(The Law of Faith)
What do you expect out of God? How much we receive from God seldom exceeds the limit of our expectations. It isn’t that God is limited or desires to be limited; it is that we limit God because of the boundaries we impose upon Him. The reach and range of these boundaries are in direct proportion to our expectancy. Just what do you expect out of God? What does the word “God” mean to you? Do you consider Him big enough to meet your needs and the needs of others or do you consider your needs bigger than He? Jesus said, “According to your faith, so be it unto you.” He was saying, “You shall receive from God in direct proportion to your expectations.” Is your God big or is your idea bigger than God? We limit God to be to us just what we believe Him to be--what we expect Him to be. This is the law of faith. “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” And when one is not pleasing God, he is not in the position to receive from God.
One might take as an instance the fact that he will find God where he expects to find Him. We often expect to find God on Sunday morning in church and so God responds to our expectations and meets us there. It isn’t that a church building is the only place to find God; it is just that often that is the only place we expect (make preparation) to find Him. We put our clothes on in the morning and we expect to make contact with God. God responds to our expectancy. It isn’t that God has limited Himself to one place; we limit our expectations to one place. God, as a result, is just as big or just as small as the range of our expectant attitude. How amazing--I worship a God that is no bigger to me than my idea of Him. He becomes no bigger than I expect him to be. I must ask myself, “Just how big is your God?” After all God has allowed us the privilege of making Him personal; whether we choose to limit Him or not does not alter that. We can let Him be big in our lives or let Him be small.
If I should limit myself to expecting God only on Sunday, I will have a one-day-a-week God. If I believe in a God that can bless me only when I am in a church building or camp meeting, then I limit Him to do only that.
If I expect to find God in the morning, I will find Him in the morning. If I expect to find Him in the evening, then I will find Him in the evening. If I expect to spend all day from morning to evening with Him, then I will do just that for I have given God the opportunity.
If I postpone my expectancy until when we all get to heaven, then it is not until that time that I will find Him. Jesus said that many are saying Lord, Lord and are not entering into the Kingdom of God. However, if I choose to find God and enjoy Him now, I shall by faith.
I shall not do any of God’s will until I expect to. I shall not speak in tongues until I expect to. I will not prophesy until I expect to. (I did not say hope to.) I will not heal the sick in His name or be healed until I absolutely expect to. I can wait, fast, pray, and beg; but I will do and have none of these things until I expect these things from God. “According to your expectancy, so be it.” Your God will live up to your expectations whether they are big or small.
If I should expect to find God in the desert, it is there that I will find Him. If I expect to find God in the mountains, it is there that I will find Him. If I by faith expect to realize God while I walk this earth, it is here that I will enjoy Him. If I expect to find Him in my heart, then it is there that He will meet me. I have an opportunity as large as my faith. I will receive from God only that which I expect to receive. If I do not expect to obtain my deliverance until I get to heaven, then I will not enjoy it until then. However, if I expect without a doubt God Himself to be the full fulfillment of my needs now, then now it is.
God has given us the privilege of expecting great things from Him. We can expect to receive by faith all that we need to make us strong, well, and of good courage or expect to receive none of these things. We must do the expecting as individuals; it is God that does the supplying. “And my God shall supply all of your needs accord¬ing to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.”--Phil. 4:19
The Bible records a woman that touched Jesus for her fulfillment. She said, “If I can but touch His garment, I will be healed.” She expected to be healed when she did just that. She was setting a time limit on her answer by setting a time limit upon her expectancy. She was really saying, “I will not be healed until I can touch his garment and I do not expect to receive my healing until that time.” In Luke it is recorded that a certain Centurion believed in the Words of Jesus and revealed his faith by saying, “Speak the Word only and I shall receive that which I expect.” He expected his sick servant to be healed. The Centurion received in direct proportion to his expectancy. Now was good enough for him.
David said, “I had fainted if I had not believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” David did not postpone his comfort because he did not postpone his God.
I was first saved on the grounds of expectancy. Jesus told me “He that comes to me I will in no wise cast out.” I expected to be received then. I placed no time limit on Him. I definitely expected to be received at the time I asked Him, not some other time. If I had not expected to be received by Him, then my calling out to Him would have been in vain and I could expect to receive nothing. I had no physical proof. I acted in faith and expected a response. All that is received from God is by the same principle--the principle of faith.
Many times we pray but we expect no response. We demonstrate that we do not expect response because we seldom make preparations to receive. We often have no faith in our prayers.
We must realize (real eyes) that receiving is something we do, not something God does for us. If we believe that God has heard our prayers, then let us act like He has. We reveal how little expectancy we exercise when we pray, for we fail to do what Jesus said when He spoke these words, “Whatever things you desire when (at the same time) you pray, believe that you have received them and you shall have them.” Jesus was saying that at the same time that we pray, then is the time to believe that we have received. We show that we do not expect because we pray the same prayer over and over again. Jesus did not say that we would receive anything by just praying, but everything by believing. If we believe, once is enough. Maybe we should not ask until we learn to expect or believe God for response.
