“The Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the Lord thy God loved thee.”--Deut. 23:5. Please read Gal.3:13.
Why do people have problems? “And as Jesus passed by, He saw a man which was blind from his birth. And His disciples asked Him, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind? Jesus answered, neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be manifested in him.”--John 9:1-3. That is why people have problems!
For the same Lord (Word) over all is rich unto all that call upon Him: “For whosoever (no matter who) shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”--Acts 2:21. That means delivered, healed, made whole again, made safe, preserved, restored, made sound, do well! “How then shall they call upon Him whom they have not believed? How shall they believe or trust in Him whom they have not heard? How shall they hear unless the Word is spoken? How shall they speak unless they be sent (anointed, commissioned)? For glad tidings of good things and of peace have been brought to you; so now obey the Gospel (the good news).”--Rom.10:13-15
So then faith (the ability to trust God), God’s own creative ability, God’s faith is communicated to your person by the Divine revelation of His will through His Word. His Word speaks to your heart; the Word is His will for you now.
Never struggle to believe! You are a believer. The Gospel produces faith. God has faith in you because God is in you and He has faith. Mark 11:22 says, “Have God’s faith--take the faith of God.” It is not your faith; it is His. He has given it to you. “The Word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart--that is the Word of faith which we speak.” Don’t speak words of doubt; speak words of faith. Words of doubt will destroy you. Words of faith will save you, heal you, comfort you, deliver you, and cheer you. Because, if you will confess (acknowledge) with your mouth Jesus as Lord over all your problems and simply believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead (that He is now alive), you shall be saved. For with the heart (Spirit) man believeth into God’s very own righteousness and with your mouth confession is made unto your salvation (deliverance, healing, safety, soundness, wholeness, completeness. See Romans10:9-10.
The word “salvation” in the Greek text carries enough meaning to fulfill every need plus more. It is the all inclusive word. It covers you from the soles of your feet to the crown on your head. So release God’s faith, release God’s Word, confess Jesus as Lord over all. Don’t con¬fess despair and doubt, for Jesus says in Mark 11:23 that we have or possess whatsoever (no matter what) we say. We have life or death, sickness or, health, weakness or strength, fear or faith by what we confess or acknowledge with our mouth. We are snared by the words of our mouth. We are taken captive by them and we are also delivered by them (Prov.6:2). “The power of life and death are in the tongue and they that love it (either one) shall eat the fruit thereof.”--Prov.18:21. Jesus said “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”--Luke 6: 45. “Out of the mouth cometh blessings and cursings,” says James. Jesus says that it is not what goes in the mouth that defiles us, it is what comes out!
Then in the name of Jesus Christ stop destroying yourself with words! Command your tongue and your lips to speak only God’s Word! Don’t destroy yourself with words! Don’t lend your tongue to the destroyer, lend your tongue to God for keeps and never take it back again. Read the book of Proverbs and ask God to show you what part the tongue plays in your victory in Christ over Satan, sickness, weakness, circumstances, devils, and demons.
Release the Word of faith that is nigh thee even in thy mouth. The words that come out of your mouth will save you; they will deliver you from the snare of the fowler (Prov.6:5 and Psalms 91:3). Regarding healing of your weakness, your sickness, your infirmi¬ties, it is no more difficult for God than saving your soul. In fact, it is just as easy. Jesus said in Mark 2:9-11, “Which is easier to say (with words) to the sick of the palsy, thy sins be forgiven thee or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed and walk? But that you may know that the Son of man has power (authority) on earth to forgive sins, He saith to the sick of the palsy, thy sins are forgiven thee. Arise, and take up thy bed and go thy way into thine house. And immediately he arose and took up his bed.”
