In order to have a victorious awareness of God, we must know that Jesus is The Life Giver, not just a Problem Solver.
Our problem is that, generally, we only look to Jesus for direction when we want to be delivered from a difficulty.
When things go smoothly we are apt to be more aware of the everyday happenings that we encounter than we are of the Life of God that is within us.
We expect to go along our own way, living our own life, being an individual within our own selves; then when we meet difficulties, we ask Jesus to help us. Sometimes it seems that He does, and sometimes it seems that He doesn’t. The result of this is that most of our requests are made in desperation. We have no confidence, no faith, only hope. We pray and ask Jesus to help us and hope that He will. This is generally what happens when we consider Jesus to be a problem solver.
Jesus has brought us to a new source of life. This new life must be our prime consideration. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to us that the fact that we have a new life, the Bible tells us over and over again that this is so. We would do well to consider it.
This new life is completely independent of the laws of the material, physical existence that man considers his life to be. This new life is God’s Life and it has been given to us by Jesus Christ. This life is the gift of God! Yet, instead of accepting it, we continue to struggle in the old. We are continually finding ourselves in all kinds of difficulties. This seems so unnecessary in view of what we read in the Bible. We are endowed with NEW LIFE when we are born again.
A man must first see that he is dead. This is why Jesus died. He died so that we might reckon ourselves dead.
Without the death of the old life, there can be no new life. Jesus said that you don’t put new wine in old wineskins. A lot of us are unwilling to give up the old life. We have no desire to reckon ourselves dead. We are willing to reform, we are willing to suffer persecution; we are willing to have most anything happen to us just as long as we can keep our identity. We want to say, “The life is mine, I am a1ive, I am me.” But it just isn’t so. If one believes the words of Jesus, if they accept Him as being their Savior from sin, it just isn’t so.
Salvation means a new life. It is God’s life given to man. Jesus did not give man the power to live the old life, free from sin, but He gave man the power to live a new life, a life completely different from the old. The Bible says, “Old things pass away all things become new.” Naturally it’s hard to understand this because it means the cessation of life as the flesh knows it or so the carnal mind imagines.
But we are not left lifeless. Paul says, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live. Yet, it is not I, but Christ liveth in me.” This is a very clear statement of our Life Source. This must be the fundumenta1 basis of our life in this world if we are to be continually aware of God. It seems unnecessary to say that we are only aware of that which we think about, but it’s true. Our thoughts seem to focus only on those things that seem to be most pressing. To know that these “most pressing” things are in the hands of our Heavenly Father, and that He is shaping them for our good and His glory, is not a natural thing to think about. But it must be the foundation of every thought, every word, and every action of our life here in this world, if we are to be aware of God as He really is.
In the 17th Chapter of John, Jesus prayed to the Father and said, “Glorify me with Thine own self, with the glory I had with Thee before the world was.” Then, speaking of us, He said, “The glory Thou hast given me, I have given them.” In order to understand what Jesus is saying, it is necessary to know that “glory,” as Jesus used it, means “all that God is.” Notice how Jesus phrased it, “Glorify me with Thine own Self.” So Jesus received all that God is, and He gave Him to us who by faith receive His Words. That is salvation. In Jesus we have received a life that is free from sin.
It is a life that is eternal because it is the Life of God. We have been set free from the law of sin and death, which is in our members when we abide in the Father. In fact, Jesus told us that we could be of good cheer because He has overcome the world.
Whether one believes this, or not, doesn’t change the fact that Jesus has prepared our place of abiding in the Father, but it makes a world of difference to us! If we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, if we believe Him, then we have been given a life that is free from sin! If this were not true, we would still be in our sin and there would be no salvation.
To abide in the Father is the only way that we may obtain salvation, there is no other way. Jesus gave His life so that we might have God’s life. He did this because He loves us, so naturally it is His desire that we believe Him.
It is my desire that you will be encouraged to consider Jesus as the total Life Source of your existence, because only in this way will you have the peace and contentment that God meant for you to have.
We will see conditions forming around us that seem insurmountable, and because we in our old selves do not know how to cope with the situation, we proceed to do what we can, not knowing for sure just what will happen. Problems have a way of growing when faced in this manner. Then, when we find out our efforts are not getting the desired results, we become desperate. We cry out to God for deliverance, hoping, but not knowing for sure whether we will be delivered.
If we are conscious of God’s Life within us, we will not fear no matter what the circumstance may be. God knows how to handle them. Trouble will always be present; those things which we have considered to be problems will continue to surround us. But now it is no longer a matter to worry about; they are in God’s keeping and He is working them out for our own good. Paul made a statement that reveals this attitude. He said, “I have learned that whatsoever state I am in therewith to be content.” Today Paul might say it this way, “No matter what happens to me, no matter what conditions come against me, I have learned that I do not have to be disturbed by them.” You see, this is the man that said, “Christ lives in me.” To know this independence is to know a victorious life. I know of no one who has lived a victorious live except Jesus.
I can not imagine the magnitude of my new Life. I only know that it is beyond the capacity of my mind to understand the things that God has prepared for me. I read things in the Bible that alert me to certain facts so that I might believe.
Jesus brought salvation to me. He was the Son of God and He gave me favor in God’s eyes. I am not bound by sin because the Bible tells me that He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. This is the beginning of my heritage in Christ.
