I have often wondered why it is that some people are forever fighting to retain their joy in the Lord while others seem to have a deep settled peace that takes them through every trouble that comes their way.
Now, I think I know why. The Bible says, “We walk by faith, not by sight.” Faith comes from Jesus. Sight is one of the senses of this world--it’s carnal. The Bible says that I am not of this world even as Jesus was not of this world. If I believe in a God, whom I cannot see, why should I let things that I can see affect my harmony with Him? God’s realm is hid from the eyes of this world. Jesus told Nicodemus that he could not even “see” the things of God unless he was born again. One of the things that I learn from this is that my carnal senses cannot know the things of God. In regard to my mind (which is carnal) the Bible says that it is against the things of God. It is not subject to God’s laws, and it never will be.
The hitch to this is that I am only aware of things because of my mind. I want to be aware of God. I want to be aware of His love for me and I want to know His care for me always. That takes faith.
My mind relies on material things, things of this world, because that’s all it sees and knows.
So guess what I am the most aware of? It all depends upon what I do with my mind. If I do not change my way of thinking, I will only be aware of what I see and feel and think.
It’s a real chore to understand this. I know many people who are very familiar with the Bible. They have read and reread it. They have memorized it until it seems to be second nature with them; and yet, they have a hard time understanding what being born again is all about.
The reason that God made me to be a new creature is that the old one had no place in God. I didn’t understand all this when I gave my heart to Jesus, but God did.
The Bible says that flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. The reason for this is that God considers all flesh to be in sin. That means that the flesh is in bondage to Satan. Satan won’t let you go; death is the only way out. So, that was the first thing God took care of. Jesus offered to die for us. He was willing to give up what He had so we could have this new Life and know the things of God, and so Jesus died.
This is the thing that is beyond our understanding--Calvary is where we died. As long as we see only Jesus dying, we will never understand the things of God because we have not yet accepted our new Life. It is only when we see that we died when Jesus died that we can know that we have become One with God. That’s what His death was for so that we might have a new Life.
The Bible says that we are to reckon ourselves to be “dead unto sin and alive unto God.” That’s a new way to live.
The Bible says that if we died with Jesus, we shall also live with Him. If we believe that we live in Him, we should also walk in this new Life.
We do have a new Life! The old one was conceived in sin and shaped by iniquity. This old life ended when we died with Jesus on Calvary. The new Life began when Jesus brought us to the Father. It was with exceeding joy that Jesus presented us faultless to the Father.
Jesus told us that He was going to prepare a place for us to live in the Father. He asked God to take care of this by making us to be One with the Father, even as He was One with the Father. His request to God was, “Glorify me with thine own self, with the glory I had with thee before the world was.” That is Spirit, it is not the things or this world! Then He says, “The glory thou hast given me, I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one. I in them and thou in me, that they may be perfect in one.” That’s being “born again!” The next thing that Jesus did in preparing our place of abiding was to leave this world and give Himself back to God.
Jesus told us that it was expedient for Him to go away because if He did not go away, the Comforter would not come.
I like that word “expedient.” It means that something has to be done in order to accomplish an end, or, the bringing of something to completion. That’s what Jesus did for us, brought us to completion. He did this by preparing our place of abiding in the Father.
Jesus said, when the Comforter is come, “At that day you will know that I am in the Father and He is in me and I am in you.” To be even more explicit, He said, “If a man love me he will keep my Words; and my Father will love him, and we will come and make our abode in him.” Then He said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.” So that’s the way Jesus prepared our place of abiding in God. In order to receive this, I had to die. Jesus took care of that. In order to be aware of my life in God, I have to bring my mind to the place of faith. In order to do this, I must know that all things, including my faith, come from Jesus.
Now comes the hard part. Do I really believe that this is what happened? As far as my mind is concerned, I have to say, “Of course, not!” That’s exactly what the Bible says my mind will say. “For what man knoweth the things of man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.” The Gospel of John talks about Jesus and it has this to say: “As many as re¬ceived Him to them He gave power to become Sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name.” But here again, the carnal mind is not subject to God’s laws, and it never will be, so how can one believe? Here, I think, is the provision that brings us to Christ. Read this carefully: “For by grace are you saved, through faith, and that is not of yourself, it is the gift of God. It is not by works, lest any man should boast”. It is because of the grace of God that we are saved. Salvation is brought about through faith. This faith is the gift of God. Isn’t that wonderful? Even with all these things spelled out for us, sometimes it is hard to rejoice because there are too many things floating around in our mind. We think that if this is true, why doesn’t God do this, or, why did that have to happen? We ask “why” to so many things. The simple truth of the matter is we don’t understand. That should be a clue. The Bible says that flesh doesn’t understand. Faith obliterates questions, and faith comes from Jesus. So, there are two paths for our thinking, we have the privilege of choosing the way we want to go.
Jesus said, when He was talking to His Father, “They (the ones who accept the words of Jesus) are not of this world even as I am not of this world.” In Romans we read that you are not in the flesh if the Spirit of God dwells in you.
Believe it or not that’s the truth! Then how do you account for the flesh? Paul put it this way: “I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live. Yet, not I, but it is Christ who lives in me. The life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Every time I need faith, Jesus gives it to me. That’s one of my needs that Jesus said He would supply. The Bible tells me to look to Jesus because He is the Author and Finisher of my faith.
About faith: The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for; it is the evidence of things not seen.
My mind relates to substance as being something that is evident in this material world. Here, God’s Word says that I am to know that faith is the substance by which I live. It is the evidence of things that I do not see, so it’s a good thing to know that we walk by faith, not by sight.
All of this represents a new way of thinking. I will not be aware of it until I bring my mind to the Lord and say, “This is it. There is no other truth!” I can’t fake it either. I might discipline myself, but sooner or later, I m going to come face to face with something that I can’t handle, and I’ll blow it, just as sure as there’s a God in Heaven My mind was shaped by iniquity, but God freed me from that bondage. However, He left it up to me when it comes to teaching my mind the things of God. My mind has accumulated a lot of bad thinking, but now that I know where the truth is, I can bring my mind to Jesus and learn from Him.
The problem is that my mind has always directed me before. I have to break that habit. I am determined that I am going to be led by God. Remember the Bible says that those who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God.
So, I will make a captive of my mind; I will bring it to my Father and learn from Him.
That means that I can claim that which I could never claim before. As I renew my mind and let God’s Word dwell in me, I find a change taking place within me that I had never been able to bring about.
I am aware of new things. I am aware of the fact that I do actually live in God. I am aware of His Love for me more than I have ever been before. I am aware of Him because I brought my mind to Him. When my mind said, “No,” I said, “Yes.” I really can’t worry when I am aware that my Father lives in me and is taking care of me. Jesus told us that we could rejoice because He was going to His Father. And we can rejoice because when Jesus went to His Father He took us along! That’s how it came about that we are hid with Christ in God. Who could ask for anything more? So that’s my awareness, and that’s my joy, and upon this joy, all other joys are built.