You see, providing your healing is just as easy for the Word as you receiving forgiveness of your sins. It is all the same to Jesus, so it should be no different to us. Why make it hard? Just as surely as God is willing to forgive our sins, so He is willing that we arise and walk, that we take our healing. Do you see it? Both are simply examples of God’s mercy and forgiveness. We can act upon that Word. It is His will for us. That is why it is recorded in the New Testament. That is the will of God. His Word is His will. When you hear the Word, you have heard the will. So act upon His Word, and you will be acting upon His will for you now. Confess what the Word says--what God says.
To be saved is to be forgiven. To be healed is to be forgiven. To be saved is to be healed. To be healed is to be saved. Which is easier or more difficult for the Lord? All of this is simply the administration of the Father’s mercy, His grace, His compassion, His loving kindness. Jesus was acting upon the Father’s will--the Father’s Word. He is a direct revelation of the Father’s nature. He didn’t come to do His own will, but the Father’s. Therefore, we may be completely confident that everything that Jesus did and said was the Father’s will and desire towards mankind. Ten lepers cried, “Thou Son of David have mercy upon us.” He did. He healed them all--every one of them. They, being lepers, had no business even being near Jesus because they were to pass way by on the other side of the road and cry, “Unclean! Unclean!” But Jesus did have mercy on them and healed them all. He did this knowing that only one would give thanks and the others would soon go their own way. Well, if He would be willing to heal those who would become thankless, how much more those that are already His? Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. ¬He is still now moved with compassion. He has not changed. He is still saying, “Be thou made whole.”
You need not struggle for faith. All you need is to know His will. Knowing His will, will produce faith, regardless of the need. “For faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word from God.” Faith comes to you through the Word. “My God shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, the Word.”--Phil.4:19
Paul says to the Ephesians: “In whom you also trusted (believed, received faith) when you heard the Word of truth, the good news of your salvation.”--Eph.1:13. There is that all inclusive word again--salvation. It covers every need.
God Himself has provided the ability to believe His Gospel. The Gospel will dispel the powers of darkness. For God Himself has commanded the light to shine out of the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it. God always has the last word.
When the Father reveals His will to you through His Word, the sure knowledge of His will produces the faith of God. Proverbs says, “That I might make thee know (real eyes) the certainty of the words of truth”--Prov.22:21. That is God’s desire for you. He wants you to be certain. There is no doubt in His mind, and He has given us the mind of Christ.
When our spirit hears the Word of God, it rises up and takes-- it claims its rightful possession by an act of will. That is why when Jesus said things like, “I say unto thee: Arise, take up thy bed and walk.” They did so. Jesus was not speaking to their body, but their spirit. When their spirit heard the Word (God), their spirit got up within them and their bodies had to obey, because it is out of the Spirit that the issues of Life proceed, not out of the flesh--Prov.4:23. Jesus Himself said, “The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” Jesus lived a Spiritual life. “It is the Spirit that quickeneth (gives Life); the flesh profits nothing.”--John 6:63
We must hear the Word of God with our Spirit. Only Spirit can respond to Spirit. It is with the heart (Spirit) man believes, not with his flesh or with the senses in the flesh. Man is a Spirit being, so God always addresses Himself to the Spirit. One modern translation of Hebrews 11:1 when speaking of faith, says, “Faith perceives as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.” Say that at least ten times to yourself so you can get the idea. It will grow on you. Faith is a Spiritual reality.
You hear God’s will and know God’s will with your Spirit. The trouble with most people is they are not listening with their Spirit, but with their mind. Whatever (no matter what) you can hear from God, you can have! That is why Jesus so many times said, “He that has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Most people have little if any understanding when it comes to Spiritual things. They see, but do not see. They hear, but they really do not understand. We absolutely must learn to hear God, the Word, with understanding ears or there will be nothing to stand under us--no foundation for our faith.
Remember, too, real believing is taking. Real prayer is taking what you need by the faculty of faith. It is in believing you have received. Receiving and taking are exactly the same thing. Jesus did not say that praying was all there was to it. He said, “You must do the believing and receiving.” “Whatsoever things you need when you pray, believe you have received and you shall have them.”--Mark 11:24. Another thing, we must not separate (rate separately) salvation from healing, or healing from salvation. According to the Word of God they are the same thing. When you are saved you are made whole--when you are made whole you are saved. Not knowing about it doesn’t change the facts, but knowing the facts will certainly change us.
