So many people ask me questions when I indicate by my speech that God is One. They ask me to explain. That is very difficult to do. Personally, I do not feel that it is possible for man ever to explain God. Words are material, and God is Spiritual. Paul tells us in the Second Chapter of First Corinthians that only a Spiritual mind can understand the things of God. Yet, in spite of this, men who know God are anxious to tell of Him. It is my hope that something I say will be used by God to reveal Himself to some hungry heart. I am encouraged in my efforts because I know God is SEEKING those who will worship Him in Spirit.
I find that the understanding of “Spirit” is the prime obstacle most people encounter when it comes to understanding God. Some are too literal minded to even consider such a thing as Spirit -- therefore they are excluded from knowing God as He REALLY is. God still extends His mercies to them if they will believe in Him with an honest heart.
First, let us consider how the Gospel of John opens. I will not guarantee this to be the best place to begin, nor will I promise to proceed in what some might term a “logical fashion.” I will just say what I feel I should say and I will try to say it as plainly as I know how.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”-- John 1:l This seems to me to be an introduction to what God is. It doesn’t say that God is a person; it says that the “Word” was God. “Word” here means thought and expression; there is no gender denoting a “person” whatsoever.
Something happened that never happened before. This “Word” (God) came to man in the flesh and lived among men so that they who had no Spiritual eyes could see the material manifestation of this “Word.” But man could not understand what he saw! Jesus became a “good man” to some, to others a prophet, to some a devil. To a few He was the Anointed of God--the Christ, but none saw Him as the Son of God unless it was revealed to them by the Spirit (God).
We have heard about Nicodemus, we know he came to Jesus by night, and we know that Jesus said to him, “You must be born again”, but Jesus said more than that! Seemingly, we have overlooked what I feel to be basic in this exchange between Nicodemus and Jesus.
Nicodemus made a statement; he claimed certain knowledge. He said, “We know...” Nicodemus was a Pharisee; he was a religious man; he was sincere in his faith. “We know you are a teacher come from God, for no man can do these miracles you do except God be with Him.” Nicodemus felt secure in this knowledge BECAUSE IT WAS BASED ON WHAT HE SAW! He was the judge; the ability was His; he made the decision! Now that we understand the question, we are in a position to understand the meaning of Jesus' reply. It’s true that being born again is the basic thing, but Jesus answered Nicodemus in such a fashion as to give emphasis to a different thing. Nicodemus said, “We know…because of what we see.” Jesus said, “EXCEPT a man be born again he CANNOT SEE the kingdom of God.” Miracles are not proof of godly things--they are not part of the kingdom of God. My physical senses can discern a miracle because miracles take place in a material world, but if one is to know that which is of God--that which is of the kingdom of heaven--HE MUST BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT. The reason is very simple: “NO MAN KNOWS the things of God, only the Spirit, which is of God, knows the things of God.”--1 Cor.2:11. Jesus explained the difference to Nicodemus in these words, “That which is born of the flesh, is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit.” Now in order to know God, I must ascertain whether God is material (of the flesh) or Spiritual. There’s no problem here. Jesus says, “GOD IS SPIRIT”, then to make our position more plain He says, “They that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth (they must be honest about it). Therefore, if I am to know God, I must be BORN of God. I must have SPIRITUAL FACULTIES to understand Spiritual things.
By these few words, I have hoped to indicate something of the nature of God. I feel that these words are clear enough to convey to you the understanding that God is not a person, having material form and substance. Rather, He is Spirit, having neither form nor substance, as defined by the material reasoning and logic of this world.
Sometimes man has difficulty knowing just what Spirit is. Consider something that occurred after the Resurrection.
The Disciples were gathered in a room. All the doors were shut, yet, suddenly Jesus appeared in the midst of them.
They considered Him to be a Spirit, but Jesus corrected them. He told them, “A Spirit DOES NOT have flesh and bone (form and substance) as ye see that I have.” Here is emphasis to the same truth He had presented to Nicodemus--flesh CANNOT see Spiritual things! Paul put it in these words: “We look not at the things that are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things that are seen are temporal, while the things that are not seen are eternal.”--2 Cor.4:18 Now we have been exposed to two concepts about God--one, “God is thought” (Logos, Word, expression of thought).
Understand most emphatically: I do not mean man’s thought; this Logos is before the world was. All of creation is the result of this Logos, for without Him was nothing made that was made. The other concept is a direct result of the words of Jesus. He said, “God is Spirit.” These are not divergent thoughts, they are tangential to each other--they join.
This Spiritual concept of God is borne out in the opening pages of the Bible, “...and the SPIRIT of God moved upon the face of the deep.” Again, we read that God walked and talked with Adam in the cool of the day. The word, “cool” is literally translated “wind.” This takes on added interest when we listen to the words that Jesus used when He spoke to Nicodemus. He told Nicodemus of the wind and then He said, “ is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Again, we have reference to “...a rushing mighty wind...” on the day of Pentecost. This was the time that God gave Himself to “whosoever believeth” according to the words of Jesus.
