I'm thinking of people and people have problems. I do not necessarily like that but I guess it's the way we are made. We must come to the place of recognizing the Spiritual life of God within us as being the only source of life or we will always be overcome with problems. When we forget that we are children of God and pay attention to the things of the flesh, we are in real trouble. The worst part of it is that when we look only to the flesh, there is no way out. You see, we are in trouble when we obey the appetites of the body. Sometimes we think that we can exercise great control over our desires, and by sheer discipline we either do or do not do that which we feel we should. But in doing this we completely overlook the mind that is in us. There are desires generated within our bodies but they are hade more intense by the desires that Satan puts in our minds.
It seems that Christians have a particularly rough time of it. You see they have been born again. They have a new nature at work within them. Being a Christian does not automatically mean that you have the peace that Jesus meant for you to have. It is available, but you have to take hold of it. When a man does not know how to take hold of these things, he’s in trouble. A battle takes place within him and sometimes it’s too much for him to handle. Then it spills over to the outside and we see or hear a word or a deed that is evidence of these battles that rage within.
It’s these battles that I’m so concerned about. None of us are immune to them. Sometimes we are not too aware of the battle that goes on in others because we are so occupied with our own. We generally consider the battle that goes on within us to be the greatest and so we are apt to belittle the problems that others are having, or if we do not happen to have the same type of trouble that someone else is having, we are quite apt to condemn the other fellow by thinking, “what’s the matter with him; he should have better sense.” The person who thinks this way is wide open for trouble. Another thing that quite frequently happens is that we look at a problem with our mind and say, “boy, you sure do have a problem.” Man has a tendency to think that if he can’t solve the problem, there is no solution.
I wish we could forget that kind of thinking. Is anything too hard for God? In God there is no big problem nor is there any little problem. He has overcome. He is the answer. “we are complete in him.” All we have to do is turn to him. His word is, “he that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.” So, come, taste, and see that the Lord is good. We must major the fact that our father’s heart is never closed, and we must never forget it.
Another thing--sometimes we feel that our sin is too great, God can never forgive us. Watch out! You’re thinking like a man again! Man can’t really forgive. He can overlook, but he always remembers. When God forgives, he forgets. Your sin is no more.
We must know that all we have done, no matter how sinful we think it may or may not have been, no matter what we have done or ever will do, in God’s eyes it has already been done, even before Jesus died on the cross! In that act of dying on the cross Jesus cleansed us from all sin, for all time--forever! Jesus knew all about our sin. He became every sin that we ever sinned or will sin.
God laid our sin upon him. Remember, then Jesus died and our sin died with him. In him our sin is no more. God showed us how much he loved us by giving Jesus as payment for our sin before we ever knew him! I can’t comprehend such things, but the bible says it’s so, so I won’t argue it.
But sometimes the battle rages so vigorously within me that I can’t think straight. I guess every one of us remember sometime when the “I will” and the “I won’t” forces were at work within us. Sometimes we said, “I won’t” when we should have said, “I will” and sometimes it was the other way around. It’s hard sometimes to do the things that we should, especially in the Lord. A lot of times we know that we should act a certain way or say a certain thing, but there is a contrary spirit within us and we want to be contrary. That’s where we lose the battle--wanting to be contrary.
There is something that we have all learned but we don’t always keep it in mind--if you want to get along, abide by the rules. It seems to be quite popular nowadays to forget the rules. That’s why we have such a chaotic condition in our world today. Let’s forget the rules, let’s make up our own, and each group goes their separate way wondering why the whole world is out of step.
God gave us a pretty good set of rules--we call them “the ten commandments.” They are still valid today because all they do is define our relation and attitude toward God and our fellow man. Man, as usual, has a hard time interpreting them, so Jesus gave us a new rule that encompasses the other ten. He said, “love the Lord thy God with everything that’s in you, and to love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.” That’s a pretty good rule and it’s one that many people seem to forget. You must mind the rule if you want to get along. You play a game of football or baseball or whatever. You play by the rules or you don’t play.