It is just as much God’s will that you be healed and that you, by an act of will, take your healing, as it is His will for you by an act of will to be saved. No one can receive salvation for you. It is your salvation. Also, no one can receive your healing for you. It’s your healing, so receive it!
Remember, too, you didn’t have to ask God for faith to get saved, and you didn’t have to say, “I hope so.” You simply took what God said was yours. No one receives their healing or anything from God by hope. It is by faith and not by sight. Some think that if they only hope long and strong enough that it might just happen, but no one has received anything from God by hoping. The Bible doesn’t say. “Without hope, one cannot please God, but without faith it is impossible to please God.” Hope is human; faith is divine. Hope is future; faith is now!
Jesus was your substitute! He took your place upon the cross. God willingly placed upon his Son your sin, your sickness, your weakness, your infirmities, your sorrows, your fears, your failures, your old self. See Isaiah 53. You have a legal redemption, child of God, a right to everything positive because Jesus became everything negative just for you. He was destroyed that we might live. God made Him to be sin, sick, and weak who knew no sin, sickness or weakness, that you and I might be made the very righteousness of God in Christ (2 Cor.5:21). Righteousness is what legally entitles us to all the benefits of Christ’s substitution sacrifice on our behalf. Read Isaiah 53:4-5. It says, “Surely (without doubt) he hath (past tense) borne our griefs, sicknesses, sin and our sorrows, including our old man. He was wounded for our transgressions: He was beaten for our iniquities: He was brutally punished that we might have peace: and by His stripes we are healed (not some day).” Matthew 8:17 also says, “He, Himself took (an act of will, just like you take your healing) our weaknesses and bore our carried our sicknesses.”
Put your name in there; it is yours. 1 Peter 2:24 says, “Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree, by whose stripes you were healed.” God says we were healed 2,000 years ago when Jesus suffered in our behalf.
Why should we bear that which Jesus already willingly bore for us? Why should God make Jesus our substitute unless the debt has already been paid and we can avail ourselves of what is available?
“If the Father has spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, will He not freely with Him give us all things?”--Rom. 8:32. Well, we have Christ, don’t we? Surely if God gave us enough faith to believe in Jesus for what we call salvation, then He surely has given us enough faith to believe anything He tells us in His Word or why bother to tell us. Why has Jesus suffered the torments of the damned, if we cannot avail ourselves of our rights and privileges as children of God? We should lay claim to our gold mine and let nothing keep us from what belongs to us. The demand is upon Him, not upon us.
We had no problem in believing that it was God’s absolute will that our soul be saved. We simply, by an act of faith, put our soul in His trust. You based your trust upon the Word of God which says, “Whosoever (no matter who) puts (an act of will) his trust in the Lord shall not be confounded.” You, therefore, by faith, knew that you would not be disappointed. When we dare to act upon the Word, this is the immediate support that is ours. No wonder Peter who had walked upon the water said, “He that believeth (commits his trust to the Word) shall not be confounded.”--1 Peter 2:6
No one is able to reap the benefit of God’s will for them until they know what God’s will is. If you want to know God’s will, and then listen to the words Jesus spoke and observe the deeds He did. He healed all--all who came to Him. He was always moved with the compassion of the Father. Every human soul must have something solid to believe in. That is why the Father gave us Christ, the Everlasting Gospel. One cannot have faith in nothing so God gave us His Word. He gave us the best of news, based upon solid fact.
