Spiritual insanity--that’s what it is!
Sometimes we do not act like we are in our right minds. Just what do I mean by that? Well, the word righteous means true; therefore, what I am saying is sometimes we do not act like people who abide in the mind of truth.
The Bible says, “We have the mind of Christ.” 1 Cor.2:16. It does not say it would be nice if we had it, but it says if we are Christians we already possess it. The Bible also says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…”--Phil. 2:5. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”--John 14:6. He also said, “Abide in Me.”--John 15:4. Jesus confessed that the words that He spoke did not originate within Him, but the source was His Father who lived within. The truth of it is that if we are not abiding in Christ, then we are not living in our right minds. To put it in plainer words, if possible, when we do not allow the mind of Christ to rule over our thoughts, we are partaking of spiritual insanity. Does that offend you? Well, if you love the truth of God’s Word, you won’t be. “Blessed are they who love thy word for nothing shall offend them.”
You see, only God has a mind that is free and not adulterated and contaminated with worldly wisdom. He looked down from Heaven and beheld that the mind (imagination) of man was evil continually. Man’s mind is earthly, sensual and devilish (James 3:15). He said, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways your ways.”--Isa.55:8
However, He has given us the privilege of having His mind if we want it. We don’t have to take it; but if we want it, we may have it right now. It is a wonderful mind. There is no worry or fear or frustration within it--only peace, joy, and confidence. That is because the mind of God is completely independent of this world and from the forces of evil. “My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, give I unto you.”-- John 14:27. The only way to escape the pollutions of this world is to not only have a change of heart, but a change of mind. We can safely abide in the mind of Christ.
Insanity is simply a word used to show the difference between that which is normal and that which is abnormal. The things we allow to parade through our imagination at times would be considered completely abnormal to the mind of God or the mind of truth. Therefore, God categorizes it as spiritual insanity. Speaking of Adam and Eve where it all began, Paul says, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” One of the meanings of the word “fool” is imbecile. They became spiritual imbeciles-- vain in their imaginations; their foolish heart was darkened.”--Rom. 1:22
When we allow Satan to put certain thoughts in our mind, we are acting like spiritual fools. When Jesus said words like, “Let not your heart be troubled,” and “Abide in me and I in you,” it was an invitation from the mind of God beckoning us to depart from our worldly cares and to take refuge in that consciousness which is God’s alone. He was telling us that if we would draw our life from Him that we would not be overcome by the cares of this world. That is because there is no error in God’s thinking. His mind is free from the attacks of the evil one so we are told to put on the helmet of salvation (Eph. 6:17). It is God’s own salvation and freedom.
How people are in need of a new mind. The old carnal mind with its spiritual sense of inferiority, plagued by the circumstances and nagging perplexities of this temporary life, will not do. Jesus beheld the need that man had for a new mind as well as a new Spirit and began to introduce it when He said, “Take no thought for your life.”--Matt. 6:25. He knew that to change the heart was good but unless the mind could be changed with it, worry would still nag, perplex, and hold the Spiritually-free in an imaginary bondage.
It’s of no use on this earth if you are free in Spirit, but bound in thought. Jesus knew that Satan’s tool has always been the “carnal mind” with its thoughts and thoughts can enforce a bondage upon human experience just as real as Roman government. He knew that it was not a political change that society required, but a revolution in the heart and the mind. Both were significant to Him. This alone would set man free from Satan’s tyranny. To set a person free politically would not necessarily set them free from themselves--a deliverance they needed most assuredly. (Only the cross could do that.)
Jesus was aware of the spiritual erosion that carnal thoughts could have upon a human mind and soul. He knew of human failures and their need for forgiveness and mercy. He knew that more people were affected by wrong thoughts than any other sickness upon the face of the earth. He knew that the mind and the spirit sickness were universal, and He came to ease them of their diseases. That is what the gospel is for; it is good news to the oppressed in mind, spirit, and body. All aspects must be delivered from Satan’s thrall. We have heard much emphasis on the physical aspect of deliverance (healing), but little upon that which really changes a man. Jesus showed this when He healed physically the ten lepers and only one took on a thankful spirit; the rest went their own way. But remember healing us from our misery is only to point us to the will of God; it is not an end in itself.
The Bible teaches emphatically the necessity of having the mind renewed. Romans 12:1-2 says, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind and be not conformed to this world.” Romans 8:5 says “Mind the things of the Spirit, not the things of the flesh.” Colossians 1:21 says, “We were enemies in our minds.” So we must put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created it. Jesus already translated us into the kingdom of God (Col. 1:13), but we will be “transformed” only as we become doers of the Word, putting off the old man and his thoughts and putting on the new (Col.3:8-10). This is an act of will.
