Warren Rogers
Don’t expect Satan to suggest God to you as an alternative. That would be the last thing he would do even if he could; and even if he could, he would want to do it in a way that would destroy you, not help you. Any alternative that Satan brings to your mind is aimed to ruin you and assist you into your spiritual grave. You can be sure of that. Any remedy suggested by him will end in despair and hopelessness with your soul being mocked!
Have you ever noticed that when the gears of reason are revolving that God is always left out? That’s because Satan is the initiative behind the treadmill. He would like us to reason God right out of our thoughts, even our very life if he could. That’s why the Bible tells us in no uncertain terms not to lean upon our own understanding but in all our ways we are to acknowledge the Lord and He will direct our path (Prov.3:5).
Satan would bring every alternative under heaven to our attention but never heaven itself. That’s because he doesn’t have what it takes to suggest the things that give humans peace. For one thing, he can’t. The fact of the matter is, if the thoughts you are entertaining do not generate the peace of God, watch out! You are letting Satan do your thinking for you. It’s as simple as that. I don’t care what it’s regarding or what it has to do with. God’s desire is to calm the trouble in our heart, whereas Satan’s desire is to stir up the waves of turbulence, frustration, and despair.
Satan may suggest a needle to you, or a drink, a pill, or a razor blade for your wrists; but you can be sure that he will never suggest the One and only thing that will work. More than one soul has been mocked and deceived by Satan. The fact of the matter is when we do not believe God’s Word, the Bible says that our minds are being “blinded” by the god of this world less the glorious Gospel which is the image of God should shine its light in our soul (2 Cor.4:4). Incidentally, the Gospel describes what God looks like. It describes what we look like in God’s eyes too, for we are one with Him.
Thoughts of fear and uncertainty, doubt, frustration, boredom, discouragement, and indecision have only one source. They can be traced back to the one who would like to ensnare your soul and mine and smother it with a blanket of hopelessness. It’s Satan’s job to provide a reasonable basis for us to worry and doubt. He wants to help us found our unbelief upon a seemingly good, solid, compact foundation of lies which as far as God is concerned does not warrant either His or our attention.
Lies—that’s all Satan has to work with. Any alternative that he suggests will only end in despair and hopelessness. Any thought that takes away our peace is definitely of Satan. There must come a time when we are able to separate our thoughts and put the sheep on one side, as it were, and the goats on the other by what the Bible calls reason of use or exercise (Heb.5:14).
Sometimes it seems difficult to separate the thoughts that are in our minds and clearly distinguish their origin. That’s how well Satan has trained our minds. Sometimes we get so mixed up, we often think the thoughts that pass through our minds are our own. That’s where we are deceived! I am speaking in respect to that which determines our spiritual state. I am concerned with that which determines our spiritual victories or defeats, whether conscious or unconscious. I am speaking of thoughts that make us what we are, or what we become, and for whose use--thoughts that are either good or evil as far as God is concerned. Thoughts can pass through our mind which are not our own (that is, we are not the source) and for some strange reason we often feel compelled to identify ourselves with them. We are under the impression (impressed by whom?) that they belong to us. We feel some sort of obligation to them so sometimes we are completely naive to their origin and purpose.
Just because thoughts come to our mind does not mean that they are our own and we must receive them. Jesus says, “Take no thought.” Who’s giving them out anyway? Haven’t we a right to be a little cautious, and sometimes even skeptical, especially when the Bible says not to believe every spirit? It is true that thoughts can use our mind, but there is nothing that I read in God’s Holy Word that says we must claim ownership to any old thought that just comes along. We have a God-given right to question the source and origin of our thoughts! We are to bring every thought into subjection and captivate it for Christ. It is only then that we fulfill obedience (2 Cor.10:4-5).
Satan, the Bible teaches, is the master in the art of deception and subterfuge. He knows his business. He is sneaky, crafty, clever, and subtle. He has enough sense to know, if he can get a man to think like he wants, that he has control of him regardless of his religion. The Bible says we are not to be ignorant of his devices. That is what the helmet of salvation is for, to protect our mind from Satan’s assault. Satan is so subtle that he can slip thoughts into our mind without even giving the password. It doesn’t pay good wages to be asleep at our post. Sometimes we do not even suspect it. Satan doesn’t rattle chains as he approaches your mind. He wears slippers, or moccasins, cushioned with reason.
