Do you think God is reasonable? What about you, are you looking for a reason to believe or a reason to doubt? Faith and doubt are of two different sources, one is of the flesh, the other of the Spirit.
There are circumstances of which it seems we as humans have no control; they touch everyone’s life. Sometimes these circumstances may be of our own making or maybe we may feel that we are just victims confined. It makes no difference to God regardless of the cause; as Christians we are to exercise faith.
If we use our natural mind and try as it were to find the “logic behind,” or the “reason for” or “why me,” you might just as well throw in the towel. Whether we understand or not, according to God’s Word, “All things still work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purpose,” The reasons may never be completely clear to the carnal mind. That is simply because the Bible says that the carnal mind is enmity (an enemy) with God. It cannot understand now nor will it ever the things of God. It is completely foreign to and ignorant of God’s purpose. That is because God is Spirit and the mind is flesh.
I wish at this point to say something that will probably sound strange, but it is nevertheless true--“What God is and has for us does not necessarily appeal to our reasoning faculties.” Almost all, if not everything, of what God asks us to believe as Christians is completely illogical and unreasonable to our natural mind; not to God’s--but definitely to ours. That is because they are of two opposite and different realms. One is the realm of faith, the other the realm of reason.
Take for instance what God told a man named Noah. He told this man to build an ark. Listen--“By faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with obedience and prepared an ark.”--Heb. 11:7. Hebrews 11:6 says, “For without faith it is impossible to please God for he that comes to God must first believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” It is a great lesson that the Bible emphasizes here about faith According to human standards, Noah had nothing to base his confidence upon but someone’s word--in this case God’s. One could at this point, of course, inject the question, “How did he know it was God?” I can’t answer that question because how God talks to a man is something very personal and He does not always talk to everyone in the same fashion.
The real point I wish to emphasize is the amazing fact that it had never once in all of history rained upon the face of the earth until the day of Noah’s ark--not even once. The earth, according to the Bible, was watered by a mist that came up from the ground. Now you can appreciate just a little bit more what kind of a spot Noah was in (or was it really God who was on the spot?). He had nothing to go on, but God’s Word. He had nothing else to refer to. You see Noah did not even know what rain was. He couldn’t turn to a dictionary or encyclopedia for confirmation because it had never happened before. He had never seen rain. There was no reference or experience to turn to in his imagination. His logic could not help him here. Noah had only one source of reference and that was what God had told him.
So Noah, with his faith and trust in the unseen One, began to confess God’s Word. Remember the whole subject matter was based purely upon something that no one had seen before, not even Noah. You can see now by this graphic illustration why the people laughed and scoffed at him. It was outrageous, ridiculous, even stupid, to believe such things. It just wasn’t reasonable or according to human standards to believe against common sense.
Well, Noah not only believed God’s Word enough to talk about it, but he even began to take some actions. He publicly committed himself by proclaiming God’s Word and building an ark according to God’s specifications. He willingly, because of his faith and love for God, exposed himself to public ridicule. He knew that he was doing that which would appear as foolish in almost anyone’s eyes--that is anyone’s but God’s. Noah had heard from God, so Noah would act upon his belief in God’s Word. He could not truly say that he believed God’s Word if he were not willing to act upon it. The whole world was judged by this man’s confession and obedience to faith. The Bible says that Noah was a just man and walked with God. He believed God: That is what justified him and that is what always pleases God.
Faith does not operate by reason and rational. Faith requires total commitment to God’s Word. Often it may place one in a seemingly precarious position in the eyes of his fellowman. When one truly believes God’s Word, there is no faking it. Noah actually had to deny his reason and go contrary to the logical way. He preached God’s Word nearly a hundred years regarding rain and the end of the world and all those years contrary to his reasoning faculties. That is the way faith works or it wouldn’t be faith--it would be logic, calculation, and deduction. What Noah did was none the less than phenomenal, daring, and adventurous by any man’s standards. But what is daring to us humans is only normal to God’s way of doing things in the realm of faith.
Reason can destroy faith. Reason is a thief and a robber; it will steal your confidence in God. It can become your master, and lord it over you. That is where things like fear, doubt, worry, and anx¬iety come from. They are products of the mind. They are not products of the Spirit. The Spirit produces faith. The Bible states that one of the fruit of the Spirit is faith. The very nature of faith is that it deals with unseen things because it deals with God, the great unseen One. Hebrews says that even the things that are seen are not really made of things which do appear. In other words they themselves are here because of the great unseen Creator who formed everything with the WORD of FAITH and brought them into view.
The carnal mind of sense and reason without the Holy Spirit will dictate policy to you if you listen. The man that is in Christ was not intended in God’s design to be a slave to his mind, his faculties, or his five senses.