Jesus said it is vain, repetitious and useless to pray if we do not even expect response. When we believe, we don’t have to establish our expectations by our senses. God’s Word is enough to establish the expectancy of faith. If there is any other means used to bring about faith, it isn’t faith; it’s unbelief for real faith comes about by believing God’s Word. Faith is Spiritual in its nature, not sensual.
David said, “I cried out to the Lord and He heard me.” How did he know that God heard him? The only way you can know is by faith. It is vain and unbelieving to cry aloud if one does not expect to be heard. 1 John 5:15 says, “And if we know that God hears us, whatsoever we ask we know that we have (not will have) the petitions that we desired of Him.” Jesus stood over the grave of Lazarus and said, “I thank you Father that you have heard me and I know that you always hear me.” How did Jesus know that God heard Him? He said this before He raised Lazarus from the dead and before there was any sense evidence that God had heard Him. He knew it by the same faculty that you and I are to know it and that is only by faith. Because of faith, Jesus absolutely expected God to hear and respond to His command. The word “hear” which is used is a Spiritual thing. To believe is to see and hear, but this is done with Spiritual faculties. This is not something physical.
When one knows that God is aware of him, faith becomes normal. It is also normal for one to have faith that has learned to be aware of God in all that He does. This knowing and hearing is a Spiritual thing and can only be understood by the Spirit of God within us. It is very difficult to transcribe into words for it is wholly Spiritual in its nature.
We need to realize that as God was aware of Jesus, so He is aware of us; for His Spirit is our righteousness. When we realize that God is conscious of our every step, we will have learned to take every step with the faith of God.
We cannot expect a God to respond to us that we do not really believe in. Hebrews says, “He that comes to God must first believe that He is and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Everything that we receive (take) from God and every act that we perform in His name is to be based upon the one fundamental principle, the principle of expectancy. It is not a question of how big God is. That’s no question at all. The question is: How big is God to you- -just what do you expect out of Him?
Many times we expect much out of our friends. This is because we have a certain amount of confidence in them which is the result of knowing them. The more intimate the friendship, the greater the confidence in their presence. However, men sooner or later, either because of circumstances or a lack of integrity, impair our confidence. Sooner or later they fail to respond to our expectations. It is for this reason that we doubt God and it is by this means many times that our unbelief has been manufactured. God wants to convince us that He is not a man and does not lie. He wants us to know that regardless of our preconceived ideas and experiences, He can be trusted. We must learn that God says that He who puts his trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame. This should cause the tide of our expectations to rise high. Many times we are limited in our confidence. We are afraid to talk about it, afraid that God will not respond to our walk and confession of faith. Fear is not of faith so there is no faith walk or faith talk. If we really believed God’s Word, we would talk like it were true and we would live like it were true. We must confess the trustworthiness of that Word and commit ourselves to its integrity.
If we will not to move in faith, we cannot be expecting a definite response from God. God is well known in the Spiritual realm; our confession must be made in the physical realm.
If we do not expect God to be large enough to meet our needs, then why should we want to win others to our state of poverty? If we do not speak as one whose life is governed by confidence in his God, than why should others believe that He is sufficient to meet their needs? If I want people to believe my words, then I shall give them words of faith. It doesn’t require any faith on my part to confess God’s Word as long as everything is going right or as far as circumstances permit. I show my faith when I confess the unreasonable in the face of reason.
We have become confident in the things that pertain to this world. We do not consciously exercise faith when we turn the light switch on; we expect response and think nothing of it. We do not consciously exercise faith when we turn the water faucet on. We have become confident through practice and have come to the place of absolutely expecting results. This describes the physical side of our life and reveals our confidence in physical things.
Jesus said, “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” This statement reveals the Spiritual side of my Life. Because I am Spirit, I am not to be ruled by the body of sense. It is always the knowledge of the five senses which does warfare with the attitude of faith. God has given His Word to me in many different ways. His Word is to establish faith. My senses will destroy this faith if I allow them the place of superiority. Because I am born anew and have been given a new nature--the nature of faith, I am to exercise this nature until faith becomes an unconscious part of my life. The only time that faith is a conscious thing in my life is when I am resisting unbelief.
God’s will for the believer is that his expectancy be placed in the Word. God wills that His Word should so govern our lives that the things that are seen no longer wield the influence over us that they have in the past. We are to consider ourselves no longer creatures of flesh but new creatures in God--creatures of Spirit. We are to have no confidence in the flesh but all of our confidence is to be in God. We are to walk in this flesh but not be ruled by it. God’s Word is to be our master and this alone will set us free. When we become captivated by the Word of God and all of our senses are subject to Him, we shall cease from our unrest. Jesus said, “My peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, do I give unto you.” He is speaking of the consistency and constancy of Eternal Life where there is no variableness or shadow of turning. He is speaking of a peace that is Spiritual in its nature and is not of this world. It is a peace that declares, “My soul waits (meditates) on God only for my expectation is from Him.”