I don’t see it in you--that’s what some say. Thank God, you don’t, but there is one thing I know above all else--if you look to Jesus you will see all that you need. It is God’s Word; it is established and it will not change.
Jesus said it was necessary for Him to go away so that we could receive the Comforter. What’s the matter--couldn’t Jesus comfort? Listen--Jesus knew that comfort would only be on the inside, and He wasn’t on the inside! That’s why he had to go away--so the Comforter could come and He could be on the inside.
So in Jesus’ Name know this: Comfort doesn’t come from people or places or things. Comfort comes from inside of you because that’s where God is.
Jesus gave us His life and He said, “No man can pluck you from the Father’s hand.” This means that no man can reject you or put you outside the camp as they did in the days of Israel. God is the one that has given you Himself--it is not dependent upon people, or the choice of people. God has established it! People can say you can’t come here or go there, but they can not remove you from the heart of God.
Sin is not against people. It is against God, and God has forgiven us our sins and placed us in Himself. Man’s laws say you have to do this and that, but God says you just believe me and I’ll do the rest. People can judge me of their law, but law only brings death and transgressions. People cannot give life-only God in Jesus has reconciled us to Himself. Therefore, I cannot be afraid of people--they have no power over God, and God is Life.
Man can say you better not say this--I forbid it. The church people told Peter, “You dare not speak in this name any more; we forbid it!” And yet Peter talked and men believed, and God worked.
Nothing is going to stop God! His Word has a purpose and that purpose is to feed the hungry, and that purpose can’t be withheld. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” God first had a mouth in Jesus, and Jesus spoke God’s word. He said the Words He spoke were not His own, but the Father’s who lived in Him. That’s why Jesus said the Words that He spoke were Spirit and they were Life. God has given to us these same Words if we will speak them. And many people will stop their ears even as they did to Jesus, but there are those who are hungry and their souls will cry out to God in thanksgiving for having heard the Word from your lips. You may not even know it, but because you opened your mouth and spoke God’s Word, that soul ate from God’s larder and grew strong.
When we do not go and tell the words of Jesus, we feel a conflict within us. We wonder what can we do. Jesus says, “Go into the highways and byways and tell them of me.” Then Satan says, “You can’t do that--they won’t listen!” Then you say, “They will.” Then Satan says, “Where will you go? And so you’re listening to Satan! Jesus says, “Go tell them of me” Then you say, “Jesus, they will persecute me. They won’t listen. They hate me.” And Jesus said, “They hated me too. Don’t think they won’t hate you. Remember the servant is not greater than the Master. But know this: if they love me, they will love you--and if they hate me, they will hate you. If they will hear My Words, they will hear yours too.” So we can’t ever say, “I can’t talk because no one will listen.” The hungry will hear and listen. The hungry will hear and be fed.
Listen, Jesus said this. “If they don’t listen to you, remember this: they wouldn’t listen to me either!” So I’m going to talk! Call it brazen, call me a fool, cal1 me whatever you want; but this one thing I know, if I speak God’s Word, that Word will accomplish the purpose for which God ordained it! It can’t fail! It’s God’s Word and to someone somewhere it will accomplish what God desires! I may not see it, but that doesn’t change it. God has ordained it--not me. It is His Word, not mine.
I’ll babble on--some will hate me, some will laugh, some will say, “What a fool,” but some will live--some will see Jesus! No one can silence me. They can stop their ears, but they can’t silence me. In God I will speak and in God I will live. Flesh--it is death! God--He is Life! Wherever God is, there is Life. Anything that brings death is not of God--it is of this world. My life is of God--not this world and as God lives, I live. I cannot say, “There is no life,” because God is Life and God always is! Death is a lie, and I will not speak lies. God is Truth and Life, and my soul shall revel in Him.
Nothing can touch me for harm. “He that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord--He is my refuge, He is my God, in Him will I trust.” God has made us according to His own will. He has made us of Spiritual substance. He has endowed us with Himself. God is our Life.
When a man comes to the Lord and calls upon the name of God and believes in Jesus Christ, God destroys the network of lies that is this “body of death” and recreates us in His image after His likeness. Then as we look to the things which the eyes of this world can not see, we see the things that are eternal. The fabrication of flesh is exposed for what it is--an enemy of God, steeped in lies, knowing no Truth, having no substance, being only something that today is and tomorrow is withered away.
And with the eyes of God, we see the things that flesh cannot see because we see that which is eternal--we see God.
He is revealed for what He is--the fullness that fills all things, the everlasting Father, the source of all love and understanding, and we see that He is our life and that we live only in Him.
The eyes of flesh can only see flesh. They see destruction and hopelessness, and destitution and discouragement, and despair and imprisonment. This is because flesh can’t see beyond flesh, and it becomes a captive to itself. But Jesus came and set the captive free! He made us a new creature in His own realm. And now He says, “Reckon yourself dead to the flesh, but alive unto God.” And so in Jesus name I reckon it so. How it can be, I do not know.
That’s why I was without hope--because I couldn’t see how. But Jesus says that it is so and I shall make every effort to believe that it is so.
I cannot live in God and say, “I’m filled with despair.” Despair is in the flesh; fulfillment is in God! Fulfillment--not the fulfillment of the flesh but the fulfillment of God--that is what is in me. I have received of His fullness so there is no lack in Him.
When is the time that all these things will belong to us?--In the day that we are converted and brought into His fullness. All things have been brought into fruition right now because Jesus died on the cross and said, “It is finished.” That was all He could do. He laid down His life, and there was nothing left. He entered the grave, but God raised Him from the dead so our victory would be complete. If we die with Him, we shall also be raised with Him. Therefore, when I say, “Here is my life, and I give it up,” then Jesus gives me His Life--and it is mine now! Now I know when I can come into my inheritance. I know how long I have to wait. I have to wait until I give up my life.
I have to wait until I reckon myself, the old man, to be dead. Then I don’t have to wait any longer. I receive God’s Life and enter into Him now! This is God’s provision! God meant for it to be mine. He gave it to me. All that He is, He gave to me. You see, now is the time I need it. I don’t need it when I reach that realm after this physical life, but I need peace, and joy, and rest now. I do not need righteousness when I get to that place where all is righteousness. The Word of God says that without righteousness no man shall see God. If I shall believe what many people would have me believe, I would believe that not until the time this life is over will I have righteousness. This is not so! Jesus Christ is my righteousness--not then, but now. If I couldn’t see God until I attained unto righteousness and I could not have righteousness until I see God, I could never have anything--I would be forever lost! Therefore I know that God has given me Himself now. Oh Hallelujah! Now! All of heaven rejoices because of the love of God that is revealed to us now! Without the knowledge of these things, we cannot possess that which God has provided. The only result of this is loneliness. It is hopelessness. We hope that more can be done, but Jesus said, “I have done all--it is finished.” Jesus died for us so we don’t have to die. God raised Him from the dead so that we could have His Life. He brought us into Himself because we could not find Him ourselves. He has done all these things because we could do nothing.
He has given Himself to us now so we no longer need to be a captive of despair and hopelessness. He gave Himself to us now so we would never be lonely. He dwells within us now so He can give us comfort now. That’s when we need it--not some future time. But I cannot have God and my old life too! Only in those things where I am willing to be no more in myself will I be in God. If I say, “I am lonely, “and will not say, “Lo, you are with me now,” then I will be lonely still. If I say, “I am shut up,” and will not say, “I am alive in Christ now,” then I will be shut up and know not the presence of God.
When will I have these things that God has provided? When I turn from myself, and say, “I have them now.” The possession is up to me. God has completed the provisions.