Dear Dave:
In your last letter to me you seemed to be quite surprised that after so many years of being a Christian that old thoughts could return to trouble you.
To be frank with you Dave, I am rather surprised that you would be so naive. Have you forgotten that the Bible says the devil still goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour? Do you think the devil has changed? No, my dear nephew, you are the one who has changed and you had better not forget it.
Even once in awhile a lobster fisherman checks to see if anything has fallen into his trap. You shouldn’t be surprised if old thoughts are brought to mind. However, don’t think for a moment that you must be captive to them; and whatever you do, never, never, fall for the lie that tells you that nothing has changed with you, that you are still the same old person.
That’s got to be the most colossal lie on the devil’s part which one could be told. That is a blatant contradiction of the Word of God that clearly states when you are in Christ you are a new creation. That is just as big a lie as when the serpent came to Eve and deceptively contradicted the Word God spoke to her. That liar, the devil, is trying the same old tactic on you.
I know you have read the Bible a lot Dave, but if you don’t put what you read into practice and start doing the Word, you might as well throw in the towel. Reading the Bible is good, but that alone is not sufficient. You must take fast hold of God’s Truth.
You know as well as I Dave that Christ, our Lord, has absolutely stripped the devil of all authority. He has no power over you whatsoever. You don’t have to let those old thoughts scare you. They aren’t yours! Don’t claim them!
How could they be your thoughts when you are a new creation in Christ? Have you stopped to think of that? How can Satan tempt you when your identity in Christ has completely changed? The new creation is not under the dominion of sin or the dominance of the devil, but is the dominator!
You have God’s Life now; and, according to the Bible, God cannot be tempted with evil. Don’t you see what Satan is trying to do? He is trying to fool you into believing a lie. Don’t claim the old, but claim the new!
Why I wouldn’t even consider such foolish ideas. What you did Dave was to let your guard down. Remember where the Bible says not to give place to the devil? You must use that shield of faith God gave you. It is more than sufficient to quench all the fiery darts the devil may throw your way.
Remember Dave in Christ you are the Victor not the victim. Never forget that. Jesus already bound the strong man and set you completely free. When God sets you free you are free indeed. You aren’t going to believe a lie, are you? Well, are you?
Satan will most certainly come around to check you out, but don’t believe for one instant that what he brings to your mind is yours. Because you belong to the Lord, the only thing you should claim is the Truth of God’s Word.
I don’t care how real the feelings, thoughts, emotions, or desires you say you may have. It is a lie right from the pit of hell if it contradicts the Word of God!
Dave even if you have slipped in a moment of weakness, you must remember that there is no condemnation from the Lord towards you. Jesus bore all your condemnation (Rom. 8:1-3). All His thoughts towards you are of peace and not of evil.
You belong to Christ and Christ is God’s. You have no right to condemn yourself. You don’t belong to yourself.
Dave, if you believe what God has told you in His Word, you won’t have to worry about slipping anymore.
There is a wonderful scripture in the Bible that says this: “Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceedingly joy.”--Jude 1:24. Isn’t that wonderful Dave? It isn’t what you have done, but what He has done for you. That is for you now because now is when you need it!
You are a new creation in Christ and you don't come under Satan’s jurisdiction anymore. God has provided slip and fall assurance just for you. Don’t fear any more!
You might just as well do what the Bible says Dave and put on the whole complete armor of God. Do you realize what that is Dave? God is your armor!
You will be able to stand against all the wiles and tricks of the devil. You don’t have to be afraid of him. Frankly Dave, he is afraid of you. He is just trying to get your mind off the facts of God’s Word.
You know the Word. Use it Dave, for heavens sake use it! Why do you think it is called the sword of the Spirit? We aren’t dealing with just paper and ink. It’s God’s Word to you and for you. If God is for you, who can be against you?
How can something that is not of God belong to you? Don’t claim the lie, claim the Word of Truth. l John 4:4 says, “You are of God little children and have overcome them (those lying spirits) because greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world.”
