Man has a choice: He can either think thoughts of loneliness and despair, or he can capture his mind and make it a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul once said, “I therefore the prisoner of the Lord...” I used to THINK that I understood what Paul meant, but now I KNOW what he meant.
It was Paul who first defined the carnal mind which is death from the Spiritual mind that is Life and peace (Rom.8:6). It was Paul who, in the letter to the Philippians, instructed them where they were to keep their minds. “Finally brethren, whatso¬ever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, if any praise, THINK on these things.”--Phil.4:8. (Christ is all of these.)
It was Paul who first said, “If there be any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of Love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any mercy and compassion think on these things.”
When we allow our mind to stray outside these boundaries, we are in real trouble. Sometimes we are apt to think that there are so many choices that we begin to justify our failure to keep the mind a prisoner of Jesus Christ. It is then that we indulge in thoughts that can only lead to self-pity and despair.
Regardless of the “reasons” we may feel give excuse to the contrary, we might just as well face it--our mind must be made to do its duty. The carnal mind is in active rebellion against God and will never understand the logic of His Word. No matter how unfair it all may seem we must make it a captive to God’s Word by an almost violent act of will. “The kingdom of God (righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit) suffers violence and the violent take it by force”--Matt.11:12
We must finally realize that there is no joy in thoughts of sorrow, no faith to be found in fear, no hope to be gained by despair, and no comfort in the realm of loneliness. There is absolutely no answer to be found within the problem--no victory exists within defeat. The remedy lies within the provision--the only solution is to be found in Christ.
So knowing these things, how can we continue thinking old thoughts? How can we persist in justifying the so-called “reasons” for our unhappiness? Why should we build a case for our own misery--why not major in the remedy? Why believe in a reason to be confined to despair when God has provided His Word as an answer to get us out?
We may make every excuse conceivable under heaven as to the “why” we are discouraged, or why we are afraid, or why we are lonely, or why we should bear our own sorrows, or why we must hate someone--but in so doing we only succeed in nullifying the effect of God’s Word upon our lives and we commit Spiritual suicide--a kind of “justifiable homicide” upon our new creation life. Jesus bore these things upon Himself, we do not have to bear them (Isa.53).
We must know beyond doubt that the answer is not to be found within the problem itself or in the reasons to be contrary, but only in doing the Word of God. That is God’s only satisfactory remedy and it is the only thing that will work.
Regarding choice--we must realize just what we have to choose from. We must not deceive ourselves by thinking that we have many things to choose between. When we look closely, we find that our choice narrows between one of two things--victory or defeat--but never both at the same time. There is no in-between-ground. The enemy of human happiness would like us to think otherwise. Satan would like us to think that there are many shades of thought, but before God this is not so, and it is before Him that we either Live or we die. It is either Life or death, joy or sorrow-- Victory or defeat. There is no other choice. “Choose you this day which master you will serve. You cannot serve both and God and mammon.”
So here is the crux of the whole thing--Who are we going to believe? If we deceive ourselves into thinking that there are many choices, we will weaken our resolve and our decision will lack the strength of faith.
Jesus has said that He would not leave us comfortless, that He would come to live within us. The question is, “Did He or do we just have to manage the best we can until someday?
It is now that we need comfort. It is now that we face that awful giant of despair. It is now that fears assail. It is now the tempter tries our faith. It is now that Christ is needed the most. It is today that we live.
If Christ has not kept His Word--if He hasn’t come to us as He promised--then we really have no choice at all. There is only despair and loneliness and the future promise of someday. But, if the Comforter has come--if Christ really does live within--then it appears that we have the best choice of all. If He is here now, we can choose Him now or we can reject Him now. The choice is ours--today!
If Christ has kept His Word--if He is here--we can live above our fears now. We can be comforted now. We are blessed with all Spiritual blessings now. Now is the day of our salvation. We are now delivered. We are now redeemed.
You might say, “But if this is true that Christ is here now, why all this loneliness, why all the despair, why the feelings of abandonment?”
We must go back to what we talked about at the beginning--“Who and what are we going to believe?”--God’s Word or Satan’s word? There are only the two sources to choose between. No wonder Isaiah 53:1 says, “Lord, who has believed our report?”
A man can take no strength--no comfort from a fact that he does not know exists. You must know that the comforter has come, that Christ is here, and He dwells within you now. Not someday but now!
You must not only know this fact, but in order to derive any benefit from this truth, you must also believe it. How does one believe? What is the proof or evidence of one’s faith? You demonstrate your faith in God’s Word by not allowing one single thought of loneliness, despair, hopelessness, or fear to take lodging in your mind. After submitting yourself to God, you must by a violent act of will resist every imagination that is contrary to the truth and the fact that Christ now Lives within you. Yes, you can be comforted now.
If we should choose to harbor thoughts of doubt and despair, we will only demonstrate our unbelief, that we really do not consider the Words of the Master, “I will not leave you comfortless,” to be true and valid.
If we postpone the meaning of these words until some future day, then we are really saying that God’s Word is no good for the now. We are not exercising faith.
Question: WHY would God require us to wait until someday for that which is so vitally needed for today? Why would the Christ promise relief unless His words were intended to bring belief? If faith IS the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, then why settle for hope when you can have the substance? Has God in¬tended that His Word only tease but not please? The Bible says that it is faith that pleases God. If we exercise faith that makes us pleasing to our Father, that’s His will; and if we know we please Him, then we can have the petition we desire of Him (1 John 5:14-15, Heb.11:6).
How do you tell a broken heart to wait for someday? Jesus said He came to comfort the brokenhearted and set the
captive free, not someday, but NOW-- “This day (today) this scripture is fulfilled in your ears”--Luke 4:18-21. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb.13:8).
So, our mind is the battle ground. When all the dust settles, we find only one of two choices: We are either going to believe God’s Word for the help we need for today by pure faith, or we are going to make excuses and follow the doctrines of someday.
The carnal mind must be made a prisoner of God’s Word. (It won’t volunteer.) It must not be allowed to stray from the FACT of God’s Word. We must resist each and every thought that says we cannot have what we need today! A NOTYET victory is the same as NO victory at all. Hope says tomorrow, but faith says NOW!
Yes, man has a choice--it is either the comfort of the Comforter or the despair of the deceiver. Satan would like nothing better for the believer than for him NOT to exercise faith, to become a doubter, and delay entering the present kingdom
of God. He would like to rob power from the Word of God by putting only a future interpretation upon its meaning. He would like to take words that are intended to bring peace, comfort, faith, and healing for today and leave our soul empty, longing and filled with despair. He has come to KILL, to STEAL and to destroy--that’s his only business.
Satan knows that no one lives in the future nor can they gain comfort from the past. He knows that the soul’s need is for today! That’s WHY he puts a physical interpretation upon God’s Word by saying “someday.” He is a liar!
The nature of Life is NOW. The nature of the Comforter is NOW! Man needs an answer NOW! “NOW is the accepted time, NOW is the day of his salvation.”--2 Cor.6:2
So, man has a choice; he can either justify his reasons for sorrow, sickness, and despair or he can exercise faith, turn to God’s Word and be lifted from the pit.
Some say it’s just a matter of interpretation--but it is really more like a matter of LIFE or DEATH.