You drive a car. You obey the law or you are apt to end up dead--you and maybe others. The universe obeys God’s laws. The sun, the moon the stars, the planets are all where they are because they are in obedience to certain laws. Man has orbited the earth and walked on the moon because he obeyed certain laws. The Bible says the flesh brings forth death and the Spirit brings forth joy and peace. This is a statement of one of God’s laws that it would do us well to consider and obey.
Now, concerning our relation with each other, we will get along when we obey the laws of the society in which we live. Break them and you will have trouble. This is not anything to be surprised at. Our whole life is based upon this truth. We select our friends because we like them. We get along with them because they do the things that we think they should. In other words, the same set of ethics, or rules, by which you live, govern them as well. You see, we are governed by rules whether we think so or not. Jesus once suggested to a group of people that they were in bondage to certain laws and that made them quite upset. “We be Abraham’s seed,” They said, “And are in bondage to no man.” Jesus answered them in this fashion, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts (desires) of your father you will do.” That’s pretty plain talking. Let’s put it this way: you are Satan’s children and you will obey the laws of Satan. A whole lot of people breathe a sigh of relief and say, “I’m surely glad that isn’t me.” But it is you and it is me, at least until we are born again.
And then if we don’t walk in the newness of life, it’s still us! The latter end is worse than the first because we have been made new and yet we have not claimed that which we have professed we both need and want! Sometimes I think that maybe we are not too bright! The people to whom Jesus was talking--the bible says that they “believed” Jesus. A better translation would be they “followed” Jesus because Jesus very soon pointed out that they didn’t believe him. The fact is they were so violent in their unbelief that they picked up stones and would have killed him. Many people profess to believe Jesus yet quite often they say, “This is a hard saying, who can hear it?” This says that there is something in us that rebels against God’s word. “He that is of God heareth God’s word. Ye therefore hear them not because you are not of God.” That’s straight talking; but the question is, does he mean me? You bet he does! He is talking to every man and woman who is not born again so that they might know clearly their position before God. He is talking to every man and woman who is born again so they can get straightened out in their thinking and know what is causing them so much trouble.
Man is born in sin. He is of his father, the devil; and the desires of his father he will do. Man is born in iniquity and by unrighteousness is he formed.
Man is a creature of the flesh and for this reason he obeys the laws of the flesh. We can discipline ourselves and perhaps appear to be something that we really are not, but we can not, by any stretch of the imagination, make ourselves to be anything but what we are--creatures of flesh. Because we are creatures of flesh, we will do that which is natural to the flesh and in the doing we most likely will think that we are perfectly right. Listen to what the Bible says, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh.” Also, “They that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh.” Again, “The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Therefore, “They that are in the flesh can not please God.” So, you see, it is not at all unusual for a man who lives in the flesh to become angry, to hate, to murder, to kill and to perform all manner of evil, both in his thoughts and in his actions. There is only one end to this kind of life: “To be carnally minded is death.” There were some people that followed Jesus but they didn’t believe his words. Of them Jesus said, “Ye are of your father, the devil, and his desires will ye do.” Certain things come natural to the flesh. We do not have to think about them. We seem to have an inborn knack of doing the wrong thing. We don’t have to think how to be impatient; we are just naturally good at it. When someone says something about us that is not too complimentary, it is quite easy for us to retaliate in kind. Humans are good at that sort of thing. I wonder why? It is because that is the natural thing that the flesh produces. The flesh brings forth evil just like apple trees bring forth apples.
Again listen to what the bible says, “now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these: 1. Adultery 2. Fornication 3. Uncleanness 4. Lasciviousness 5. Idolatry 6. Witchcraft 7. Hatred 8. Variance 9. Emulation 10. Wrath 11. Strife 12. Sedition 13. Heresies 14. Envyings 15. Murders 16. Drunkenness 17. Reveling These are the things that are natural to the flesh. The fact that man, as a whole, is not completely overwhelmed by them is proof that God has poured out his spirit upon all men. Now, the thing to do is to allow this spirit--this life of God--to bring forth his life within you.
