I am not going to struggle anymore. I am through! I am not going to try to have faith. I don’t need faith. I have Christ!
Faith doesn’t come about by struggle. The Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Notice, it says, “...by the Word of God,” not the word of the teacher or the evangelist, the pastor, or even my own word--but the Word from God (Rom. 10:17).
Man listens to many things. He goes to meetings, listens to the radio, plays tapes and records, reads books, and so forth; but still faith only comes when he hears the Word from God. “Well,” you may ask, “Isn’t that the Word of God if it’s scriptural?” No, it isn’t! The devil knows how to use scripture too. God doesn’t need anyone to do His speaking for Him--He can do His own. In fact, He has already done it. Who was around anyway when He spoke the universe into existence? He didn’t make man until it was all over.
But you say, “Doesn’t the Bible say that the pastor, the teacher, the evangelist have some kind of purpose?” Sure they do, but they can’t take God’s place. Someone must remind us, “The anointing (faith) which we have received of God abideth IN us and we need not that ANY MAN teach us, but as that same anointing teaches us of ALL things (everything we are to know) and is truth and is no lie, and even as it is taught you, you shall abide in him.”--1 John 2:27. Who else has God placed on earth to tell us these things? But I’ll guarantee you one thing--your faith will not increase one small mustard seed until you learn to hear God from within your own soul. You may go to meetings seven days a week and listen to the best of speakers, tapes, and broadcasters, but you won’t increase in faith one small mustard seed until you learn to recognize and hear the Word of God within yourself!
Just because another man knows and understands God’s will in a certain thing doesn’t mean that because he is talking, you are hearing God, and God is talking to you. You might as well understand that that is a man talking and God is not a man. You see, one must hear the Spirit of God within himself before he can truly say that he has heard the Word of God. One really hasn’t heard the Word of God until he has received understanding.
The church is filled with people who have never come to the place where they have learned to hear from the Spirit of God for themselves. They are trying to ride on someone else’s experience because theirs has a flat tire. They are so busy listening to what others say and believe that they have no ears to hear what God believes and has to say to them. The Bible says, “...ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.” If we can’t hear from God at home, what makes us think that we can hear from Him abroad?
Let me ask you a question: Is church, the mission field, the radio, or a tape recorder the only place and means that God can speak to us? Is he confined to a printed page, a radio station, or a group meeting? What about in the desert, or the wilderness, or the hospital, or the human heart? Can’t God speak there too? Don’t misunderstand me--God can and does use all of these vehicles; but suppose these things are not available. Suppose we are not able to get to anyone of these means. What will God do? What will we do?
The Jews thought the only place on earth God dwelled was in the Temple in Jerusalem. Didn’t Jesus teach us that business came to an end--that God is Spirit, and He prefers to live within the human heart instead of a place of cold concrete, mortar and steel? Aren’t we limiting God by thinking this way? Does God want us to limit our expectations in this fashion? Didn’t Jesus die to set us free from such materialistic thinking?
If God so longed to inhabit the human heart, then isn’t He able to speak to us from within it? Doesn’t He dwell and make his home within us for this very same purpose? Was it His plan that we should always learn from external forces? What about the force from within? Are we so bound up by traditional and materialistic thinking and doing that we can’t find God unless we go here or go there to listen to this person or that person? Poor God, He needs help! Poor us, we are deceived!
Sure, go anywhere you want to--but don’t think that you can’t hear from God if you don’t. Sure, go listen to this fellow or that fellow, but don’t ever get the idea that God is so dependent upon a man that He can’t talk to you whether at home, on the road, or in the black of night. Remember, when you listen to a man, you must hear what he wants to tell you, but when you listen to God, well--you can guess the rest for yourself.
You see, only the Word that proceeds from the mouth of God can really build faith within our hearts.
Sometimes we might find ourselves envying someone else’s gift--we might even become discouraged because God doesn’t seem to use us the way we think He should. We may not manifest this particular gift in the same fashion in which they do and we become downcast. Why that’s just exactly what the devil likes. Man alive, how do you think this other person came to understand the things he knows? I’ll tell you how--He learned to listen for God in his soul, while you and I were busy running around listening to what others had to say in those endless conventions.