I hope you are beginning to understand what I mean when I say it is difficult to find words that explain God. The words we use conjure up to our mind the picture of physical, material things, not Spiritual things. One must say, “Yes, God is Spirit,” and then understanding WILL come. To recognize that God is Spirit is to also recognize that in Jesus we are Spiritual creatures. Having taken this step of faith, we begin to understand that we can neither know nor be like God unless we yield to and listen to the Spirit. As we become more aware of this Spirit (God) that dwells within us, we will become more aware of the diametric difference between the concepts, or thoughts of the flesh (things of this world) and that which pertains to the Spirit (that which is of the kingdom of heaven).
When we begin to understand something of the nature of God, we begin to see how He CANNOT BE ANYTHING BUT SPIRIT! To begin, God is all, and He is in all. I do not mean He is in all people. He is only in those who “invite” Him in. It is His Presence that is everywhere. Listen to the words of the Psalmist: “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day it uttereth speech--there is no land where its cry is not heard.” Again, the words of the Psalmist, listen: “Whither shall I go from thy SPIRIT, or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea, even there shall thine hand lead me. If I say, surely the darkness shall cover me, even the night shall be light about me...”-- Psa.139:7-11 You see, God is everywhere! Of course, you say--you know that! But, NO PERSON with form or substance, according to our knowledge of form and substance, CAN EVER BE ALL PLACES AT ALL TIMES BUT GOD CAN BE. God is Spirit; He is the Holy Spirit; He is the Comforter. He is the Spirit of Truth that Jesus said shall be in you forever.
Knowing this, we come into a more complete understanding of Jesus. We see a very real meaning to the term “Messiah” or “Christ.” These words mean simply this, “The Anointed One of God.” The miracle of God’s anointing is that the Anointed One enters into a new Life source! Jesus did just this and He became the “First-BORN among many brethren.” Paul speaks of this miracle as it takes place within us in these words: “If the Spirit (God) who raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, this same Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead shall also make alive YOUR mortal bodies BY HIS SPIRIT that dwells in you.” Again Paul, writes, “If any man be in Christ he IS a new creature...” Jesus, speaking of those who believe His Word said, “They are not of the world even as I am not of the world.” Paul echoes this thought in his letter to the Romans; he says, “You are not in the flesh if so be the Spirit of God dwells in you.” What a tremendous thing the anointing of God is! We are made NEW by the presence of God in our lives (Christ in you). John the Baptist said of Jesus, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost (God) and with fire.” This baptism is not a symbol as was John’s; here we must understand the true meaning of “baptism.” It means to be immersed--to be changed by immersion. We are baptized, immersed, and changed in God by Jesus Christ. That’s what Jesus did for us! That’s what He said would happen: “At that day ye shall KNOW that I am IN the Father and He is IN me and I am IN you.” It happened on the day of Pentecost for “whosoever” will believe the words of Jesus. Spirit baptism then means total and complete IDENTIFICATION with the Father in the Son. It means ONENESS.
God anointed Jesus, and so it was that the Word (God) became flesh and dwelt among us. We saw the man, we beheld His glory--He was full of grace and truth. We received the fullness of God’s Life, even as Jesus received the fullness of God. We have received it because Jesus gave it to us. Jesus prepared a place for us to abide and He promised that when it was prepared He would “Come again and receive us to Himself, so that where I am there ye may be also.” This place has been prepared; we may dwell in the Father’s house NOW! But no one will dwell there unless He dwells in Christ--we are HID with Christ in God. We will not dwell in Christ if we do not recognize the Spirit because “Flesh and blood cannot inherit (have any part of) the kingdom of God.” Satan would love to keep us from doing this and so he has caused us to turn again to the “weak and beggarly elements of the world.” He has caused us to turn from Spirit thought and to consider things as a man (according to this world). He has focused our attention on form and substance, and he says, “There is your God. To learn Him you must divide Him--He is three. Only then will you understand Him. He is too great, too vast for you to ever know Him in His entirety. Learn Him in parts--learn Him as God, the Father, and God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost...” Then, because we are men and have learned the ways of the world better than the ways of God--we divide God in our thoughts. It’s true, we say, “These three are one,” but the damage has been done. We have brought God down to the plane of form and substance; we have made Him like ourselves. We have a form of worship, but we have lost the power of the Spirit.
Israel knew that there was only one God; their cry was, “Hear, oh Israel, the Lord our God is one.” They were confused and rebellious when Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. Israel’s ignorance was that they did not know the miracle of the new birth. They did not know their God was Spirit, and so they crucified Jesus. Israel said He blasphemed, but what the flesh says is blasphemy is truth in the Spirit of God. God did make Jesus equal with Himself. He also gave ALL His Sons His Life. This Life is a Divine Life--an eternal Life.
Today we accept the man Jesus, but we have neither understood nor accepted the miracle of being made One with God. We have divided God, so naturally we will divide ourselves from God.
We cannot feel righteous because we live in ourselves. Our only righteousness is in Christ; we must dwell in Him or we can have no part in Him. God MADE Him to be my righteousness, my wisdom, my salvation, my redemption--in fact, He is all things to me. Without Him I am nothing. It is only as I am IN Christ that I am a new creature, and Christ is in God.
One final thing Jesus prayed. He prayed that we would be made one with the Father even as He was one with the Father. In this way, He said, we would be perfect.
If we believe that Jesus was made one with the Father (there was no doubt in Jesus mind).
He said, “I and the Father are one,” then we know that He has prepared our place of abiding in the Father. He HAS received us to Himself because only in Him do we have this new Life. “God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”