Jesus clearly set forth the will of God in all that He said and did. He was the Father’s will in motion. Each and every healing was done to confirm explicitly that the Father was moved with compassion for His creation man. Jesus did the will of God perfectly; that is why we can know God’s will when we know Jesus. He that has seen Him has seen the Father. Think about it: If sickness and weakness is destroying your body, then the Christ has no body to express Himself through. If the Jews refused to profane their temple by not allowing a leper or a Greek to enter therein, then why should we not believe that the Father is even more concerned with the temple for which His Son died, suffered, and bled. Surely the Father knows that we presently dwell with Him in this sacred temple of His making and it has a definite, victorious purpose--solely to glorify God.
Before we can benefit from anything that God has included in His will for us, we must clearly know and understand that He has willed it so. Just as your children must know your will, you must know what God wants or is willing for you to possess of His inheritance--not someday, but now. “Now is the day of salvation!” We must see what belongs to us in the Word--what is ours now in Christ. Our inheritance is revealed in the Word so we must spend time reading our Will. If we pray, “If it be thy will,” we are openly confessing that we do not know His will. We shall never receive that way, because we will be double-minded and James says, “Let not that man think he shall receive anything from the Lord.” When we know that the Word is true, faith ceases to be a problem. Faith is revealed through the Word. God’s faith is born in the heart through the Word.
We would no more ask God for faith to receive our healing than we would pray for faith to be saved. We are not saved through much praying, but by believing or acting upon our prayers, by knowing they are the will of God.
1 John 5:14-15 says, “And this is the confidence (faith) that we possess in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He regards us: And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have (possess--not will have in the future) the petitions that we desired of Him. Well, with a Word like that and knowing that Jesus healed all who came to Him, how can we doubt?
We receive all that God’s will provides for us in His Word by acting upon that will like we would act upon a check drawn upon our bank. We cash in, not cave in. We now know God’s will for us and we know God’s Word cannot lie. The Word is boss. The Word is King. We release our faith because we know the Word is truth.
In a certain sense of the Word, seeing is believing. When we see symptoms in the Word declaring that we are already healed, or that God has provided for us, or that we are safe in Him faith becomes the substance of that which we were hoping for. We trade our hope in and receive faith-- Spiritual substance. What we see physically does not bother us.
God sent His Son as your substitute and made Him sick. That was the Divine initiative. Now you take your healing, your salvation, your deliverance. That is the human initiative! We simply respond to His provisions. What is ours we take! When we see in the Word that it is just as much God’s will for us to be healed now as it is to be saved, we take it--it is ours. We don’t wait for heaven-- heaven has come down to earth. The Kingdom of God is at hand because the Kingdom of God is now within.
We must never struggle to believe. We rest in the Word. We meditate in the Word. We trust in the Word; suddenly it comes! The Word speaks to the heart. We arise! Faith has come by the hearing of the Word!
The Divine announcement to our spirit says, Faith is here, faith has arrived! We rise up and lay hold of Eternal Life-- knowing that he who puts his trust (reliance) in the Word cannot, will not, shall not be confounded. Failure is impossible because the Word, God’s Word, cannot fail! Heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of God abides forever. God’s very own integrity is at stake. He has magnified His Word above His Name. His Word is forever settled in heaven. Now it is finally settled in our hearts.
No one can move confidently unless they are sure of God’s will. That is why the Father has sent us His Word, to unveil His willingness. It is the Word that convinces us of the truth. Actually the Word bears witness to Himself. The Word persuades us, even as Abraham was thoroughly persuaded that what God had told him was true. This is what made him strong in faith, not his own ability. No wonder Psalms 107:20 says, “He sent His Word and healed you and delivered you from all your destructions.” He sent His Word to persuade you to convince you, to give birth to the faith of God within your Spirit. He has sent the Word, just as Jesus sent the Word ahead of the centurion who said, “Speak the Word only and I shall receive the answer to my need; for I too am a man of authority and with a command (word) men do obey me.”
Jesus didn’t need to go lay hands on the centurion’s sick servant, and He received his answers to prayer by the decree of the Word (Matthew 8:8-10). That man was a Gentile, a military man hated by the Jews, a stranger from the commonwealth of Israel without God and without hope in this world and yet the Father’s heart was moved with compassion through Jesus and healed this Roman soldier’s servant. How much more will the heavenly Father give to His own children the things that they need?
