The devil sure knows how to cover up when he comes against a Christian.
I’ve looked around and have seen different folk that are very sincere in their desire to serve the Lord. I’ve seen them struggle and almost be overcome by their struggles. I’m reminded of the saying, “Thy zeal hath eaten thee up.” Then again the commentary of the Spirit regarding Israel, “They have a zeal of God, but it is not according to knowledge.” Certainly zeal is a good thing, but like other things, it can be very bad.
I am anxious to see men and women become hungry for the things of God because I know that that person is blessed of God for the sure promise of God is that they SHALL be filled.
But Satan sometimes slips in and unless we know the Word and stand on it, we find ourselves at loose ends--ever learning, but never really knowing.
The Prophet tells us that we learn of God “line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little.” There is no sudden revelation of the whole of God’s plan because there is no finite mind that could retain the knowledge of the Infinite. We learn of the things with which we are directly associated. We learn of the things that will cause our life to bring the greatest Glory to God. Our mind is never exalted, it will always be abased.
This abasement is the area where Satan will fight the hardest because a dominant mind is his stronghold. It follows that if Satan fights the hardest in this area, he will also be the most subtle there. He will attempt to remain hidden at all cost. This is his victory--let’s expose him.
The scriptures tell us that we shall be taught by the Holy Spirit. They tell us that man, in all his wisdom, is as a fool before the wisdom of God. We are told that only God’s Spirit knows the things of God and that man, if he is to learn, must lay aside ALL of HIS tools of learning and be taught by the Spirit.
Still there is only one way that we are made conscious of anything, and that is by the faculties of our mind. It looks like a pretty hopeless thing. But God didn’t make us hopeless. He made us in such fashion that we CAN learn of Him.
But there is no way to learn of Him other than the way HE declares. Even though our mind is an enemy of God, it can be captured -- and THAT is the victory! The mind MUST be captured and made to be quiet before God.
Then and only then will the mind be made conscious of the things that God would have it to know.
We have lived our life with our mind in control. We have been taught to concentrate, but we have NOT been taught to accept the truth of the Spirit in opposition to the logic of the mind. Our periods of concentration have been periods when the mind is allowed to sit in the director’s seat and say, “Go this way, or believe this thing.” Now there must be a new approach to living. The hard thing for our mind to comprehend is that we now have a NEW Life. Now we must, if we are to have God’s Life within us, “mind the things of the Spirit.” The Spirit teaches us that the things of the flesh, the natural mind if you please, will bring nothing but death. This is a mighty hard thing for the mind to accept. After all, we can’t get along without our mind, so the mind reasons that it must be a pretty good thing.
That’s the kind of thinking that must be eliminated. It all sums up pretty simple.
Whether we are a Christian, or not, the mind must produce the orders that make us function. That’s the way our body is made; God made it that way. The one who isn’t a Christian has a mind that learns from external circumstances, while the one who is born again knows that it is ONLY by God’s Spirit within us that we are to learn. The physical senses observe, they store up knowledge, but it is God’s Spirit that directs. It is God that takes the things that we have learned and gives meaning to them, not our mind.
Satan uses a little characteristic of our mind; and, if we don’t watch out, drives us to our own destruction. The mind likes to be active; it likes to think of this thing and that thing. As long as it is allowed this activity, it never will learn of God. The mind is exalted in much learning, but it is understanding that makes the heart glad. We must exercise our authority over the mind and direct it to the things of God. Then we must not allow our mind to begin its reasoning process and say, “Thus and such you should do.” Our mind must be made to realize that it is nothing more than a collecting agency of facts for God to use. Then God will teach us. He will not throw many things at us at once; rather He will teach us gently, one thing at a time. He will not hurry us because He knows that the mind is not capable of learning many things at once and learning them well. He knows this because He made the mind. And so He teaches us line upon line, here a little, and there a little.
There is so much to learn of God that we would at times run before our ability. We would desire to be at the top of the ladder all at once. In our eagerness to see God’s plan and to be well versed in the things that God desires us to know, we quite often overlook a little thing here and a little thing there. In miss¬ing these “small” truths, we have missed the KEY to the understanding of the greater picture.
Two things we must know: God will teach us that which HE desires us to know and will be most useful to HIM in our lives. HE will direct our learning.
