To use the Name of Jesus is to draw upon and put into action all the Name represents. This Name holds a position that is over and above all things. To use the Name of Jesus is to draw upon all of the authority it holds and all of the position it has earned.
The Name of Jesus has earned a reputation that all must honor because God has conferred or placed upon this Name His own favor and respect.
The Name or authority of Jesus has always been Satan’s downfall and always will be. That Name has won the favor, respect, and individual recognition of God Himself. Satan recognizes that Name, and he also knows that whenever it is used he is defeated by it. Demons fear that Name when spoken from lips of faith. That Name bares the banner of continual victory, and every demon must honor and obey Him. Worlds, principalities, and powers are subject to Him.
Jesus said that He always did the things that pleased the Father (John 8:29). God said to Jesus, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”--Luke 3:22. Because Jesus pleased the Father, God gave Him the right to ask of Him what He would and also the right to be answered. I know this because Jesus said as He was standing over the grave of Lazarus, “I know Father that You hear me always.”--John 11:42. He knew that when He prayed God heard Him; and if He heard Jesus, He would answer Him because He had the right to be answered by God. God Himself gave Him this right.
God had to give recognition to Jesus because He Himself had given Jesus the position of a Son. God could not deny His own Word.
Jesus believed God when He was told that He was a Son; and because He believed, He exercised His rights and privileges.
Jesus knew that if God would go so far as to reveal to Him that He was a Son, God would have to go even farther by playing the part of a Father who would honor all the Son’s petitions and supply all of His needs. God could not tell Jesus that He had made Him His Son, and then repudiate that statement by withdrawing from Him the privileges that a Son held.
Jesus walked consciously in the knowledge of His privileges. He enjoyed the benefits of a Son all at the Father’s expense. After all, hadn’t God Himself said, “You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased?” He could not very well say that and then withhold anything that was His own from Christ. Jesus knew this because He said, “All things that the Father hath are Mine.”--John l6:l5. (He also gave these things unto us.) All through Christ’s earth walk, God’s Love and favor towards Jesus was demonstrated as Jesus put demand after demand upon His Father’s vast resources. He knew where God had placed Him and He believed in His position.
God never failed to give recognition to any of the petitions that Jesus, His Son, made. He could not deny His own Word. Jesus was His Word. Every time that Christ exercised His Sonship, God was reminded of His obligation to His Word and towards Jesus. After all wasn’t Jesus acting upon His Father’s Word? Didn’t God have to make that Word good? The Words that Jesus acted upon had come directly from the mouth of God. They could not be annulled and Jesus knew that.
Every time that Jesus exercised His Sonship, God was reminded that Jesus, His Son, was well pleasing to Him and He showed it by granting Him petitions or demands. God honored at all times the obedience of Christ.
Jesus kept the law and earned His righteousness which gave Him right standing with God. He earned it, even to the extent that that God made Him His Son (Luke 3:22). Jesus actually earned His position. (We receive ours by gift and by grace (Rom. 5:17.) God was so well pleased with Jesus that He gave Him Sonship. It was as though God said, “You have kept the law now. You have proved Yourself, You are now My Son; I am well pleased with You and to show You how pleased that I am, I am going to let You move in My place and execute My authority and obey My Word on earth. Anything that you ask, I will give You for You now represent all that I am. I will walk among men now and fulfill My desire in You. I have placed My individual favor and attention upon You, and no one, nor anything shall remove it.” In short, the Father gave Jesus, His first Son, the power of attorney. He cast out devils in His Father’s Name (John 5:43, l0:25).
God demonstrated that He meant what He said when Jesus dared to believe His Word. Jesus dared in the face of circumstance, logic, and tradition to believe His Father’s Word. God never let Him down. The religious people of that time mocked and jeered Him, but He still dared to believe the Words of His Father.
Yes, the Name of Jesus is well pleasing to God, the Father. It is an honorable Name to Him, a sweet smelling savor, because it represents perfect obedience. The Name of Jesus has the total Love and affection of God Himself lavished upon it. The Name of Jesus is the key to the heart of God. There is no higher Name in Heaven or on earth (Acts 4:12).
God loves and respects that Name so much that He has highly exalted Him and given Him a Name which is above every name that at the Name of Jesus every power, whether in Heaven or in earth or beneath the earth, should acknowledge and confess His Lordship and dominion (Phil. 2:9-11)! He won something so great that it made Him equal with God and changed His position from a servant under the Law to a Son of God with vast favor and privileges (Gal.4:1-7). He won the kind of favor that only God could give, favor that made Him rich with Spiritual blessings.
I know it staggers our imagination to consider such a thing, but did you know that Jesus gave us His position. And in that place or position is included all of the love, honor, respect, and privileges that He Himself earned of God. This is what it means to go in His Name. It means to take His place here on earth. God loves us as much as He loves Jesus because He made us one with Jesus and we are in Him. He sees us as He sees Jesus. We bear His Name; we have been born into it, baptized and identified completely with it. We represent Him and all that He is, for as He is so are we (1 John 4:17). The Name that is above every Name, the position that is above every position, and the righteousness that is greater than all righteousness are ours and have been graciously conferred upon us just because we believe in Him whom the Father has sent.
Yes, we are in the One who is well pleasing to the Father, the One who is nearest to the heart of God. We are well pleasing to the Father as Jesus, for the righteousness that was in Christ that pleased God is now in us.
If we are pleasing to the Father, then whatever we ask in Jesus’ Name, will be granted to us. It is as though we held our position (which is Christ's) up to God, and said, “Remember, we are Your Sons too, even as Jesus for we are in Him who is all righteousness.” It is as though Jesus Himself prayed.
We have a legal right to be heard by God. Jesus gave us this right--the right or privilege that was granted unto Him by God because of His righteous position before God (John l:12-13).
When we use His Name, it is as though we present all that Jesus is in order to get an answer. It is the reputation of Christ Himself being used to our advantage and for our benefit. His unlimited Name is ours to use. His Name takes the place of Jesus, the man, here on earth.
How gracious of God to identify us with that Name and all that it is and shall always be! No wonder Jesus said, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name (place), with the Spiritual consciousness and confidence of what that Name represents, it will be done unto you. Hitherto ye have asked nothing in My Name, ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full. At the day you are consciously aware of what My Name represents and that you bear that Name, I will not say unto you that I will pray the Father for you for the Father loveth you and will Him self personally answer your prayers.”--John 16:23-27 Jesus says that God loves us, and because of His Love for us we have a legal right to ask of Him and receive when we ask in faith.
Because we are in Christ, we are well pleasing to the Father. He must grant our petitions. Jesus was pleasing to God and look what He did for Him. Will He do less for us when He says the Father loves us even as He loves Jesus? All He asks of us is to believe His Word.
We are not asking in our own righteousness, but in the righteousness of Christ before God (1 Cor.1:30).
Righteousness gave Jesus great favor and standing before God. We are in the One who is well pleasing to God. We are lost in His sameness and surrounded by God’s favor. “If God be for us who and what can effectively be against us?”--Rom. 8:31 No wonder I can ask and receive. “We now have confidence towards God, and whatsoever we ask we receive of Him because we keep (obey) His Commandments and do those things which are pleasing in His sight.”--John 3:22. We cannot be denied, for Christ cannot be denied. Christ is in us. “And this is His Commandment that we should believe on the Name of His Son Jesus Christ.”--John 3:23