God is a covenant God. He must honor His Word. He is obligated to honor His Word. Because Jesus bore our diseases, we have a legal right to accept healing. Begin to thank Him for perfect health. Symptoms are lies and have no legal right to be in our body. We must train our spirit so there are no other alternatives but the Word of God. Internalize the Word of God, not just mentally assent to the truth. It is revealed by intimacy with God.
Renounce the lie out loud that I can’t sleep, etc. Forgive yourself. Speak the truth only. The Lord gives His beloved sleep.
Trust and quit trying! God is in control of all things. You are in the center of His will. Start thanking Him--Peter l:3-7, Psalms 89:3l:19.) Our controlling is an illusion. He is in control. There comes a time that God wants to carry you. Let Him. He is not asking you to do anything. Do you believe you are born again? Did you bring that about? If answer is “No.” it is not up to you to maintain it as you have a wonderful Father! You cannot control uncertainties.
Trying to analyze and figure out things doesn’t work. Worry doesn’t change anything. That’s a demon sitting on your shoulder saying, “What are you going to do? What are you going to do?” I encourage you to get comfortable not knowing future outcomes. Part of trusting God is having unanswered questions. Don’t worry about them. Humble yourselves before God. He wants to take care of you. Trusting God is a great privilege. We are not smart enough to run our own lives.
Exercise faith in the middle of conflict and fear. “I have given you the gift of confidence and assurance and if you will be daring enough to exercise it, I will destroy the very root of unbelief in your life.”
June 6, 2012: It’s all of the devil—the upsetness, etc. Don’t receive it. Stand true. Confess God’s Word. Don’t worry any more. No fear no decisions. Rest in the Lord. Don’t imagine. Be still and know He is God. Be at peace always. Fight the good fight of faith. God doesn’t operate in or out of fear—it’s just your emotions. Don’t be afraid of them. They will quiet down—they will. And even to your old age, I am He and even to your grey hairs will I carry you. I will sustain you and I will deliver you—Isaiah 6:4.
April 30, 2013 “Terror comes upon you at night. You are so afraid. You prayed and asked the Lord to please take
them away. God has heard your prayers. Right now you are delivered.” Via Pat Robertson, CBN. Time to stop fighting—just surrender. Instead of seeking deliverance, praise God. Praise and thank God more
Fear keeps us from receiving His love. He that fears is not made perfect in love. When we fear, we are calling Him a liar.
You cannot forget your purpose for anyone or anything!
Thoughts, feelings, emotions—do you believe them? In the past, how has trusting only in your feeling and emotions gotten you into trouble? Created fear?
The only power the enemy has we give him through believing his lies.
Five G’s:
Govern: Let the peace of God govern.
Guide: Let the peace of God guide.
Guard: Let the peace of God guard.
Gather: Let the peace of God draw.
Ground: Let the peace of God order and establish you.
All of the physical healing one has seen is a result of first coming to a place of peace. What we would call eternal peace which is the rule of Christ. It sends a powerful message to the rest of the body. First comes peace and healing follows. Torment is worse than the illness. Change focus. Any situation that causes you to lose peace, place hand on belly and allow Christ, the forgiver and healer to flow to that area and through you until you sense peace. Then you will have the flesh coming under subjection to the Spirit.
Truth supersedes faith. Where peace is, there is your faith.
“I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him and were radiant and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivered them”—Psalms 34:4-7
I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well.
God, your Father, has great love for you. He wants you to know this great love. It covers you and will conquer anything the enemy would throw at you. When you lay down expect the Lord (not fear). As my love is perfected in you, fear leaves, it gets less and less. We have known and believed the love God has towards us”—1 John 4:16, We know what we agree with by what comes out of our mouth. When we agree, it is a covenant. Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil. Pray with your wife and establish your own prayer closet. Close door and love on Him and let Him love on you. P rov.3:24, Jer1:1-19, Matt 6:6, 2 Cor. l0:1-6, 1 John 2:27. Study these over and over. –Jerry Pearson
Anxiety steals our joy and peace, wastes our energy. Bring it to God and the Spirit will give you peace. I am going to give it to you because of what I said in My Word. Either I believe He will or not. I don’t know how he is going to work it out, but I must give it to Him. As long as I grasp my uncertainty, it will affect me. Trusting Him supersedes all understanding. It is a faith battle.
Your initial starting is turning to the Lord and it’s already begun! He that started the work will complete it—November 22, 2013
Let Me: Then one day in the midst of “my trying.” I heard His voice, “Let Me.” My heart rejoiced. I gave Him my trying and it was done! It was finished—Roy Stahl
The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes. That soul though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.
To keep your lovely face ever before my eyes, this is my prayer, make it my strong desire, that in my secret heart, no other love competes, no rival throne survives and I serve only you.
Fears: I will not own them anymore because God has not given me the spirit of fear. All fears are of Satan. As I see the perfect love of God, those fears are being cast out! I cannot cast them out, but the perfect love that is my FATHER does the work. I live in His love—the place that love prepared.
Every time the devil lies, you say you are going to hear the Word. It’s like stabbing the enemy. You be just as relentless as the devil. I trust God, singing Word of God, speaking Word of God, meditating in Word of God.
