Sure, it’s a good thing to gather together--we must never forget that. The Bible says not to forsake or neglect the assembling of ourselves together. Why?
For one thing, we encourage each other by doing this. How?--by the individual contribution of each one. Need a scripture? How about this one: “From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working by every part adding something to the body as it edifies itself in love.”--Eph. 4:16
Everyone should have something to contribute above and beyond his own bodily presence. No person should dominate, however, and no one should look to a person to dominate. The Bible says we should “look” to Christ.
Jesus says, “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst...” We believe this and yet continue to look to a person to set the pace for the group.
No person is going to dominate God, and no true believer is going to look for a man to dominate. A greater than Solomon is in our midst. Each and everyone of us should look to God for direction.
Another thing--when we assemble, each one should expect to receive from God, and each one must be provided with the opportunity to give that which he does receive when he receives it--not just when the leader of the group says that it’s O.K.
We might receive a revelation, a tongue, an interpretation. It might be a thought or a joy in our heart we wish to express. 1 Cor.14:26 says, “How is it brethren when you come together? Everyone of you has either a Psalm, a doctrine (teaching), a revelation, an interpretation. Hold back nothing that edifies.” Notice it says, “everyone”--not just one or two persons.
Hebrews 5:12-14 speaks of becoming strong by exercise, not just by listen¬ing to good sermons. James 1:22 says we ought to be doers of the word, not hearers only. 1 Peter 4:10 says that as every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the many-folded grace of God. (A steward is someone in charge of another’s wealth.) Peter also says, “If any man speak, let him do so as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability that God giveth that God in all things may be glorified…”--1 Pet 4:11
Every believer has an equal right given by the Father to speak His Word, and no one has the authority to hinder it. After all, it’s God’s Word. Each one is an integral part of the Lord’s body, and we must recognize each other’s gifts or according to scripture many will be sick and weak among us. No one man can possibly present all the aspects of the gospel--that’s why God has a many-membered body.
This something we receive of the Lord, whether it be a revelation or a doctrine, is not for us alone. We are to encourage others with it. Col. 3:16 says to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another. You see, that way God is glorified, not man.
Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would guide us into all truth. John said that the anointing we have received abides in us and we have no need that a man teach us. He said this same anointing will teach us all things.
No one believer is more important than another. It’s the anointing of the Spirit that counts. “The flesh profits nothing; it is the Spirit that gives life.”
So when we come together, we should each one look to the Lord--not to a person. “God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in the Spirit and in the truth.” If not, we cannot truly say that we have worshiped Him.
We will find a new awareness of God in our lives as we look to Him and then be able to give to others that which He has given to us. That’s God’s plan.
Above all, we dare not go to the assembly and just get lost in the crowd. We have a responsibility to our Father that goes way beyond mere church attendance. But remember, don’t go only to get--go to give. You have received from God of His freely-given love, so you give likewise. This is how you will find strength and encouragement. If anything stands in the way of our giving, it will most surely stand in the way of our receiving, and our Lord says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Speak the Word of God and watch your problems dissolve.
I feel that many churches of the land are set up in such fashion that very few can give to the whole. Unless you are a pastor, a teacher, an evangelist, a singer, or some such thing, your place seems to be just to sit. That’s really too bad, and we must rise above this. We must give as God has given to us. He told us to.
The Father’s plan is that as we assemble together looking only to Him. He will lead or quicken our thoughts. We are to give out of the Spiritual reser¬voir or abundance of the Word of Christ within us. Why else should we let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly?
Doesn’t the Bible say that in the assembly He distributes to each person as He wills. Doesn’t it say that the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each man so that all may profit? Is there only one gift or two? Are there not many manifestations of the Spirit? Is one manifestation of the same God more important than another? Shouldn’t we make room for all?
We dare not allow the structure of things, as it were, to limit the Holy One of Israel. We must not, we dare not, endeavor to direct God. We must look for His direction. No form or plan, however well thought out by the carnal mind, will ever substitute for the leading of God and meet people’s needs.
Many times we say we would never do such things; yet many find it difficult, if not impossible, to break through the prerequisites put upon the Father by our own traditions. By the word “tradition,” I mean our usual method of operation. No one can direct God, for who has known the mind of the Lord that they may instruct Him?
When we come together in Christ’s name, we should empty ourselves of all preconceived notions and look for fresh direction and guidance from our Father. Who among us is to say just what shall be said and done. Why don’t we leave everything completely up to our Father--who is going to speak, what is going to be said, how it will be done? Why can’t the Spirit tell us what songs are to be sung, when they will be sung, etc.? Can we do a better job than He? Does it matter who teaches the Word, who prophecies, who lays hands on the sick, who casts out devils, who raises the dead? Isn’t it God in us both willing and doing of His good pleasure?
We should never compete--we should compliment. The hand cannot say to the foot, “I have no need of you.”
Another thing, we must constantly encourage individual participation. God’s design of things is not just to make pew sitters. The devil isn’t afraid of those who just sit. Every believer should be encouraged to take an aggressive posture with the Word of God. Every believer is to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. But no one will become strong without exercising. It isn’t what others say about God--it’s what you say about God that will strengthen you.
Rev. 12:11 says, “And they (the believer) overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” The Word says, “If you will confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart... you shall be saved.” It doesn’t say that they overcame by anyone’s confession of faith, but their own.
The Word of God should be the most wonderful and powerful thing in our lives. We should be so full of it and so excited because of it that we can hardly wait to get together and spill it out. Isn’t that God’s purpose?
I remember when I first met my wife and fell in love with her. Nobody could tell others about how I felt about her, but me. I didn’t go to my pastor and ask if he would preach a sermon on how wonderful she was. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I was in love and that love demanded expression. No wonder Proverbs says, “A man can have joy by the answer of his mouth.”
So, come on--how about it--start talking. I am anxious for people to grow!