Jesus, as the obtainer of my salvation, did battle with Satan, who is the one that desires my bondage. He is the Prince of this world. Jesus invaded this world. He encountered every force that Satan could bring against Him. He emerged triumphant in all things. Jesus displayed His victories for all to see. One way that He displayed His victory over Satan was by “casting out demons,” and healing those who were sick and lame and blind. Most everyone agreed that these “sicknesses” were from Satan, or Beelzebub, as they called him. What they couldn’t understand was by what power Jesus could do these things. Some said that naturally He could cast out devils because He was the Prince of devils. Other weren’t so sure. “Can the devil open blind eyes?” they asked. And so there was a division among the people because of Jesus. Jesus set them straight on this matter. He said that if you enter a strong man’s house and bind that strong man, then you can do whatever you want.
This word, “whatever,” covers a good bit. All things became subject unto Jesus. It was not originally that way. He ruled, exercised authority, if you please, until all things were subject unto Him. The scriptures say that the last enemy He conquered was death. So if death has no power over Him, and He is my life, then death has no power over me.
Here is what the scriptures say, “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” I can not look at this as being the old life that was the flesh, because that life God declared came from dust and would return to dust. The new life that I have is of God, and He is Spirit. So my new life is in Christ, not myself. Now, if He is victorious over all things, and He is, and He is my life, then I have victory over all things. You see, it really isn’t me--the old me, that has the victory--it is Christ who is in me that has the victory. So, here’s the essence of what I’m saying: If I consider my life to be my own, I will exist from one problem to the next, and never really be aware of the constant abiding presence of Jesus. But if I consider myself to be alive in Christ, then I will live every moment of every day, knowing that my life is hid with Christ, in God. I can live in the peace that He gave me because He has overcome the world.
Isn’t that wonderful? But how am I to know that this is true? How am I to know that this is for here and that it is for right now? Earlier in these words, I said that to know the magnitude of this new Life is beyond the understanding of our carnal mind. I do not want to stop on that hopeless note. The Bible says, “God hath revealed it to us by His Spirit.” So that’s how you know these things; there is no other way.
It seems that in order to stay pointed in the right direction, I must always come back to certain things that Jesus said.
They seem to be such strange things. Sometimes we think, because they are so strange, that they are mystical words, uttered by Jesus, and not meant for us to understand. Not so. They are Words that tell of Spiritual truths; that’s why they sound mystical to the carnal mind, and these truths are revealed to us, not by the carnal mind but by God’s mind. Paul wrote these words of revealed knowledge, “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.” Jesus knew that this was true. He told His Disciples that the Words He spoke were not His own, rather they were the words of the Father who lived in Him. He said the same thing regarding the works that He did; it was the Father who was responsible for them. You see, Jesus had God’s mind. So, let’s keep this in mind, Jesus knew and understood something that man didn’t understand. He told His Disciples and us what these things were, because soon they would have that which would enable them also to understand.
We can know that the privilege of having God’s life is a “now” thing because certain things that Jesus said would happen have happened. When Paul wrote the words that said Jesus would rule until all things were subject to Him, He also said that the Son would give Himself over to the Father so that God would be “all in all.” That happened. It was necessary for this to happen. Jesus put it this way, “If I go not away, the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, will not come.” The Holy Ghost did come. The scriptures are exceedingly plain on this point. It happened on the day of Pentecost. If it didn’t happen, you might as well wipe out the whole New Testament. You could no longer believe Jesus because He said it would happen. If I can’t believe Jesus, I can never know God because Jesus is the only one who has revealed the Father. But it DID happen. The Bible says that it happened, history says that it happened, and the events of man since then has lent credence to the truth of God’s Life, or Spirit, within man.
Jesus asked God to “glorify” Him with God’s own self, not His own self, but God’s own self. This was something that was entirely independent of material things because it was a “glory” that existed “before the world was.” Jesus, while on earth, lived in this “glory” by faith. He entered into it in actuality when He gave Himself over to the Father. You see, this made God all in all, and that’s the way it was before the world was.
Jesus desire to have this “glory” has been fulfilled. He laid down His life to receive it. I’m referring to the day that Jesus gave Himself to the Father. He desired that we also should receive this “glory.” How did this come about? To me this is such a wonderful thing that words seem inadequate; God gave Himself to me! Call it the Holy Spirit, or whatever you like, but that’s God! I don’t deserve this, I have done nothing to merit it, but it is the free gift of God. This is because of Jesus’ desire that we share His Glory and be with Him where He is.
Jesus honored the Father and the Father honored the Son. God said to Jesus, “Thou art my Beloved Son,” and He gave Jesus all power and all authority, to work, to judge and to give Life. Jesus said to the Father, “I love these people. I want them to be one with us, just as we are one.” Then Jesus gave up His life and proceeded to the Father.
Then this magnificent Oneness of the Father and the Son came to man and made him one, even as Jesus and the Father were made one. As Jesus was made alive with God’s Life, even so, are we privileged to be made alive with God’s Life. This is our heritage, this is our perfection, this is our righteousness, and this is our salvation.
I once knew a man who wanted to become a Christian, but he felt that he would have to give up too many things. Not knowing the sweetness of God’s Life, he did not know whether it was worth it. Chief among his interests were flowers, especially orchids. The man had gained statewide recognition for his successes in cultivating orchids. He asked me, “If I become a Christian, will I have to give up my flowers?” I answered, “No, just love Jesus.” The man gave his life to the Lord and became a Christian. Years later he asked me if I remembered his question. I said, “Yes.” Then he told me that if I had said he would have to give up the flowers, he was prepared to forget the whole thing. I asked him what became of the flowers and he told me that Jesus filled his life with better things. He still likes flowers but he had found a new life.
I tell you this to illustrate the truth that we can give our life to Jesus without any reservations. We will not know the future because these things are withheld from our carnal mind. We can receive God’s life confidently, knowing that herein is our salvation. To know Jesus as our Source of Life is all that we need. Jesus does all the rest.