Dave, the devil hasn’t changed a bit. He always uses the same old tactics. His objective is to get our mind off the Lord and on to the lie. It’s that simple!
You have no obligation whatsoever to claim the things of the flesh. The flesh is already dead according to the Word of God. It died when Jesus died. Thoughts, feelings, desires, and emotions may at times seem very real; but Dave nothing is more real than the Word of God. All these other things are temporal. They change like the sand at the sea shore, but the Word of God is Eternal. It changes not!
Base your life on eternal realities, not on temporal things of the flesh. Everything you can see will pass away, but the Word of God abides forever. Don’t allow the devil to deceive you. He wants you to believe that the problem is yours. Are you going to claim it?
Just think for a moment Dave, if you are hid with Christ in God as the Word states, then Christ has a problem. It just cannot be Dave; it just cannot be. Is Christ the problem? Does Christ have problems within Him? If He is your Life, then you cannot have a problem either. You have a lie!
I am standing with you in this thing Dave and here is what I want you to do: I want you to rise up as it were and renounce all those feelings and desires you say you have. Take the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit and wield it by faith. Ignore the devil and his lies. Don’t recognize the problem just look at the answer. The instant you consider the lie, it starts to work. Don’t even think about it!
Satan knows he has been defeated, but Dave he will test your faith in the Word of God to see what you really believe. Call his bluff, take up your shield of faith and claim your true identity in Christ.
James 4:7 says, “Submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.” We are foolish Dave when we do not use the tools God has already given us. We don’t have to allow the devil to dictate to us through our feelings. The Bible says to reckon these things dead when they are contrary to the Word of God.
We don’t have to listen to the devil, he’s through! Why should we be intimidated by the one who is already defeated? Don’t be afraid of your feelings; they aren’t your Lord! Why in heaven’s name Dave should we throw the Word of God to the winds and believe a feeling? God forbid!
I suppose by the time you receive this letter that so-called feeling will have already passed. But it will come back again Dave. Just remember what God has taught you through this temptation and use it against the devil to the glory of God. That’s all you need to do, because the victory has already been won. Don’t be cheated! The only thing that is truly yours Dave is what God has given you in Christ. Don’t claim anything else or you will be laying claim to a lie.
We are a peculiar lot, aren’t we? All the devil needs to do is make a suggestion to our mind or stimulate our feelings and we fall for it. That doesn’t demonstrate much faith in the Word of God, does it?
We can rise above our feelings Dave. In fact, in Christ we already have. Christ isn’t subject to our feelings. We have a place in God that is far above everything and anything that is of this world of flesh.
The Bible even goes so far as to tell us in the Third Chapter of John’s gospel that we are no longer flesh but Spirit! That shows us right there that we do not have to be obedient to our flesh, but that the flesh must obey us. Flesh has lost its power. Now that we are new creations in Christ, we do not have to obey the dictates of the body. Romans 8:9 says that we do not live in the flesh any more but in the Spirit of God.
We are no longer subjects of the flesh; we are subject to Christ. He redeemed us with His own Life Blood. We aren’t debtors to the flesh; Jesus paid the debt by dying for us. We don’t owe the devil a single thing.
Flesh is Satan’s realm and Jesus invaded Satan’s realm. Jesus took all flesh to the cross and did away with it. Through death He delivered those who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage (Hebrews 2:15).
Hebrews 2:14 says, “For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil.”
Jesus’ death on the cross terminated Satan’s hold on us forever. Christ’s death set us free! We are now born of the Spirit of God. Jesus said, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” We are born of the Spirit of God. We are just as free from sin as God is. We have His Life. God is not subject to sin.
Well Dave, that’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so God can help you. I know you will think on these things because I know that you love the Lord.
Isn’t it wonderful what we can learn through trials? No wonder the Bible says to count it all joy. Even Jesus was perfected through His sufferings. And it is true Dave, all things do work together for the good of those who love God and are the called according to His purpose. You’ll see!