Let me tell you something: If you are desirous for Spiritual things and you are hungry for God, then I suggest that you learn to listen for the voice of God within your own heart and quit trying to have what someone else has. What God has for you would be more satisfying anyway than what the other person has. After all God is not just someone else’s Father; He is yours too. Jesus didn’t die just for that other fellow, He died for you too. Jesus doesn’t just live for someone else. He lives for you! Jesus doesn’t love that other person more than He loves you; He doesn’t do things that way.
Is it any wonder the scriptures say, “Be still and KNOW that I am God.” Quiet your soul, still your mind, tranquil your heart, listen for His voice while all the world rushes by busy as bees around you. Is our Father willing to speak only to that other fellow?
Do you see how the devil tricks us? He knows where faith comes from. He gets us to look at other people, and then he says, “How come you’re not like that? You should be doing things like he does.” That’s a big lie!
God doesn’t want us to do things just like someone else does. One of them is enough. One of you is enough. One of me is enough. Listen to what Jesus says about it. “Of my own self I can do nothing. I only do the things I hear the Father tell me to do and AS I hear I decide and my decisions are right BECAUSE I don’t seek the fulfillment of my own desires but the Father’s that sent me.”--John 5:30. Jesus knew where faith (the ability to do God’s will) came from and that’s where He looked for it. Faith is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, not a product of the mind.
How do you suppose Jesus knew what the Father wanted him to do? Well, I know one thing for certain--He did not find out by running here and running there for counseling, or by patterning Himself after some other man. If He conformed to anything, it was to the knowledge and image of His Father God. There was no earthly image worthwhile for Him to seek after. He conformed to nothing in this world.
Sometimes we forget why we are here on earth. We are not here to fulfill our dreams and ambitions for God. Having already died in Christ, we are to have come to the end of our own will. We must rather in the place of our old religious selves listen for that tender and gentle voice of the Father within as He speaks and builds His faith into our lives. We live our lives by “the faith of the Son of God,” not our own faith. We must NOW enter into His rest--the rest of faith. We have ceased from our OWN works as God did from His on the seventh day--God’s perfect rest--the rest that ceases from all our own struggles, for “Christ is the END of the law (the law of struggle) to all that believe.” We don’t have to be like anyone because we no longer exist. Christ is our new Life. Christ is our faith. He believes in us and for us and through us. We have His faith. His faith has us.
I am not going to allow some sneaking devil to drive me to restless ambition. The message of the cross is “no longer I but Christ!” I would much rather be content in the will of God than restlessly thinking I am successful in my own. I am not going to worry about “my ministry.” I have Christ as my life; and if that isn’t enough to include and encompass everything I think, do, and say, then it’s hopeless for all of us.
Never forget too that this “doing” of God’s will has little or nothing to do with physical activity. I can do God’s will flat on my back. God’s will is not doing, as we human’s think of it--it is BELIEVING as God thinks of it! “This is THE WORK OF GOD that you BELIEVE on Him whom the Father has sent.”--John 6:29
I can believe without going anywhere and from all appearances without doing anything at all. If the doing of God’s will is dependent upon physical activity; then when activity ceases, I will have to say I am no longer doing or living in God’s will. How foolish--that’s a big lie and Satan would like nothing better than for us to believe that. If this is the case, what will we do when we are too old to do?
The will of God is that I believe--just believe in Jesus. That’s God’s work in me. He’s already done it. It’s His faith. Faith doesn’t come from me; it comes from God. Faith isn’t human; it’s Divine. Faith is “God who is at work in you both willing and working His own good pleasure.”--Phil. 2:13. You see, believing is actually the wonderful work of God. It’s no longer I but Christ.
The Bible says, “If we believe not, yet He abides faithful (full of faithfulness) for He cannot deny Himself.”--2 Tim. 2:13. We are one with God in Christ now. He could not deny Christ. In Christ we (the believer) already possess and have all things. We are complete in Him. By grace are you saved (given a new Life) through faith and that (faith) is not of yourself. Faith is the GIFT of God; it doesn’t come from work. It comes from hearing the Gospel in your soul. Just think God did all this in Christ before we even believed in Him.
So, with a deal like that I refuse to be dragged into the conflict. I have ceased from my own works, as God did from His. I’ve entered into rest. At last I have seen the truth of it! “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (rest) whose mind is stayed on Thee because
he trusteth in Thee.”--Isaiah 26:3
After all, the Bible says the works were finished before the foundation of the world. Why shouldn’t we rest?