Gloria Rogers


I am seeing more the need for believing. Believing opens up a vista that thrills our hearts. If we do not believe the Truth of God, we will not be able to partake of the blessings of God. But if we do believe, we will see the joys of God’s Kingdom. “Said I not unto thee if thou wouldst believe thou shouldst see the glory of God.”

Believing is the key that unlocks the door to heavenly life. No other key is suitable for God has planned it that way.

On one side of the door are all thoughts that speak to us of defeat--thoughts that weigh us down and make us most miserable--thoughts that speak of futility of life--of problems that are insurmountable.

On the other side of the door are thoughts that are lovely. They are true thoughts for they come from God. They speak of life. They are pure thoughts that give us encouragement, confidence, sureness, joy of living.

Which side are we on? If we are on the defeated side, who is it up to to turn the key? 

God has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. If this be so, then what are we waiting for? Why not take God at His Word? Why not turn the key of believing and unlock the door so that we might enter into our inheritance.
God's Faithfulness

How do we begin to believe God’s Word? How can we apply God’s Truth to our hearts? Does it seem like God’s Word is afar off and we cannot lay hold of His provision?

We struggle to appropriate God’s Word; and the harder we strive, the more discouraged we become. We seem to think that it is our responsibility to reach in and grasp hold of the Truth. It is as if the Truth is far from us and that we must strain and exert much effort to bring the Truth to rest in our hearts. At length, we realize that we cannot obtain our desire and become defeated and throw up our hands. 

We say, “I guess it isn’t God’s time.” This is just what the devil would have us believe for he would postpone the day of salvation. But the way of God is sure. He would show us the error of our means of reaching Him. His way is a way of rest to our souls. There is no struggling or striving in his plan. His way is simple and a child would not err therein.

The means that we have overlooked is His Faithfulness. He says, “Though we believe not, yet He abides faithful for He cannot deny Himself.”--2 Tim. 2:13. In other words, even though we do not believe, yet He is faithful (ever performing) and He cannot deny what He stands for.

We must turn from our trying to believe and rest our hearts on God who is faithful. “He watches over his Word to perform it.” He does the performing, not us.

Let us rest then in His Faithfulness.
Lively Stones

“Come and as living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house…” 1 Peter 2:5 (Amplified)

Our Father has called us to be lively stones. Each one of us is shaped by the Lord to be a particular stone made to His choosing, fashioned just as our Father pleases. We are peculiarly different, functioning in the body according to the will of the Father for His set purpose.

Just as snow flakes are all different, so are we; yet as the snow flakes fall to the ground and blend together to make one solid blanket of fresh, beautiful, untouched snow, so we as individuals in Christ blend together to become one in Spirit.

Every vessel is necessary and supplies what is needed just as the parts of a human body are necessary for life to exist. So we complement one another--not compete with one another, enjoying the Christ coming forth in each one. Christ has come to be glorified and admired in those that believe (2 Thes.1:10).

It is the Spirit of God that unifies us. We are made one just as Jesus asked of the Father (John 17:21), even though we are peculiarly different. Our Father has purposed to build us together into lively stones that the world may believe that He has sent Christ.                           

Praise should be in the mouth of every child of God. For praise is pleasing to God.

Has He not said He is the supplier of our every need. This Word from the heart of God is one of our bases for praise.

If we are not able to praise Him in full assurance and thankfulness of heart that He is aware of our need and we need no longer be overly concerned about the matter, then we surely have missed the mark. We have fallen short of the glory of God and of that which He intended us to have as His children. If we do not have confidence in God, then we are not seeing Him as He truly is.

Praise is seeing that the need is already answered for God has already given us His fullness. Praise instantly removes anxiety from our heart. In a split second of time, we are brought to rest because of praise.

Praise is the very highest form of prayer and the one acceptable to God. “But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”--Phil. 4:6 

Praise does not beg, plead, insist, or continually ask because in praise we have already been answered. “Before they call I shall answer.” Isa.65:24

Praise alone pleases God, the reason being that we acknowledge God. We have accepted His Word to be true and have laid aside our questionings, misgivings, and anxious thoughts.

Prayer of praise is seeing that the need is met for God is that very need’s answer. His very self is fulfillment of our desire because of who He is.

Praise is seeing God in his actual nature. His nature is that of a provider.His name is Jehovah Jireh--God our provider.

If we observe Him as He truly is, then we have seen the source of our provision--God Himself. Then we need no longer cry out as one not heard, but have complete and perfect rest in our hearts and there issues forth the fruit--praise.
When We Grow Up in Christ

When we grow up in Christ,
We delight to do the Father’s will.
Responsibility comes easy for we have learned to respond to God’s ability within us.
Our task becomes a joy, and not a duty, for we can do all things through Christ who is our strength.

When we grow up in Christ,
We look for opportunity to be of help. 
Where there is a need, we gladly meet it.
Where there is a gap, we do not criticize but be the one to fill it.

When we grow up in Christ,
We consider the other person.
To bless and curse not is our meet.
We find the Word of God to be true--
It is more blessed to give than to receive.

When we grow up in Christ,
We endure hardship knowing that it works patience and great godly gain. 
It is better to know Christ through pain than to never know Him who is Life.

When we grow up in Christ,
We consider the ant who, not being a sluggard, lays up food for the winter.
We labor to fill the needs of our family.

When we grow up in Christ,
We learn to trust Him with all of our heart. We lean not to our own understanding.
We acknowledge Him in all our ways.
With His wisdom, He directs our paths.

When we grow up in Christ,
We receive His reward, for His reward is with those who diligently seek Him.
At His right hand we find abundance of love, joy, and peace.
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