What a presumptuous title! But I write the truth. To attain the victory and live in it, I will subscribe to the following: I will not confess my problems. I will not even talk about them. I will not admit they exist. Problems exist only in the flesh.
Christ is not a problem and if He is my life, then there are no problems in my life.
Then again I will remember this: If I am aware of anything that presents itself as a personal problem within me, then I am being made aware of the old nature that I used to have.
I have considered myself to be alive in Christ. In order to do this, I have considered the old nature to be dead.
Whether I understand it or not, God says, “Ye are dead…” I have now yielded the members of this body as instruments of righteousness unto God. The body will still function, but not as an instrument of unrighteousness like Satan has previously used it. I am dead to sin! My poor stupid mind is so confused. All of its normal existence it has received orders from the senses and the emotions of which our makeup consists. Now it is receiving Spiritual knowledge; this knowledge is at odds with what was before--so now in a certain situation it receives a “yes,” and a “no.” This is confusing.
I have a guide to what I shall let control my mind. If my thoughts are as before and I think I have the same problem, then I know clearly that this is not the New Life that I have in Christ. My mind is receiving its input from the senses and says, “All things are as before, there has been no change.” That’s a lie! Your mind does not know that it is a lie because all of its existence it has received this input as the truth.
But now things are changed, the old man is dead, Christ lives within. Satan would love to have me thinking that the old man is very much alive, because that would make God a liar. If my mind receives this thought, and harbors it, then to all practical purposes I am still being ruled by the old man. My mind does not consider him dead, so he still rules me. He rules me because of the past training he has given me.
But IN CHRIST I have been released from his hold. I am a new creature in Christ. I now have the privilege of learning from a new source. My mind will learn from God because the desire of my heart brings it to the place of Spiritual learning.
My mind is weighing the new things with the old. My mind is not like my heart. My heart follows after God, but my mind follows after the things of Satan. These are his old familiar ways. So now I must place my thoughts on the Lord.
I will not allow my mind to make the decisions and to rule and drive me as before. But my heart will tell my mind what to think about. I will say, “Mind, the only truth is God’s Word. All else is a lie.” The mind will be in rebellion. It has been taught the ways of the world without any opposition. It has lived in the realm of the world and has used the same standard. Now to force it into new channels, to accept and act upon things that are contrary to all previous experience, to deny the training of years--this is not an easy thing to do. The thing that we must realize before God is that our heart has been made new, not our mind. This heart, call it your soul, or the inner man, call it what you will--the fact remains that before we came to Christ, this soul was under complete domination by our mind. It was completely dead insofar as ruling our life was concerned. It could only receive life from God, and our mind will not accept a God that will not conform to the senses of our body. Therefore, as far as we are concerned, the soul was dead within us. It is dead within us because the mind will not allow God to rule.
There came a time when we, of our own volition, invited Christ into our life. The mind was forced into a back seat, as it were; and God, true to His Word, restored our soul. He gave life to that which was dead within us.
Now the mind has been made an unwilling recipient of Spiritual knowledge. The mind is belittling this Spiritual knowledge, and refuses to process it and allow it to control our actions. There is anguish within our soul when this happens because our soul has been made alive with the presence of God. God desires His life to be revealed in us to those who are in the world. This is the desire of our soul because God and our soul have become one.
All of this tells us what is happening to make the problem. What we must know is how to come into the victory that God has made possible.
First, we must know that we do have God’s Life within us. This is Spiritual knowledge; there is no material proof. Then we must know that the natural mind will not of its own volition discount the things of its natural realm. It will not accept thoughts or reasonings that are contrary to what it has already been taught. We must count all the “old things” as being no more, but we must remember that the mind is always active, and its natural trend is to be active in its natural realm.
Our soul, the Life of God within us, must now become the trainer of our mind. Our first act is to “cast down” all our reasonings and imaginations that are contrary to God’s desire that is in our heart. When we attempt to do this by Spiritually grappling with the old thought, and trying to expel it, we find that it is constantly there to be reckoned with.
Our mind is controlled by the Lord, not by the expulsion of the old thoughts, but by acceptance of the new. Our mind can be occupied by only one thing at a time. If we (our souls) see to it that the things of God are continually filling our mind, then there will be no room for the old.
Remember above all things, “Ye (the old man) ARE dead…” This means that the mind is not drawing strength from the satanic life, but it is just going on past knowledge. Its habit is its strength. You (your soul) will teach your mind the things of God, and the guardian of your mind, (your will) will see to it that your mind no longer stays in conformity with the old thoughts.
But the mind cannot be vacant and still function--fill it with God. If there is an old thought, it is not pleasing to God and must be nullified. The old thought will never be nullified if it stands alone. Place God’s Word along side the old thought. Now there is a comparison. Now there will be a struggle. The mind will want to do things the old way, but God’s Word opposes it. Your will now decide the outcome. As you elevate God’s Word above the old thought, it predominates in your mind and your mind will then be ruled by God’s Word in this particular thing. You elevate God’s Word by concentrating all your energies on it. This naturally excludes any thought of the old way. There will be uneasiness in your mind because the deep-seated habit was not allowed to function as it was in the habit of doing.
But remember: There is no further source of life to the old thought--the only strength it has is by reason of use. Don’t allow it any activity in your life.
It remains active as we dwell on that thought. If we dwell on the thought, soon we will be talking about it. This is the first step of habit for the mind. Thinking and talking about it fixes the habit a bit more securely. So the way to victory is don’t think about the problem, think about God; don’t talk about the problem, talk about God. This is the way to doing God’s will. We will do the things He shows us to do.
We must never fuss about the “old man.” He is dead, he deserves no sympathy. The habits of the old way of thinking will assert themselves at every opportunity; and because we always in the past have obeyed them, we will feel uneasy, and that all is not right if we don’t obey them. The minute we look to this “old thing,” we are considering it. We are reckoning it to be something. We are told to “mortify” the deeds of the flesh--I suggest that we mortify the thoughts of the carnal mind--ignore them.
When we pay attention to them, Satan steps up and takes hold of the situation and in his sneaky way brings thoughts to your mind. He lets us think of all the victory and freedom we have in Christ, and then he says, “What’s the matter, you don’t have this?” We listen to that thought and condemnation overwhelms us. That is the very thing from which I have been set free. So when Satan says, you don’t have it, put the Word of God next to it that says you do have it.
Believe God and there will be no condemnation.
Fill your mind with the things of God, fill every little nook and cranny with thoughts of God. When you find a thought contrary to His Word, put the truth of God alongside of it and then follow God’s thought by dwelling on it, live in it, think about it, and talk about it. Ignore the old thoughts, following the new.
Praise God continually, not for what you can be, but for what He says you ARE. And you are what HE IS. Anything contrary to that is A BIG FAT LIE.
People will say to you, “I wish I were like you, you don’t have any troubles.” The old mind will want to say, “Oh no! I’d like to tell you of my troubles.” But your soul knows God, and with your will you use your mind to look to God’s Word; and you say, “I have no fear, because God has not given me the Spirit of fear.” Fear comes from Satan, and we know he has no authority over us, and inasmuch as we don’t like his ways, we will ignore him. Then you say, “I have a sound mind because God has given me a sound mind. I am not weak because God has given me His power.” The mind says, “You can’t do this,” and the Word of God that makes that a lie is, “I can do all things through Christ, because He strengthens me.” Upon these things I base my life. I live in victory because I LIVE IN GOD.