Again, let’s see what the Bible has to say: “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” Also, “they that are after the Spirit do mind the things of the spirit.” Then this, “To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” When we believe the words of Jesus, we are made to become children of God. We are born of the Spirit according to the will of God. He becomes our father. His life, his Spirit, is within us. This releases us from the bondage of the flesh. We are no longer a child of Satan; we are a child of God. “Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be the Spirit of God dwell in you.” There can be no argument about this. Listen: “If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. And, if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.” We have life in our mortal bodies now because God raised Jesus from the dead.
Now because we are new creatures, we have been given a new nature. We have a new life source-- the Spirit of God, himself.
There are things that are natural to our father and they are natural to this new life that we have. Listen to this: the fruit of the Spirit are things that make us pleasing to God. The fruit of the Spirit is: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance These things are in us and will be manifest through us as we allow God to live his life through us. The trouble is we try, by our own effort, to bring these things about. Go back and look at number nine of the works of the flesh.
We enter this life of God by believing the words of Jesus. You see, he is God’s expression to us. He is the word of God. The children of Israel that came up out of Egypt did not enter into that which was promised them because they did not believe that which God told them. We are cautioned not to let unbelief be in us thereby keeping us from inhabiting the promises of God.
There is a rest that comes to those who will believe the words that Jesus spoke. It is a rest that comes about by the complete cessation of our own efforts to produce Spiritual qualities within ourselves. God desires to be formed within us and he wants to plan and he wants to do. All he asks of me is that I will reckon myself to be dead to the old things of the flesh and alive by his life. If I will do that, if I will keep my mind fixed on this, then my father will transform my life.
This transforming of our lives--it’s a delicate process. It is slow. It takes time. I feel that sometimes we are too anxious for a change and try to bring it about ourselves. (go back and look at number nine of the works of the flesh.) The change that God brings about is going to be a transformation. God is not so concerned about what we do, but He is very much concerned about what we think about in our “inner man.” It is here that the soul is and He desires that our soul shall see Him.Then there is no problem of what we shall be because when we see Him, we shall be like Him because we will see the real thing. We shall see Him as He is.
There are many facets to our lives, more than we really know. One day we are subject to one mood and another day we are subject to an entirely different one. If we are honest with ourselves, we see a mixture of things within that somewhat surprise us.
It is just as good that no one else sees these things because we are not at all proud of them. Sometimes we might be kind and sometimes we might be a monster too. Maybe we like to consider ourselves honest, but when we think no one is looking, we discover there might be a bit of thievery within us after all. A lot of times we are patient, and then, for no apparent reason, we blow our tops. We are indeed quite complex. We have to make allowances for these things so we divide them. Under certain conditions we are supposed to act a certain way and under other conditions we follow a different set of rules.
Now, we come to the Lord. There is honesty in our heart in this regard and we are born again according to the will of God. It has not been our habit to think of all the virtues that we should reflect in times past. Now there is something within us that makes us very much aware of our shortcomings. We see our lack of wisdom and love and kindness and patience. We feel badly about this and try to do something about it. But it doesn’t work. Our mind feels as though it were worked beyond its capacity. We say that we want to be like Christ, but something happens; and before we think, we have done something for which we are sorry.
Sometimes there are struggles within us that do not come to the surface, but they are so severe that they tend to destroy our very life.
That’s the trouble with being your own general! We are continually finding out things about ourselves that we didn’t know existed, naturally we do not know how to handle it. But God does! He is our father and he desires that we cease from our own trying and leave things up to him.
When these two ways, the old and the new, struggle for supremacy within us, they are struggling for just one thing--control of your mind. Satan wants you to think about the problem and react according to his desire. Your father wants you to think about him and believe his word. This is the crux of the whole situation regarding mankind--what do you think about? Eve considered Satan’s word and dwelled upon it. The result was that she reached forth her hand and did take of the fruit and did eat.
