I have a feeling that most people would be glad to obey the voice of the Lord, if they knew for sure that it was the voice of the Lord. The big problem that confronts the individual is how he can be sure of the Lord’s voice when he does hear it. This business of identifying the many impulses experienced by our human natures is a problem well worth our consideration. It is a little difficult to lay down any hard and fast rules to cover all situations, so the next best thing is to observe what has already happened, and to study and observe the surrounding circumstances.
Samuel, as a child, in the house of Eli, heard the voice of God. Even though he could understand this voice, he was not aware of its origin. This happened several times, and each time Samuel went to Eli and asked, “Did you call?” Finally, Eli became aware of the fact that something was happening. Therefore he instructed the child that if he heard the voice again, it would be the Lord, and he should act accordingly. Here was a case where the identity was made by an elder person. On the surface it would seem that all that is necessary is, when in doubt, go to your Pastor and receive instruction. Let us investigate the surrounding facts of the case, and discover for ourselves the wisdom of such action.
It turns out that Eli was not too sharp an instructor. The incident had to be repeated two or three times before it dawned upon him how to tell the child. There is lost time here. If we want an immediate identification, and many times the situation demands immediate attention, if this is the case, then we are placing ourselves in a place of Spiritual jeopardy when we rely upon the wisdom of another. It was imperative that Abraham hear and know God’s voice when he raised the knife to slay his son Isaac. God said, “Stop, I will provide!” The urgency of this situation is apparent.
Furthermore, Eli failed God, both in rearing his children and in the administration of the things of God. His service to God was not of the caliber demanded, and soon his life was ended. He no longer was a source of Spiritual instruction. Samuel now had to rely on Spiritual knowledge obtained “FIRST HAND.” This is, after all, the ONLY SURE WAY to deal with Spiritual things.
The preparatory groundwork for Gideon’s exploits with the Lord provides some rather interesting discoveries along this line. There was a dividing line in his experience that was clear cut and Spiritual. His effort in the Lord was successful from that moment on. This was because every step he made, he made at the direction of God.
Furthermore he knew it was God. There was no doubt in his mind, and no hesitation in his actions. This is what we need today! How can we attain this state? I believe that if we follow the same spiritual direction that Gideon followed, we can not help but arrive at the same destination. What is the story? What is this direction? You will find it contained within the first twenty four verses of the Sixth Chapter of Judges. The key verses to be considered are the Seventeenth through the Twenty-fourth.
Let us consider the development in this manner. Gideon was not so much of a fellow as far as being a National hero was concerned. His family was very poor, and he rated the least in his family. Not a very impressive figure to be sure.
The story introduces him while he is hiding his actions from possible enemy observation. He was threshing, so it must have been harvest time, and we have read how the enemies of Israel swarmed the land at this time to ransack it.
Gideon was trying to salvage a bit of wheat. Such is the scene to which we are introduced.
His Spiritual environment gives us some grounds for speculation. He was raised in a home that was at least sympathetic to the gods of Canaan, because his father had erected an altar to Baal, a heathen God, and had allowed a grove to be dedicated to these heathen gods, and used as a place of worship. On the other hand, he was aware of the laws of God, and of the fact that the presence of God meant the blessing of God. We hear him conversing with a heavenly visitor, and asking why it was that if God was really with Israel, all this trouble was theirs. So all in all, we find Gideon to be a pretty average fellow. It was with this “average fellow” that God worked, and it was through him that God delivered Israel. There was some preparation, however.
This preparation came about by the manifestation of a Heavenly visitor. Instructions were given Gideon that he was to be the one to save Israel, and the promise was given that the Lord would be with him. The significant thing here is that Gideon did not know that this WAS an Angel of the Lord. Without question he realized the authority with which the stranger spoke, and was willing to comply with the request made. He wanted, asked for and received authority for himself. He asked the stranger for a sign corroborating their conversation.
And right here is where we learn something.