Principalities and powers, the dark rulers of this world, want to maintain death in our thinking. They do not want to lose their grasp--their stronghold. They know that they are defeated but they also know when we are unsure of this. God has told us that to be carnally-minded is death. Every man must be persuaded in his own mind. We are commanded not to have fellowship or union with the unfruitful works of darkness, but to reprove or challenge them, questioning their authority. We have not in many instances challenged their authority, but God’s Word says they are not to rule over us. We are not to believe every spirit. We are to rule and reign through Christ Jesus right here in this life on earth. Satan shall not have dominion over you because you are Christ’s.
The Sixth Chapter of Romans tells us how we are no longer under Satan’s dominion. He is the author of sin in the flesh who has held us prisoner. We have been severed from our relationship and fellowship with him through the cross of Christ. Now we are to reckon this or count this as true. Paul says, “Likewise reckon yourselves alive unto God but dead unto sin.”--Rom 6:11. We become aware of our rights and privileges in Christ. We can assert our dominion over that which has had dominance over us. Paul said “Knowing this…”--you have to know it first and then believe it.
When we become aware of Satan’s activities, there is a real struggle because demonic powers do not give up their strongholds voluntarily. But darkness always gives way to light. We realize (real eyes) more and more that we do not war against flesh and blood, but against the dark rulers of this world--against, principalities and powers (Eph, 6:12). We do not war to obtain victory because Jesus already won it. We war to maintain victory. If we become passive, Satan will soon occupy any ground we give him. That is why God’s Word commands us to take on the whole (complete) armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil in the day of evil (Eph. 6:13). All of God’s armor is to protect the front, not the hinder parts, because we are not to retreat. There is no protection for the rear. Get the point?
The helmet of salvation is God’s protection for our mind. We are to hold up the shield of faith whereby we may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. We must realize that Satan can only use thoughts and imaginations of doubt and fear to attempt to destroy our fellowship with God. It is when communications are cut off that fellowship is impaired and we lose the victory that God has already given us. We must dare to stand up and face our adversary, the devil. Paul said, “And in nothing be terrified by your adversary” (Phil. 1:28).
Satan’s one desire is to prevent our fellowship with God. That is all he can do, and then only if we let him. He cannot affect our relationship, but he can squeeze the joy out of us if we do not have enough Spiritual perception to discern Satan at work. When a man realizes that he does not war against flesh and blood, and when he can see past circumstances and beyond people, he is on his way to enjoying the rightful victory that Jesus has procured for him.
What makes it difficult is that Satan has so well trained our minds before the new birth that our mental bias in his favor. When an individual is quickened by the revelation of God’s Spirit and discerns the difference between good and evil, he begins to take his freedom. That is a miracle. If he cannot see beyond circumstances, he is left to flounder in his carnal mind.
We must realize that God’s salvation is Spiritual. A man can be delivered from a bondage that no one knows about, but himself and God. He can be just as happy about his freedom as one who quits taking drugs or has been delivered from any fleshly desire. The reason that anyone takes drugs, or partakes of anything else Satan wants to destroy a person with, is invisible (spiritual) anyway. You can’t see desire, but you can see the effects of it, whether it be good or evil. If God can deal with the desire, one need not be concerned about its fruits. Jesus has laid the axe to the root where society tries to deal only with the symptoms. But if you can deal with the source, you need not be so concerned with the symptoms. Man’s real need is invisible and so is his answer. It is Spiritual in its nature.
We partake of all that the Father has for us by faith. Faith realities are invisible. God’s Word is the remedy to all human problems. Faith is that faculty given by God which makes the invisible real. That is because faith is the reality that causes one to quit hoping and start believing.
I know a lot of people who are hoping, but I know only a few who are believing. He that believes has, but he that hopes has not. That is because without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:1 simply says, “Now faith is.” It doesn’t say faith will be someday, but it says it already is! Hope says, “Tomorrow,” but faith says, “Now.” Isn’t it time that we learned the difference between hope and faith? To some there is no difference, but the real difference is either going away empty or having life fulfilled. Hope is a good place to begin, but only faith can equip us with the sense of entirety that our soul needs.
Abraham was a pioneer because he believed God. I think God wants us to be pioneers, and then others will follow. It is downright “insanity” to do otherwise when God has provided so much. I don’t think that the scientific term “nervous breakdown” ever exists in God’s dictionary so why should it be in ours? Let us be eased from our disease. Let your mind be purged from all worldly thinking. That is what His Word is for.
You have been delivered from spiritual insanity. You have the mind of Christ--just receive it and believe it!