A man can’t have faith when he feels condemned so this is the way Satan destroys us. I have seen countless numbers of Christians fall into this trap and lose the victory that God means for them to have. It is all such a useless thing because there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. The one who sees God’s revelation in regard to this matter and is willing to confess it and live in it, will never be touched by Satan’s condemnation.
We, everyone of us, have been sinners, we were without God and altogether helpless. We knew about God but we didn’t really know Him, He was “way up there,” and we were “way down here.” He was “Perfection,” and we were much less than perfect. There was no way, it seemed, that these two extremes could ever be reconciled.
Finally, there came a time in our life that we gave ourselves to God. We said that we believed in Jesus so we called ourselves Christian. In some ways this only intensified our troubles, the more we learned about Jesus the more we realized our own shortcomings. We, as honestly as we knew how, tried to do that which we deemed to be right, but we always fell short of the demand that we placed upon ourselves. Because it seemed that we could never attain to that which we know to be perfect, we entered into condemnation and became the prisoner of discouragement.
God still remained a “long ways off.” There was no close fellowship, there seemed to be no attaining to that place of victory and power that God meant for us to have. Because of this feeling, our attention became fixed on what we felt we lacked rather than what Christ says we have. We unconsciously magnified thoughts of the devil and we were bound by them. Because we understood only the ways of the flesh, we walked in the ways of the flesh, and knew not that it was the way of the flesh. Our understanding was based only on what we believed God to be, and what we knew ourselves to be and between these two extremes there was a great gulf.
We could understand the Old Testament because it dealt with material things. It said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” It said, “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” and “Thou shalt not steal.” These things a man can understand. But he also understands that there is larceny and deceit within the heart of man, and that he is a violent creature. He knows that God is infinitely good so that means that God is still “way up there,” and man is still “way down here.” Man has learned to fear God because man understands the nature of fear. It is more difficult for him to understand love because he knows so little about love. It is true that man understands a kind of love, but it is a material thing; it is based upon himself. He “falls in love,” marries, rears a family, and perpetuates himself. This, he feels, is the reason for his existence.
He fits into his society; and according to its standards, he is either a success or a failure. He is a man of flesh and he understands the things of flesh. He reads the Bible, and the things that are plain to him are the things that fit in with his material philosophy and understanding.
Therefore, even though a man honestly comes to Jesus and is before God, free of his sins, he enters into condemnation in his own eyes and faith is not established in him. He feels the sting of Satan’s lash and knows not that it is Satan who wields the whip. He says that it is God’s judgment upon him. But he does not know for what he is being judged so he is plunged deeper into condemnation.
He turns to the Old Testament for proof that these things are so and he reads of Nadab and Abihu, how they offered a “strange fire” to the Lord, and the Lord slew them. The earth opened and destroyed Korah and all those who followed him. Achan disobeyed God and he and his House were slain by God. God’s Word to Israel was that in obeying the law, they would be blessed and in disobedience they would be cursed. Israel did forget the ways of the Lord and they were led away captive.
Man reads of these things and he understands them because they are of this world. The horizons of this world are clouded with greed and avarice and man lives in darkness because of them. But Jesus came! Today, if any man be “in Christ” he is a new, creature, a different kind of being. He is no longer a creature of this world; he is a Creature of the Spirit. He is alive because God lives in him. His life is the Life of God.
What does all this mean? Jesus said that the Father lived in Him, why was this so? What was the purpose of it all? God had a definite purpose in sending His Son into the world. It was to free us from condemnation. Listen to what the Bible says. “God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved. Whosoever believes on Him is not condemned, but He that believes not is condemned already because he has not believed on the name of the Only Begotten of the Father.” This is a word that we make much of today, but the majority of the churches who teach it do not believe it. According to our sociological theology of today, we must profess Christ, and go to church, and conform to certain standards of behavior, and partake of certain sacraments and do this and do that or we are looked at askance. We are either ostracized from the society of the church or placed in peripheral fellowship. The Bible says that by faith are you saved, but in practice one is taught that only by doing does one enter into salvation.
The question is not a new one. Jesus faced it, and He answered it. Jesus mentioned to some people one day that they should not labor for the meat that perishes, but they should labor for that meat which would bring forth everlasting life; this struck the people as being a good thing, so they asked Him what it was that they might do to attain this. These people had just been partakers of a miracle and Jesus said to them, “This is the work of God”; and then He told them the purpose of what had happened and what God wanted them to do “That you might believe on Him whom He hath sent.” It doesn’t make much difference who the people are, where or when they lived, if they honestly want to serve and live for God. Satan always brings up the same question, “What are you doing to earn your salvation?” Satan will never say that all we need to do is to believe on Him whom the Father hath sent, but he will always say “do this” or “do that.” The people of Galatia were tripped up in this matter. There were those who came into their midst and would bring them into the bondage of the Law. This was to be the surety of their salvation. Paul wrote rather sharply to them. “Oh, foolish Galatians,” he said, “who hath bewitched you? This only would I learn of you; did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith?” Then Paul went on to say that perfection did not come by the works of the Law but it came to them because they believed in Jesus Christ.
Yet today we do not seem to believe this; we feel that we must do certain things if we are to have that which God means for us to have. Too many people today have made “faith” a noun and substituted other things for the “activity” of faith. All the work that God has done He has done expressly for us to the end that we might believe in Jesus. He has made this same Jesus to be our entrance into Eternal Life. He is our “Port of Entrance” into God; there is no other way whereby man can find salvation.