David a man of war commanding his soul said, “Bless the Lord, oh soul: and forget not all of His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving kindnesses and tender mercies; who satisfies your mouth with good things (the Word) so that your youth is renewed like the eagle.”--Psalms 103: 2-5
What was the Word to David? Listen, “My soul cleaveth unto the dust; quicken me according to thy Word. Thy Word have I hid in mine heart. I will delight myself in thy Word: I will not forget thy Word. Open mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy Word. Princes did also sit and speak against me, but I did meditate in thy Word. Thy Word is my delight and my counselor. Strengthen thou me according to thy Word. I have stuck to thy Word: Oh Lord, put me not to shame. Let thy mercies come also unto me, Oh Lord, even thy salvation according to thy Word: So shall I have wherewith to answer him (the devil) that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy Word. This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy Word hath quickened me. Thou hast dealt with thy servant, oh Lord according to Thy Word. It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes. The Word of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver. Forever, Oh Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven, thy faithfulness is unto all generations. Unless the Word had been my delight I would have perished in mine affliction. Oh, how I love thy Word, it is my meditation all the day. Thou through thy Word hath made me wiser than my enemies; I have more understanding than all my teachers; for thy testimonies, thy Word is my meditation. How sweet are thy Words unto my taste: yea sweeter than honey to my mouth.” So on and on David delights and esteems the Word above all else. David was a man after God's own heart, after God’s own Word. He says, “I am afflicted very much: quicken me, Oh Lord, according to Thy Word.”--Psalms 119
The word “quicken” means to make alive, to raise up. “Uphold me according to thy Word, that I may live; hold thou me up, and I shall be safe.”--Psalms 119
If the “Word” did and was all of that for David, that same Word can also quicken and raise us up from our bed of affliction. David said, “Stand in awe and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still”--Psalm 4:4. Now here comes the clincher, so listen carefully to Psalms 41:1-3. “Blessed is he that considers the poor.” The Lord will preserve him and deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth (not just in heaven): and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.” No wonder Jesus said, “Take up thy bed and walk.”
Did you know that God raised Jesus from the dead with His Word? If God can raise a dead man who has no faith with His Word, then He surely can and will raise us up with His Word! All we need do is hear that Word in our Spirit. God always uses the Word to do His will. Even Mary conceived because of the Word of God when the angel spoke to her. She knew what the Word was and could do, for she said, “Be it unto me according to thy Word.” The Scriptures say, “Blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord (by His Word).” Listen to the faith born by the Word in Mary’s heart. “For He that is mighty hath done to me great things and holy is His name. My soul doth magnify the Lord and my Spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden.” Mary didn’t say He will regard but He hath regarded. She said further, “He hath showed strength with His arm (no evidence so far, but the W ord). He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree.” (Are you of low degree? Well, be exalted.) He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich He hath sent away empty.”-- Luke1:46-55
Notice, He hath! Not He will, but He hath. Mary exercised that faith that perceives as real fact that which had not yet been revealed to the senses. It is the faith of the Word--the faith of God. The angel didn’t say, “If you can believe the Word of God.” The Word of faith produced her belief!
When Jesus attended the wedding in Cana of Galilee, it was Mary who said when they had no wine, “Whatsoever He saith to you, do it.”
There, that’s God’s will for you! Don’t ask God to heal you. He has already done something about your healing. He sent Jesus as¬ your substitute. Jesus stood in for you. He took your place in behalf of your sickness, and your weakness, and your infirmities, and your self judgment and condemnation.
Do you remember Proverbs 3:5-6? It says what we should do--listen. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not upon thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” You see, your trust is an in¬tangible reality, but nevertheless a reality. Our trust is something God has given each and every man. David said, “Some trust in horses, and some trust in chariots: but we will re¬member the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen and stand upright.”--Psalm 20:7-8. You see, we can put our trust wherever we may choose. It is a sacred privilege. It is just like your money. You may place it in the bank where it is safe, or you may dig a hole in the back yard and worry about someone discovering it. The Bible says, “Blessed is he who puts his trust in the Lord.” We can trust Him.
