence that is our victory--the confidence of God’s Word. If we make no confession, then we have no possession!
It is our eternal state that matters, not the temporary hardships we suffer in this world. There is no backsliding for the Christian, only front sliding. “All things work together for the good of those who love God...” “He that is born of God has overcome the world.” “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is our victory and nothing can overcome Him. Maybe our feelings can be overcome, but what is that compared to Christ?
Paul says that the believer is occasionally knocked down, but never knocked out, cast down but never destroyed, perplexed but not in despair.
Satan may do all he can to drive the awareness of God out of our lives, but we will always bounce back. God sees to that. No matter how much we may be badgered or buffeted, nothing shall ever dislodge us from the heart of Christ. Our minds may wander, but our heart belongs to Daddy. We will learn because that is God’s promise to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
We must never resign ourselves to defeat no matter how many times we may think we fail in our own eyes. It’s what God sees that counts, not what we see or others see. As long as the Father sees a spark of desire within our hearts towards Him, He counts it done. If we are willing, then we have nothing to worry about.
There are times that the believer will be buffeted; there may be times that he even despairs of life like Paul, but God has not changed. “We have the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but God who quickens the dead.” It is a good thing for us that God does not depend upon our feelings. He is not ruled by them.
Nothing shall separate (rate us separately) from the love of God--not things seen or things unseen--not our past, our present, or our future. I am not talking about the doctrine of “eternal security,” but I am speaking of the security of Eternal Life. Read the last part of the 8th Chapter of Romans and see if that doesn’t make you sense the security of God’s love.
Our Spirit should be indomitable. Why?--because it isn’t ours. It is God’s! “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.”--John 3:6. Can you imagine God being discouraged or defeated? We sometimes forget of what Spirit we are. Is it any wonder that the scripture says, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world”? We are one with God in Christ.
No matter how much Satan may attack our minds with his doubts and his lies, God’s Spirit remains sure within us. We will hold up the shield of faith. Our Father has made us one with Himself and Satan cannot triumph over Him. God doesn’t take orders from the devil and neither should the believer.
Remember no matter what Satan may do to our body, he cannot dislodge us from the Spirit of God Who is within us. He may suggest trouble to our mind, but Jesus says, “Let not your heart be troubled…” Let the winds of adversity blow. Though our bark is small and frail, our anchor holds. The anchor line may be invisible, but it is entwined around the rock--Christ Himself. We are one with Him and ten thousand legions of devils cannot change that.
If we should feel the need for forgiveness a million, billion times, or more, we are still welcome to come to our Savior and Lord, for He has stated, “He that comes to Me, I will in no wise cast out.” He is our shepherd; we shall not want. The Father is able to make all grace abound towards us so that we always have all sufficiency in all things. “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to think anything of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.”
We need never fear Satan’s blast. It will do nothing but force the believer deeper into his Savior’s arms. “Thanks be unto God who ALWAYS causes the believer to triumph in Christ.”
God has taken upon Himself the responsibility of working all things together for the believer’s good. Isaiah says, “Hast thou not heard that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary; there is no searching of His understanding. He giveth power to the faint. To them that have no might, He increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”--Isa.40:28-31
The wonderful fact is that Christ is in us and He is all of these things. We must know that the Spirit that a man has will sustain his infirmity (Prov.18:14).
The rains may come, the winds may blow, the earth may shake; but one thing is for sure, Christ will never leave us nor forsake us.
So cheer up; like I said, “Every day is a new day!”