We learn from our father a little at a time. It is hard to see him in all things, because we do not know all things, and so we learn a little here and a little there. That is why our spiritual growth seems so slow at times. Let’s look at another law of God. This one says that if we will renew our mind we shall be transformed. This transformation does not necessarily take place immediately, but our Father’s word is that it will take place as we keep our mind on Christ.
The carnal mind, the Bible says, is enmity against God. That word "enmity" has some potent synonyms: Hostility, antipathy, antagonism, animosity, rancor, and animus. Listen to what they suggest: enmity suggests a positive hatred that may be open or concealed. Hostility suggests all enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression. Antipathy and antagonism imply a natural or logical basis for one’s hatred or dislike, antipathy suggesting a repugnance, a desire to avoid or reject, and antagonism suggesting a clash of temperaments leading readily to hostility. Animosity and rancor suggest intense ill will leading readily to hostility.
Rancor is applied to bitterness. Animus adds to animosity, the implication of strong prejudice. So there you have a picture of what the carnal mind is up to.
Let’s look over in 2nd Corinthians and find out what we are supposed to do with the old mind. In the tenth chapter you will find the instruction is to cast down our imagination and every high thing (thought) that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to the obedience of the Lord. When our minds are renewed in this fashion, our lives will be transformed by the power of God and that transformation will be real and it will endure.
This business of renewing our mind is not an easy thing. The question that we ask is: How do we renew our minds? If the answer lay in the realm of flesh, I would listen to your problem, categorize it, analyze it and then attempt to tell you what to think, say, and do in order to bring you out of your dilemma. If it worked, you would soon have another situation that would throw you. But the answer is not in the realm of flesh! It’s in the realm of the Spirit. So I can tell you how to renew your mind. Think of Jesus and what he has made you to become in him. It is in Jesus that the fullness of God dwells and the Bible says that you are complete in him. You are alive because you have been born anew by the power of God. You are alive in a new realm and you have been made one with God in Christ. Everything else in this world is of no importance.
All that you need to be, all that God wants you to be is in Christ. That is the foundation of your new mind. If you need wisdom to meet a certain situation, remember you do not have it yourself. What wisdom the old man had is gone, the old man is dead, Christ is your life. God made Jesus to be our wisdom. If I need salvation, I can not work it out myself, God made Jesus to be my salvation. If I feel condemned for some stumbling, for some shortcoming that overwhelmed me and I feel the need for righteousness, I may look up and thank my father because he made Jesus to become my righteousness. The fact of the matter is, everything that I need, or ever will need, is supplied to me by God through Jesus. This is the word of God, therefore it is established. It will never change. The renewed mind refuses to consider. Any other thought.
So now my thoughts go back to people and their problems and I think again of what the Bible says, “My brethren, count it all joy when you you fall into divers temptations." I think of what Jesus said, "Blessed are you when men shall persecute you and revile you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.” Then I think of Paul’s problems-- his thorn in the flesh. “Lord, take it away,” he cried. The Lord said, “No, my grace is sufficient,” and so Paul said, “Therefore I will glory in my tribulations.” It sounds like trouble is a good thing. Why? Because we are born in sin and shaped by iniquity. The carnal mind is enmity against God. It is not subject to God nor indeed can be. My carnal mind is hostile to God, it is suspicious of him and if there was nothing to cause me to seek deliverance, I would not know God.
There is a law of the flesh, and my body obeys this law. The flesh continues to produce that which is natural to it. But there is also a law of the Spirit and I am born of the Spirit so this law is at work in me. It also produces that which is natural to it. The law of the Spirit is life in me as I obey its precepts. I have the privilege of a new life. I have the indescribable privilege of being made one with God. Of what good is the old life compared to that? What does all this mean? How can I be overcome when I am no more? It is Christ who lives in me. He is my life. Who is it that can prevail against him? By what circumstance can he be overcome? Some wondered how it was that Jesus could do the things he did. He answered them in this fashion. “You can enter into a strong man’s house and if you bind him, you can do whatever you wish.” And so Jesus has made us to become one with God. He has given us all things whatsoever we need and there is none who can stand in his way.
People have problems. Yes, but isn’t it wonderful what we can find because of them!