Picture yourself now, by an act of will, literally carrying your trust in your hands, outstretched before you--give it to your heavenly Father. It is a very valuable thing. Picture yourself now handing your trust to Him for safe keeping, remembering the Word that says, “He who puts his trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame.” Picture His gentle hands receiving your trust, knowing that it will be safe and secure with Him. There, it is out of your hands now. You may sigh a sigh of relief. You no longer must worry about your trust; the Lord is now in possession. Neither moth nor rust can corrupt nor can thieves break in and steal. You are now at perfect rest. All insecurity is finally gone. The Lord has your trust. As long as you were in possession of your trust you were very distrustful, but now you know it is completely safe. Now in exchange for your trust, He gives you His Word.
That is exactly how you receive your healing or anything from the Lord. What shall a man give or receive in exchange for his soul? The Father never short changes us.
Think--why should we trust God only for our soul? If God can take care of our soul without disappointment, He surely can take care of the body that the soul lives in. If God can be trusted with our soul for our eternal destiny, then it should not be difficult to trust Him for the body which is only temporal. God has already done the hard part when He saved our soul. The rest is easy.
Now, all you need, if anything at all, is to allow the Word of God to persuade you that He is just as interested in the welfare of your body as He is in the welfare of your soul. After all, Jesus died for you physically, as well as spiritually. If Jesus were not interested in your physical and mental needs too, He never would have been directed by the Father to heal all who came to Him. He healed all who were oppressed of the devil and came to Him, so come!
Remember, Jesus died for both your body and your soul. He loves both. It is just as much His will that you be well as that you be saved. Listen, this is God talking to you. “Beloved I am willing above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.--3 John 1:2 Well, if Christ is dwelling in your soul, it surely is prospering; and if He doesn't dwell there, then my advice to you is to invite Him in so you can get totally well. He will quicken your mortal-- ¬body by His Spirit that dwells within. Romans 8:11 says, “But if the Spirit of Him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead will also quicken (make alive, raise up) your mortal body by His Spirit that dwells in you..” As that Spirit raised Jesus up, so that Spirit will raise you up.
Think about it for a moment. If God the Father loved us so much that He had Christ die for the soul which is in the body, why would He not also make provision for the body that houses the soul for which He died? That is reasonable, isn’t it? Think about these facts. Christ is living His Life (eternal Life) in our soul, but the soul cannot express itself freely when the body the soul is in is a prisoner to sickness, weakness, and disease.
Why have a healthy and strong soul, but a sickly and weak body. The only reason I am going through so many examples of saying this truth is because you will not receive your healing and your strength from God until you are fully persuaded (like Abraham of old) that it is indeed God’s will for you to go ahead and receive. You must know the answer is yes! Only God’s Word can persuade you.
You see, the first step to receiving anything by faith for which the Lord has made provision is to be made aware that it is available through His Word, that He wants you to have it, that He wants you to possess it, and He wants you to enjoy it, not someday but now. Someday won’t do you any good; you’ll be dead by then. David said, “I would have fainted if I had not believed (exercised faith) to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”--Psalms 27:13. Proverbs 13:12-13 says, “Hope deferred (postponed) makes the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. Whoso despises the Word shall be destroyed or he shall die.” “Heaviness in the heart maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.”--Prov.12:25. The gospel is a good Word. Praise God!
About this receiving from God, Jesus said, “Whatsoever things you need when, you are talking to the Father, that is the time to believe you are receiving. Notice who is doing the receiving. It is up to you by an act of your will to receive. It is up to the Father by an act of His will to give. There’s no doubt about the Father’s willingness to give. So the real question is, “Are you willing to receive?” You and I are the ones who receive, that is not something God does for us. He provides; we by faith receive when we are praying. Believing is receiving--it is taking.