Being upset doesn’t make any difference. Instead say this when you start to get upset: I am content and emotionally stable. I am not going to be up and down. Be thankful.
Deceive! To cause a person to believe what is not true—a lie! To cause a person to think something is that, that isn’t.
Transformed: In transition, to be formed. That transition will take place in a moment with the supernatural presence of the Spirit of God. – Malanado of King Jesus Ministry.
I know why storms don’t last forever. I know why there is hope in the air. I know why there is peace in trouble. He is there. He is there. –Mary Brown.
Sin will take you further than you want to go. Cost you more than you want to pay and keep you longer than you want to stay. The devil will walk through any open door and make you pay for it. Yielding to Satan: Every act of sin puts us in a place of submission. – Andrew Wommack. Rom 6:16.
The Christian life is a race – get rid of encumbrances—the sin. The sin, primary weakness, in your life—the one sin above all others, the one most tempted by. You must be continually on guard against one that troubles and ensnares you and divides your mind, affects your self respect. It keeps hanging in there. Easily besets you. The sin that easily entangles us damages ourselves, our relationship with God and others. It is a besetting sin—an entangling sin. Deceit and lies that try to get around the truth. Deception: not the whole truth. Lust--the most damaging of all. Lust is desire out of control. Whatever we place before our Heavenly Father is idolatry. A person who is worried or anxious all the time is drained of energy. How do we handle these encumbrances? Admit to the Lord and take responsibility for it and make decision to deal with it. To lay aside is to strip off. I can do all things through Christ, but will I? You can’t do it in your own strength, but in His. God doesn’t want it in your life, so He is on your side l00%. When you choose to lay it down by faith, He will help you, but you must acknowledge and take responsibility for it. It is discipline, not desire that determines our destiny. You don’t have to go on suffering. You can lay it down. It’s a choice. It’s the willingness to lay it aside, not just the desire that gives you the victory.—Charles Stanley
Love: I was not experiencing what I was talking about. I had never experienced the love of God for me. I had only talked about it. I felt warm and secure being hugged by my Father. I never understood this emotion of God loving me as a Father. -- Charles Stanley
Joseph Prince: The more you see your sin, the more you see what you have been forgiven. That’s the purpose, not to condemn you. Jesus was condemned for you!
When you consent to be saved—when you consent to be love--when you consent to be carried—that’s repentance— true repentance—not just feeling sorry for your sins Consent means give permission.
There once stood a wall—deep and wide, tall and strong. There it stood built of all our sins. But this man by His blood broke down the wall, loosed the flood of the mercies of God for all mankind.
We are insulting the work of Christ and devaluating the blood of Christ. We give Adam more emphasis than Christ. I’m righteous, not because of right thoughts or right emotions, or right behavior. To the extent that we are preoccupied with self creates fear, etc. Preoccupation with self is painful.
Are you going to believe the God of the Bible or are you going to believe the god of this World through your emotions? Don’t believe your feelings. Emotions are unreliable. Don’t look back, even one second. Satan is a liar-- always has been. Don’t listen to your mind. Pay heed to the Word.
In Romans. 47 times sin is a noun (Humortia). Only once a verb (action) Rom. 6:15
You are free from sin (noun), not verb—sinful action.
We reckon “likewise” once and for all. Reckon yourself dead once and for all.
The devil wants us to look at our obedience or the lack of it, but God wants us to look at Christ’s obedience that made us righteous.
Jesus will never die to sin again or the penalty or the condemnation of sin. Reckon yourself also dead to it. You will never come under the condemnation of sin again just like Jesus. He was condemned on your behalf. Only when you know there is no condemnation on you will you be able to go and sin no more. I am dead to the condemnation of sin with Jesus.
Once you have finished paying the bank, stop paying! Jesus fulfilled the law and brought it to an end. Rom.10:4. The reason we are now under grace is because Jesus fulfilled the law. JP
Charles Vance--Fear can cause you to trade what you know for what you feel.
The thing you believe is what you will have. It doesn’t take any more faith to believe for something good than something bad. The manner in which you perceive is the manner in which you receive.
Their perception of Him determined His ability in them. “He could do no mighty work…” When there is perception of a need, fear can arise. You are thinking by fear. Fear can motivate you to think, talk, and act wrong. Bible faith will cause you to think, talk, and act the same all the time because the Word is the same all the time.
Stop the fear that has already started and just keep believing.” Faith is your currency for your miracle. Fight through circumstances that contradict your faith. The devil is not going to see you be successful without fighting you.
The trial, if you stay in faith constantly will eventually come to an end. Your faith will be tried. It’s not just faith for a season, but a constant faith.
I am not going to live with anything less than God’s promises. Why should I settle for less when it’s all paid! Jesus paid for my peace, my salvation and healing. Remind yourself every day of what you have in Christ. Don’t talk about your feeling bad. By your stripes, I am healed. I have deliverance today.
Faith is simply confidence or belief you have something before you see it manifested or come to pass. The problem is already out of your way—trust Jesus. By faith, it’s gone.