Jesus came, and with Him came a new thing. Let me show you the thing that Jesus did. Let me show you the words that Jesus used to describe it. These words did not set too well with those who heard them, and they are not well received today. Even as it is with many other words that Jesus said, we say we believe them, but our planning, our thoughts and our life, indicate that we are governed by other things.
Jesus said that we were to believe Him if we were to have Eternal Life, and then He went on to tell of some of the things we were to believe. One of them had to do with judgment. To the Jew this was strictly Gods business. There was one time when a man sick with the palsy was brought to Jesus, and Jesus straightway forgave the man of his sins. This created no little stir among the people that heard, and they said wonderingly, “Who can forgive sins but God?” Jesus hid nothing from them and so He said, “I want you to know that the Son of man also has power to forgive sins,” and so saying He said to the sick man, “Arise, take up your bed and walk,” and it was so.
Jesus said that we were to believe Him and this is very definitely one of the things we learn from the lips of Jesus. It doesn’t require a revelation, it is just a matter of believing what Jesus says. Listen to these words. “The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son.” What a tremendous thing! But think what it meant to the Jew. Their God, the Only God and the One who had delivered them out of Egypt, the One who had judged their sins, the One who struck fear to the heart of the disobedient, the One who was their only hope in all things, He was the Judge of all things. There was none like Him. He was the only one who could judge justly because He alone was God. Now here was a man who said that the Father was no longer the Judge, that He had given all power to judge to Him. To the Jew this was utterly unthinkable! But it is true! A new thing had happened. Judgment was no longer to be administered as it was before because Jesus was now the Judge, and mercy and grace came by Jesus Christ. God, as the Father--the God of the Old Testament-- gave Israel the Law, and there could be no mercy in judging by the Law. The Law was the law, and a transgression was a transgression. There could be no mercy or the Law would have been made of no effect. As many as lived by the Law were judged by the Law. Jesus lived by the Law and He pleased God because He fulfilled the Law. God said, “I am well pleased with You,” and He gave Jesus all authority and power.
Because of this I have come into a new relationship with God. I do not stand in the presence of God as did Israel, or the Men of Old. They stood in the presence of the Law and they were judged by the Law. They could not enter into God because the Law did not make that provision. But God entered Jesus, and Jesus became One with the Father.
He received from the Father the power of Life and Death, and all things. God made Him to become Lord of all and gave all judgment into His Hand. Because of Jesus, whom God made to be the Christ, I have come into a new relationship with God. I, who was afar, off, have been given entrance into God. He has made me One with Himself. I have passed from death into Life. I have passed through the Judgment. Jesus took my sins and was judged for me.
I am free from condemnation because I believe Jesus. I will not be bruised for my iniquities because He was bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was upon Him, no longer will I be held hostage because of my sin. They can never be held against me because Jesus paid the price in full. The wages of sin is death, and Jesus, because He took my sin, died for me (Isa.53).
He has done all of this so that I might live today. In times past I have been taught, and I echoed the thought, that if I didn’t behave properly before God, He would punish me. In this thinking, I came not to know the love of God but rather His terrible wrath and judgment to the disobedient. If my loved one were ill, I believed that it very easily could be because somewhere I had failed God. In anguish I would search my heart. I would see shortcomings and enter into condemnation because of them. In anguish I would cry out to God to forgive me my sins and heal my loved ones.
But I could not see a God of love. All my mind could see was an image of a stern God who punished me by inflicting pain upon those I loved. I did not feel love for this kind of a God. I did not even respect people who behaved in this manner. But this was the kind of God about whom I had been taught. If this was His way, I could not change it.
Then one day I saw what Jesus did! He freed me from the yoke of the Law. He loosed me from the fetters of condemnation. The Bible says that grace and truth came by Jesus Christ; and so, because of Jesus, I have seen love. Even though my heart would condemn me, I know that God is greater than my heart. He remains faithful and can not deny Himself. He has given His Word and there is no one who can change it. I can have confidence in His Word regardless of my feelings.
Jesus came and fulfilled the Law. Jesus came and took my sins upon Himself, Jesus came and received the chastisement of my Peace, Jesus came and was bruised for my iniquities, Jesus came and became my salvation, Jesus came so that I might see and believe that He is the Son of God, Jesus fulfilled the Law, so in Him I have fulfilled the Law. I am no longer under the condemnation that the Law revealed because I believe in Jesus. In Christ I am free of sin; therefore, in Christ sin has no power or dominion over me. I am free of sin because Jesus took my sin.
I am not whipped and punished and chastised so that I might find the way of peace--“the chastisement of my peace was upon Him.” Now He leads me in the ways of righteousness. I am no longer struck down because of sin. God does not afflict my loved ones because of my shortcomings. Jesus was bruised for my iniquities. In everything Jesus became my salvation. There is nothing that He did not do--He took all my sins--He saved me completely.
I have passed from the judgment of God and entered into the mercy of Jesus Christ because I believe the testimony of the only begotten of the Father. Jesus came and I passed from condemnation into Life because I believe His Word.
The Law pointed out to me that which was impossible; therefore, I was condemned by it. Then God sent His Son into the world to free those who were bound. The love and mercy of Jesus Christ lifted me out of myself and placed me in the favored place of love so that I might be free of condemnation and alive in God.