Another example of believing in something that cannot be seen and a definite act of faith is to believe in what the Bible says about the new creation. It says, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: all the old things have already passed away; behold, (look) everything has become new…” I know, your mind says it isn’t logical to believe such things. It’s just not reasonable, especially when there is so much evidence to the contrary. Well, now is your chance; who and what are you going to believe?
We might just as well realize (real eyes) right now that we have the things of God by faith or we don’t have them at all. That is always how God works.
Let us face it--NOTHING God says to us in His Word is what we humans would call reasonable. You see, reason cannot produce faith for invisible things because it is limited and governed by circumstances. It is a slave to its environment. Not so with God--He makes circumstances--He is not ruled by them. That is the way faith is too. It is utterly independent of circumstance.
There are times that we must make decisions with the best judgment we consciously possess. Question: When we do this, are we left alone to flounder in reason’s verdict or does God’s Word really mean what it says when it declares, “All things work together for our good…”? Don’t let logic rob you by having the last word, rather exercise faith. Now is the time to practice your convictions. Don’t doubt. Your mind does not understand faith, so don’t listen to it. Faith is born in the heart, not the head. Paul said, “It is with the heart (spirit) that man believes.”--Rom. 10:10
You see, there is more than meets the eye for the Christian. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard what really is written in God’s Word. The Christian’s Life is directed by the Spirit because the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. Faith can lead you where reason dares not tread--not just faith for physical things because they are limited, but faith for Spiritual things which cannot be measured.
One must always remember that the carnal mind, or the natural man, whichever way you wish to put it, is blind to faith realities. The natural mind will bluff you out of your Divine heritage and rationalize your joy and peace away if you allow it to do so.
The ways of the Spirit will never be clear to the mind of the flesh. There are no check points along the way for flesh and blood. No wonder we are told to walk by faith and not by sight. Whenever we exercise faith, it will always be “going out on a limb” to human reason. The first step of faith is to hear God’s Word; for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17).
One must remember too that he may lose faith by looking at circumstance, but he won’t lose God! Peter lost faith while walking on the water because he examined his environment, but he didn’t lose Christ. You see, it is impossible to live in faith and then verify everything by logic. That is Satan’s greatest trick. The Bible says, “While we look not at things which can be seen but at things which cannot be seen.” Why?--because things that are seen are temporal, whereas things not seen are eternal. Right there is the difference between faith and doubt. If you look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, you won’t have to worry about doubt. But remember, you can’t see Christ so you must believe with your heart (spirit).
Paul has instructed us to compare Spiritual things with Spiritual things, not physical things with physical things. Doubt is the product of the latter. One is like the rock that the wise man built his house upon which withstood the storms--the other is like the changing sands of emotion which crumble and cave in under pressure.
Hebrews says regarding the sense-ruled believer, “That when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that someone teach you all over again the ABC’s of faith.” You can only drink milk because you are lacking in experience when it comes to the discernment of good from evil--your Spiritual senses need exercising.
In the Third Chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus taught Nicodemus the purpose of the new birth. It was to Spiritually enable the believer to enter into and then see the kingdom of God. The new birth would simply endow the believer with the ability to perceive and understand a new realm, an invisible realm.
Some have completely forgotten, if they have ever known, the purpose of the new birth. We seem to forget too that Jesus pointed out specifically that this new birth was something Spiritual, not physical. “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” God’s Law is like begets like. No wonder Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” We have never majored the fact of the new birth; we have proceeded, but not gotten very far. We have departed from faith and turned to reason for confirmation. Paul said, “As you have received Christ Jesus (by faith), so walk in Him.” Also, “Having begun in the Spirit are you now made perfect by the flesh?” Jesus made it clear, though it doesn’t seem to be very clear in most people’s minds, His kingdom is not of this world. It is a kingdom of faith, not of reason and intellect. Regarding Christ, Peter said, “Though physically we see him not, yet believing we rejoice with joy unspeakable...” Jesus said to Thomas, “You believe because you see--but blessed are those who believe (have faith) without seeing.”
Man’s biggest difficulty is that he cannot get over the fact that Spiritual things are more real than material things. Notice that I said more real not as real. All that man knows has been taught him by logic. He has been born in sin (that which is contrary to God) and shaped by iniquity (his environment). He is stuck upon a reef when it comes to discerning the things of God. He thinks he needs confirmation from reason before he can believe. He has forgotten that God talks to his Spirit, not to the mind or intellect. God requires man “to lean not upon his own understanding.” If he wishes to communicate with God, man must know above all else that God is Spirit or he will fashion God in his thinking after his own image and likeness. He will think of Him as a creature or intellect and with passions like himself.
God will not negotiate with human wisdom. He has made foolish the wisdom of the wise. The mind of flesh always resists God’s truth. It must be forced to subordinate and take a secondary position. It isn’t mind over matter; it’s Christ over the mind and the heart, and that is all that matters.