Stay every day constant in your confession of faith. Don’t doubt. Don’t talk negative. The test isn’t eternal. It’s never too late to learn faith. I’ve made myself say what God says regardless of circumstances. It’s not easy. Celebrate your victory before it comes. God celebrates with you every moment of every day. Now is the most important time of your life. Faith relies on information from the Word of God. Faith is a magnetic force that attracts God. God has already healed everyone. Grab hold of the promises of God. Hold on. Don’t be afraid! The blood of Jesus is the currency that bought you.
Redeemed: bought up again--bought us back from the curse of the law and from Satan’s power. Rest is the fruit of faith, not struggle. Real faith will bring you to the place of rest. (A peace came over him in the hospital.) It wasn’t his faith; it was the faith of the Son of God, It wasn’t his peace; he didn’t manufacture it.
Gene Scott: The wrath of God fell on Christ. The only hope is righteousness by faith. Everyday is the Sabbath rest day if you walk by faith. Canaan is the life of faith. Flesh: a pernicious nature that must always see to believe. We are made partakers of Christ IF we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end. Same state of mind began with TRUST! Hold steadfast test after test. Say “Amen” to God. Don’t fear and draw back from faith. Believe to the saving of the soul.
We have all been delivered from Egypt’s bondage and are called to a walk of faith or we can wander in the wilderness. Heed the warning. Believe God TRUST HIM!
God brought them to the edge of the promised land, but they drew back because of fear. Don’t do the same. Are you a faither?” God is greater than the giants even though they be in the land. God enters into all things.
Traditions make void the Word of God. God’s righteousness leads you to faith. God IS the god of love and we can trust. Faith works by love. Fear is not trust.
A covenant relationship, a binding agreement. Old was of deeds and works, New of faith. Righteousness is believing God. Same as with Abraham. Consequence of failure to keep Old covenant required Jesus’death. He paid that price with His own Son. Old promised life, so does New. But Old we could not keep.
Jesus died as our punishment. He gives us life by believing on Him. Faith is a noun, trust a verb. God is called “faithful.”—1 Cor. 1:9
The faithful God—a description of God’s nature. God is faithful. It is His nature, not just a characteristic. The God, the being that’s faithful to keep covenant and mercy.
Nytro Message – Psalms 37 via Gene Scott
The righteous one walks by the faith of Him who lives from faith to faith. The righteous one by God’s faith lives.
He is the eternal keeper of His covenant, the joyous covenant of mercy.
In order to relieve Himself of being unfaithful and not keeping Covenant, He kept the terms of the first covenant and the punishment thereof in the body of His own Son. That He may enter into a New Covenant where what He is looking for is not perfect performance or a check list of do’s and don’t’s, but simply trust.
What do you want from your loved ones, perfection or a trust relationship? God wants trust! Adam and Eve didn’t give it. He is looking for people of trust.
Trust: Run to the shelter (God’s promises/) Say “Amen” to God. With God, Word and fact are the same. God’s Word is more real than what is hitting me. We touch God’s faithfulness. Turn from our selfish ways of self trust and fear and become thankful.
Camp out on the Word. I took it! I made it mine and I camped on it! Thank God, I camped out and the Lord was there.
God’s promises His part and declares our part. “Commit thy way unto the Lord.”--everything about you. We are asked to do four things in the 37th Psalm after “Fret not.” With the heart man believes (faitheth) with the mouth. We roll it off. You do it with your heart of belief and with your mouth. He has the burden of your way. Here’s my way, Lord, take it. Rest: be silent, shut up, wait patiently. Have the faith to believe that once you commit your way to the Lord, the steps of that committed man are of the Lord. Commit 100%. God is the risk saver. He will not let you fall. Trust Him, rest, wait patiently. He goes to work immediately. He will not let you fall.
Saints are the ones who have committed their way to the Lord. “He forsaketh not His saints,”which you are when you commit. The end of that man is peace—Shalom: health, well being, fullness. The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord. .He will never leave you or forsake you. Because you trust in Him as your shelter, that’s why the Lord does all these things. It is there for the taking.
Faith is more than belief or mental assent. It is action based upon belief sustained by confidence , progress in faith, from faith to faith. Lean on God’s Word of promise, leaning whole weight. Run to God’s Word for shelter—becomes first reaction. I can trust Him. We learn from faith to faith. You will grow in faith with multiple experiences in trust. Faith reaction doesn’t come automatically. Must be learned from faith to faith.
God is on the corner before I get there no matter what happens to me. He clears the road.
Righteousness is keeping Covenant with God. Abraham believe God and it was credited as righteousness to him.
God wants continual growth. He will test you from faith to faith. Camp out in the shelter. Say “Amen” to God.
Joyce Meyer: Regarding the Word of God, you have to believe it above your feelings. Are you going to believe the God of the Bible or are you going to let your feelings be a god to you and bow down to them. You have to believe it above your feelings. I feel, I feel, I don’t feel. I feel, I feel! You have to believe it above your thoughts. If your thoughts don’t agree with the Word of God, then you are wrong.
Andrew Wommack: People don’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe. They let what they believe get in the way of the Bible.
Mike Webb: Accept to be true what is already an established reality.