The mind will become zealous and reach out for much knowledge, and this pleases the heart of Satan because he knows that we have the capability of learning only one thing at a time. Men are said to “panic” when they encounter a series of circumstances that seem to be too great for them, and they allow them to enter the mind all at once. The human mind cannot handle a situation like this and it will either sort the problems out and attack them one by one, or it will panic and do nothing but destroy itself.
Satan has panicked many, many Christians by this method. They have become discouraged and have been overcome with defeat, thinking that the things of God are too deep for them. They shake their heads and complain that they just don’t understand. Satan laughs at them. He knows all along that if he can get a person that will not discipline his mind, that person will not learn much from God.
God knows the mind and its capabilities--He made it. So we never have to worry that we will not learn “fast enough.” The thing that God is concerned about is not the “fast enough,” but the thoroughness with which we learn from Him.
God is patient. He knows something that man sometimes fails to understand. God knows of His Love and Mercy, He is not worried about that, because ALL of His Love and energies are directed toward teaching us about Himself.
There are some things that God does and there are some things that man does. These areas of activity do not overlap. God provided the way of Salvation and man cannot make it one bit more complete. We have been provided “audience” as it were with God by the Mercies of Jesus Christ. We have been made a Christian by Christ LIVING within. We have been given the Holy Spirit so we might be taught the things of God. We have been made a new Creature. All of this is in God’s realm and He has done that which He has done perfectly. We cannot usurp His ability.
All of these things were done for us while we were yet sinners. Now the Way is complete, there is nothing lacking. But we must live in the Way.
We will be transformed AS we renew our mind. We will NOT be transformed until then, no matter how hard we try or how much we want to be changed. This renewing of the mind is our job. It is up to us.
There is no one else in all of God’s creation that can do this job for you. God Himself cannot renew your mind for you.
He made you a creature free to choose your own path and He will not make you any different. If He stepped in and made your mind up for you, He would be interfering with His own work. He made you just the way He wants you, and YOU will do the thing that God made you to do. You will make up your own mind. The way you decide is up to---you.
You will decide that the ways of this world are more important than the ways of God because they are more readily understood by your natural mind, or you will decide that God’s Word is the truth and you will follow that Word regardless of all things that would tell you otherwise. But you will decide.
When this job is settled within you, then you will GIVE HEED to the things of the Spirit and your mind will have new things to accept. Your heart will be full of God’s Word, and anything that would contradict His Word will be considered an enemy to be destroyed.
Then as the tree bears fruit in its season, and as naturally as the sun gives light, your life will be transformed. The change will not necessarily be abrupt, it may not even be something that is readily apparent, but AS the mind is uprooted from the traditions of this world, the transformation will be sure. God says so and His Word is established forever. He ever lives to back it up.
God says, “As a man thinks in his heart (spirit), so is he.”--Prov.23:7. There are two hearts man can think from--the old and the new. The old we are to consider as being dead. We are no longer to reason according to the standards of the old. The new is given to us by God. It is created by His Love and made in HIS perfection. We can follow the one we choose. But IF we follow the new, we cannot live by the standards of the old. If we claim the standards of the NEW and yet live according to the ways of the old, we are a liar and the truth is not in us. 1 John 1:6 says, “If we SAY that we have fellowship with Him, but continue to walk in the darkness, we lie, and DO NOT THE TRUTH (the Word).” We must not listen to the things that taught us in the old life because there we had no peace, we had no joy. Our mind made a mockery of the understanding that in Christ God has given us LIFE.
Our hunger for God shall not diminish, yet we will not allow the zeal of our mind to devour us. We shall bring our mind to the place of rest before God, and with a confident heart we will receive of HIS Understanding. We will not try to direct His thoughts to ours, but will direct our thoughts to His. We know that our hunger shall be satisfied for we know that our Heavenly Father WILL feed us. We know that what we learn will be the thing that He has desired for us, because HE gave it to us. We shall leash our mind and make it gather facts; then we will give them to the Lord. He will give us understanding AS He wishes. HE is shaping us into the very image His heart desires.
He is our Father, He is our LIFE, and He is our very heart. We cannot become disturbed, BECAUSE He is the answer to ALL things. He has made us to know what we need and when we need it. We can rest in Him because we are confident of Him. We are His Children, He is our Father--and we know He loves us. Why should we worry?