You might say it is like shopping in a local department store with your shopping bag wide open and unsuspectingly being used by someone who is sneaking items into it that you are not even aware of and really had no intention of buying. My little boy has gone to the store with his mommy on several occasions; and when she got home, sometimes she found certain items in her shopping bag that made both her and him to be a thief without even knowing it. One time she came home with a package of gum, another time a ball point pen she didn’t remember buying.
The world has a saying, “Is a man a thief because he steals, or does he steal because he is a thief?” They really don’t know, and neither does the thief; because if he did, he would quit stealing. That’s because every man that obeys Satan does so because he is ignorant of the origin of his motives and desires. The Bible says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?”--Jer.17:9. That’s referring to the old life we used to have which really wasn’t life, but death. In fact it is Satan himself--the father of spiritual death.
Man of himself does not know what spirit motivates his decisions. In fact, he doesn’t even realize that it is a spirit that caused his thoughts. It is only because of Christ that we can recognize Satan’s activities. Satan does not voluntarily reveal or expose himself. Christ reveals him and we see him because we see Christ. Man of himself cannot discern good from evil. He cannot because he doesn’t know Christ, the Truth. He refuses to believe in the existence of the devil because he won’t believe Christ.
If a man was brought to the realization that every thought he entertained, every word he spoke, and every deed he has done are either because of Christ or because of Satan, he would be equipped with a much more sensitive and conscientious set of values. There is absolutely no-in-between-ground whether he likes it or not. Jesus said, “You are either with me or against me.” Whatever is not of faith is sin. Whatever is not of God is of Satan. Jesus has broken down the middle wall or partition. Man can no longer, as far as God is concerned, get by with his so-called independent third category. He is not as he thinks--“a self-made man.” He is either a God-made man or he is a Satan-made man regardless of how soft spoken he may be. Jesus said to the Pharisees, “You are of your father the devil,” even if they did carry a Bible and wear religious clothes. Jesus probably never carried a Bible nor wore religious clothes. The difference between Jesus and them was they carried God’s Word in their heads, whereas Jesus carried God’s Word in His heart.
Man is a doer of words, regardless of the source he obeys. He acts upon his beliefs and thoughts and his thoughts either originate in God or come from Satan. One or the other is the controlling factor in his life. Either Christ is his life or the spirit of “anti-Christ” is his death.
The Bible speaks of two things that are a mystery to man--the “mystery of Godliness” and the “mystery of iniquity.” Both are an enigma to man, and without Christ he can understand neither. Jesus has given us the Spirit of truth so that we may decide in favor of the right thing and not be bound by the chains of foolishness and ignorance. He wants to reveal to us what it is that quickens and motivates our thoughts and decisions.
Hebrews 4:12-13 says that the Word of God is alive and active, and He is able to reveal to us the thoughts and intents (motives) of the heart. Man of himself does not possess the honesty that would give him the ability to distinguish the reasoning behind his motives. The mystery of Godliness and the mystery of iniquity are a spiritual impasse to human understanding, and no one but the Spirit of truth (Christ in you) can shed light on either subject. The Bible says that the mystery of iniquity is already at work; but to the one who understands Christ, it is no mystery. The revelation of Christ is a revelation of both good and evil (John 16:8).
Paul says in Rom. 8:12 that a Christian is no longer a debtor to the flesh, simply because Jesus has redeemed us from Satan’s dominion and given us a new Spirit. That’s what redemption is: a change of Spirit.” Ezek.36:26 says, “A new heart (Spirit) will I give unto you. I will take out the old law-breaking spirit, the lawless one.”--2 Thes.2:8, “the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.”--Eph.2:2. (Remember, to be carnally minded is still death.) Now God’s law is written in our hearts by the Spirit of the Living God. Therefore we need no longer feel obligated to the desires of the flesh and its evil propensities. We have a new obligation and responsibility to a new Spirit. We are told that if we walk in the Spirit we shall not fulfill the desire of the flesh (Gal. 5:16). Now it’s a matter of where we place our mind, whether it’s on things above or things beneath. Now it’s a matter of whose thoughts we are thinking.
It must finally occur to us that any thought that does not have peace as its fruit does not originate from God. The Word of God commands us to seek peace and pursue it. (1 Peter 3:11), and “Let or allow the peace of God to rule in our heart.”--Col. 3:15. The word rule means to umpire or referee. In a football game when you step out of bounds, the referee blows the whistle on you. When it comes to spiritual things, God has provided just as sure a means to help us determine where we stand. If we are about to step out of bounds, He blows a Spiritual whistle that warns us first and tells us we are departing from that peace that surpasses understanding. The will of God “is” the will of peace.
So, what alternative are you considering?