God wants you to know His will. If He didn’t, He would have never put it in writing. “For the Word came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”--Peter 1:21. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable...”--2 Tim. 3:16
Paul said, “I am persuaded.” How did he get persuaded? He also said, when in a ship wreck, “I believe God.” How did he get persuaded and how did he believe God? The same way you are being persuaded! Not by argument, but by the hearing of the Word of God--the Word of faith. God’s Word is actually persuading you and convincing you of the truth right now! Meditate in that Word until your Spirit emerges from God’s gymnasium with God’s faith muscles. Until you know that you know, that you know!
Have a healthy soul and a healthy body. Have both by the Word of God that lives and abides forever.
When you are convinced of God’s will for you, you will rise up and take it by faith. You will expect a miracle and you will have it. There are not enough demons in hell to prevent you, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. The Word is in you. You have been granted permission from headquarters to have what you need and you know that he that believes has. You know that whosoever is born of God has already overcome the world and the victory that overcame the world is your faith, the faith of God (John 5:4). The Word has absolutely convinced you!
You know that you did not need to beg, plead, and fast to receive your salvation, so you refuse to do so to receive your healing. You would not dishonor your Father that way. You know that to do so is to infer that the Father is not willing, and you have already read the Word where it says that “He is not willing that any should perish,” and you consider yourself one of the “any.”
Begin to thank God for your healing like you did for your salva¬tion when you were first saved. It is yours! He has given it to you!
Relax. Let the Word open your understanding. When you are ready to receive, just take it! Remember you cannot see your healing any more than you can see your salvation. We walk by faith and not by sight. It is invisible with liberty and justice for all.
Faith is perceiving as real fact what has not yet been revealed to the senses of the body. It is the miracle of seeing in the Word your God given-inheritance and staking and laying your claim. You have found your gold mine!
You did not ask God for faith to believe He would save you. You took faith the very moment you dared to believe His Word. Faith came to you via the Word and you believed and received all in one motion--all at the same time. Whatsoever things you desired, at the same time you were praying, you be¬lieved God was hearing you, and you, by an act of will, received right then. You made a commitment to the Word and He did likewise to you.
It is not difficult to have faith and receive from a loving Father who we know is moved with compassion, whose paths—everyone--are in mercy and truth. He’s still saying, “What will ye that I should do unto you?” His mercies are new every morning-- His compassions fail not and great is His faithfulness (Lam. 3:22-2).
So in conclusion, and as a help to your faith, remember these following things:
1. First look for your answer in the Word. Jesus was your substitute--you have a legal right to receive your healing. Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:17; I Peter 2:24; Galatians 3:13, 3 John 1:2
2. God wants you healed. It isn’t God’s unwillingness holding you back from receiving-- you are the one who receives. God does the supplying. He is perfectly willing. Are you willing to exercise faith and receive?
3. If you think it necessary to release your faith by the laying on of someone’s hands, then when you are ready to do your receiving, ask someone to pray with you. If you believe the Word is sufficient, then take from the Word just as the centurion took from the Word Jesus spoke.
4. Don’t struggle! Listen in your Spirit for the hearing of the Word. Remember, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!
5. When you hear the Word speak to your heart, remember that is God speaking. He never condemns. He comes to you with healing in His wings and breathes life into your soul. He only brings good news because He authored it. He never speaks defeat!
6. Remember, real believing is taking. When you pray that is the time to believe you are receiving. Begin to confess with your mouth that you are receiving your healing. Mark 11:23 says, “You can have whatsoever (no matter what) you say.”
7. Finally brethren: Expect a miracle! Begin to praise God for your healing. Do it before you look healed--feel healed, seem healed, before there is any sense-evidence. Your faith is in the Word. The Word is conclusive. You trust the Word like you would the word of your banker. Now arise. “Take up thy bed and walk.” Praise the Lord! Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.--Hebrews 13:8