Gideon possessed a characteristic of facing the facts squarely. This is indicated by the expressed thought that if the Lord was with Israel, “Why then all the oppression?” Gideon knew definitely the things that would be evident if God was with them. These things were not evident, therefore, the logical conclusion--God is not with us. There was no pride evident, no living in past glory, just a knowledge of the facts as they existed. Actually, if we would face facts the same way regarding our Spiritual status, we would experience things that would move, not only us closer to God, but those around us as well. Many people embellish the truth of their existence, and attempt to accept as truth, something that does not exist. This individual, of course, has no strength with the Lord, because he is not willing to recognize his need. This man never knows whether or not he is in God’s will. He is never sure of the identity of God’s voice, nor does he know God’s plan, therefore, his confidence does not constitute a very solid platform. Inasmuch as faith is built upon this platform of confidence, we find this lacking in his life as well.
Gideon’s strength was made evident because he faced the facts, and so also will our strength bring us to God as we face the Spiritual facts that position our life.
Gideon heard the instructions of the Angel of the Lord. Even though he did not perceive the Divine origin of his visitor, he was ready to acknowledge his authority. This in itself was not enough, Gideon wanted some sign that this conversation took place, and so he asked for it.
Many folk today claim to have talked with God, yet there is no corroboration of this conversation as far as their lives are concerned. They continue as they were before, partaking of the things of the world, irresponsible in their conversation, negligent in their daily living.
Abraham had his visit with the Lord manifested by the fact of his leaving Chaldea. Jacob forcibly detained an Angel of the Lord, and carried the evidence of his determination the rest of his life. Gideon asked for a sign, and this is what happened.
Gideon performed an act of courtesy to this visitor, and prepared him an offering of meat, bread and broth. The offering was accepted, but it was accepted on the visitor’s terms. Furthermore, Gideon served it, not the way he thought it should be served, but the way the Angel told him to serve it. When Gideon complied with the instruction, the visitor reached forth his staff, touched the offering; and Gideon, in amazement, beheld fire consume his offering.
Here, surely, was a sign.
Many times when we ask God to give us a sign, we do not bring an offering; and God has nothing to work with. It is true, God might work in the lives of others, but that is not personal as far as we are concerned, and therefore lacks authority. The only time we really know the power of God, or the Presence of God, is when we personally experience it. We will never personally experience the power of God unless we bring a personal offering to the Lord. Many folk will say, “How do I know there is a God?” In order to know this, it is necessary to present yourself personally to the Lord. His dealings will then be with you personally. It is rather difficult to doubt that which you have personally experienced. Someone else might not understand, but it is certainly hard to doubt something that you have personally experienced.
Gideon asked this stranger for a sign. With his own eyes he saw fire come from the rock and consume his offering.
Not only that, he also saw the visitor disappear from his sight. Gideon was left alone. He had talked to this visitor, received instructions from him, given him an offering, he had seen the offering consumed. Now he was standing alone, no offering, no visitor, just the KNOWLEDGE of what he was to do. How was he going to tell people? There was nothing to show, he was standing alone. Believe me, he was afraid. It dawns upon him now that he had seen an Angel of the Lord. The Angel’s admonition to “go in this thy might,” was completely forgotten. His thoughts were far from delivering Israel, his life was to be forfeited; he had talked with an Angel of the Lord. No man could do this and live. He was afraid. Now he was the one that needed delivering.
Listen to what happened. The Lord, not an Angel, but the very Lord Himself, spoke to Gideon, not face to face, but in his heart. This Voice was made known to, not only his ears, but to his whole being. God spoke! Gideon knew it was God. God spoke directly to Gideon, “Peace be to you, be not afraid, thou shalt not die.” What wonderful words to hear from God, especially when you are afraid. What happened to Gideon? He knew what the score was now. He knew God’s plan, he knew the Voice of God. There was no doubt in his life from that day on. Why? This all happened because he brought an offering to the Lord.