Since the fall of man, the human heart has been filled with darkness. Darkness is all he knows for he has never seen true light.
One day there came into the world a man named Jesus. “In Him was Life and this Life was the light of men. The light shined into the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. He was in the world (flesh) and the world was made by Him, but the world recognized Him not. He came unto His own and His own received Him not…”--John 1:4-5, 10-11
Had they truly been searching for light, they would have seen it in Him. The truth was at hand, but they had no desire to know Him. Those who chose not to know Him received no benefit through His presence. Because they did not recognize Him, they would not believe on Him or His Word. “But as many as received Him to them gave He freedom to become the Sons of God...”--John 1:12
When Jesus walked the earth, there were few who received Him. Those few believed in Him. They believed in Him enough to trust His Word, enough to obey it. They were hungry in heart. Wherever and whenever people believed His Words, obeyed His Words, and acted upon them, the impossible became possible, the difficult became easy. One man even walked upon the water defying the laws of nature just because Jesus said one Word, “Come” and he obeyed.
We know Jesus now as the Word of God (John 1:1-3). We use the term “Word of God.” It is interesting to know that one of the definitions for the word “of” is “from”--the Word from God. The Bible too is the Word from God. It is His way of expressing Himself to the world as He expressed Himself through the man Jesus 2000 years ago.
Today that “Living Word” is expressed in the world by two means: speaking and by writing--that is the spoken Word and the written Word. Still it is God expressing Himself. When this Word is received in faith, it creates what we call belief within the heart of the recipient. This belief causes a Spiritual change.
The Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”-- Rom. 10:17. The word “hearing” used here means unveiling or inner revelation. It does not mean the physical sound of these words striking the eardrum or someone reading a few pages in the Bible. It has to do with the Spirit, the Spiritual ear deep down in your heart. The Word has become alive to you. It has now fed and given Life to your Spirit. It is not just head knowledge, but something real. You are quickened.
Hebrews 4:2 says, “For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them, but the Word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.” The Word when planted in the fertile ground of a believing heart produces faith and faith is the substance. Some do not believe the Word. It is just like when Jesus walked the earth. Some would not act upon His Word; they did not believe in Him. They would not obey His Word because of their unbelief--the same Word with the same eternal power, but some did not profit. What an opportunity they had. They were not persuaded.
Faith comes by revelation of the Word (GOD). The result is trust and confidence in the knowledge received. You cannot have faith in someone you do not believe. You cannot show trust and confi¬dence in someone if you do not regard their word. That is why God reveals Himself to us personally. The revelation that we receive is directly from His Spirit. He has given us knowledge of Himself via His Word.
We demonstrate our faith in God by our attitude. Our attitude should correspond with the truth God has made known to us. In order to benefit because of the knowledge received, we must bring our whole way of thinking into harmony with His Word. If we do not, the Word received has not been mixed with faith; therefore, we do not profit by it because we do not believe.
Faith comes by revelation, and then believing (acting upon) this revealed knowledge. Faith enjoys, faith is reality now; it is the actual substance of things not seen.
Until one becomes a doer of the Word, he has not really believed what God has shown him. He will not reap the enjoyment of God’s freedom. Until one rests in what God has made known to him, he cannot say in truth that he believes. When someone does not have faith in God’s Word you just might as well say he doesn’t have faith in God, for God can not be separated from His Word for they are one.
Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”--John 8:32. He is the Word of truth. The Word “know” here means to recognize and learn through knowledge--Spiritual knowledge, revelation knowledge.
When the Spirit unveils the truth to you, you then have a responsibility. You must believe (act as though) the knowledge you have received is from God personally and can be trusted--trusted enough to act upon it. Knowledge that is not acted upon is of no value. If you don’t act, you don’t believe. When you don’t believe, you make the truth of God into a lie and rob yourself of the very deliverance and possessions that Christ purchased and gave to you.
Phil. 1:27 says, “Only let your conversation be as it becomes the Gospel of Christ...” I like to translate it this way: “Only have your manner of walk and talk be as it harmonizes with the Word of truth, the Good News of your deliverance from the powers of darkness.”
The Gospel of Christ is the Good News of your deliverance. After you have learned this, you are to think, walk, and talk like you are delivered, even act like you are delivered--not just in the church building, but in every environment and circumstance which you meet in every day life.
With knowledge comes responsibility (response to ability). To whom much is given, much is required. Has much knowledge been given unto you?
Even though Christ has wrought for us an 100% salvation from sin, sickness, diseases, and every negative destructive force, without our obedience we cannot benefit from His substitution sacrifice. We will lie down in the depths of defeat, ruled and tormented by the adversary of our soul until we act upon the Word. Faith that lies dormant and never acts is dead faith. It is belief in unbelief. We must know God’s Word in every phase of Life.
Taking God at His Word will get our mind off of every negative thought. It will force them from our mind. We can fearlessly depend on God’s Word. We can act courageously on the knowledge God has given us. It can be depended on, it cannot fail.
We must let His Word prevail over our thinking and over our mind until it drives out every fear and weakness. That Word is His Living present-tense voice, speaking to us now.
Jesus came and set us at liberty where we were bound. We were bound by fears, weakness, and sickness, but now He has taken those things upon Himself (Isa.53). He has set us free so we can do all things through Christ who is our strength.All of our enemies have been defeated. There is not one standing that can do us harm. Jesus gave us authority over all the ability of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Our enemy is Satan. It is not people or circumstances. He hides in the words that people speak. He magnifies circumstances to the place to where we forget that he is the enemy.
He wants to remain hidden--incognito. He wants us to be confused. If he can keep us thinking that it is the people we meet and the environment that we are in that is against us, he has fulfilled his mission. The enemy always wants to work secretly. There is only one source of negative discouraging thoughts and that is the devil. Don’t listen to the negative voice of your imagination. Don’t look at the circumstances; don’t magnify your problems. Look at the Word. Think according to the Word.
You cannot always change circumstances, but you can live above them. You can be a doer of God’s Word. You cannot spend your life fighting people, but you can rebuke the suggestions of demons. You are their victor in Christ. “For though we walk about in the body, we do not war with human means: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal as natural man’s, but spiritual and much more effective. They are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; (here is the important part) casting down imaginations, (demonical suggestions that come through the five senses) and every proud thing that exalts itself against the knowledge or Word of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”--2 Cor.19:3-5
Notice these two things--“casting down” and “bringing into captivity”--things that you have to do, things God will not do for you.
Now, capture your mind and enjoy your freedom. You can do the word. You are free now! Think like this is so. Act like it is so. Begin doing the things you were afraid to do. Begin doing the things you couldn't do before you knew these truths.
You have been liberated now! Pick out a promise from God. That promise is yours. It is to you personally. God is not only behind that promise, but in it. The moment you act on it, God’s creative power is set loose and put into action to be the very thing you need. It doesn’t make any difference what your need is, God has already answered it and it lies there waiting for you in His Word. You will reap and enjoy the benefit of that promise the moment you dare to act upon it. The moment one puts his faith into action, depending entirely on what God has said, creative power begins its work. Every negative force must flee.
You must take your deliverance by force, not because God would hold it from you, but because He has given it to you and the devil (your carnal mind) will do everything he can to blind your eyes from this truth. Take your authority over Satan. Go now and enjoy your freedom. Take what actually belongs to you. It is yours because God says so in His Word! Praise Him for the truth contained in His Word. Praise Him because He has sent His Word to deliver, heal, and restore you (Psalms 107:20). Praise God for revealing Himself to you, and for giving you His ability to have confidence in His revelation. It is your position before Him and the world. “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in this world.”--1 John 4:4