(A Living Paraphrase of Romans 6, 7, & 8)
What should our response be to God’s Love? Shall we just turn our backs and return to the ways of the flesh? Shall we go on abiding in the old man of sin when God’s mercy is so generous and abundant?
Heavens no! How can we who have died to the man of sinful flesh continue looking for Life in a thing that has already passed away? Don’t you realize (real eyes) by now, all who are in Christ Jesus, God, the Father, also have been included in His death?
Because of this fact, our old man was actually buried, being totally identified with Jesus in His death; then when Jesus was raised from the dead by that glorious inward quickening of the Father’s presence, we also were born again to share in a new and Divine Life.
Realizing that we were actually planted together in a seed of oneness in Christ’s death, we can also be certain that we participa¬ted in the full significance of His resurrection. It was then and there that the body of Christ was raised from death.
Knowing this truth, we actually died when Jesus died. Yes, His death was really our death. This was God’s sure way of removing the old man of sin permanently out of the way. Now we can truly say, “I am free.”
It is a simple fact. He that has died to the flesh is also set free from the bondage of sin. Now if we really died when Jesus died, if we truly believe that He died in our place, then we can be confident that we also share in His new resurrection Life. We are now recognizing that Christ arose victoriously from the clutches of death, both spiritual and physical; and He need never again subordinate to its control.
The facts are when He was set free, we were set free. When He triumphed, we triumphed in Him. His victory was really our victory.
It was necessary for Him to die to sin in the flesh only once; but now that He is alive again, He lives in the Spirit of God forever.
Well, how does all this affect us? You simply must know that you are one with Him. What was and is true of Him is true of you. You also are to count upon the fact that in Jesus you died to sin’s control.
But thank God, you are now Living a new Spiritual Life in the Father through Jesus, the Son. Dwelling in your inner man, the hidden man of your heart lives the power of an endless Life.
Now then stop--stop allowing your sin-filled flesh to dictate policy to you. Reckon it dead. You have a new Life; you are born again, not of the flesh, but this time of the Spirit. You are under no further obligation to obey the flesh and its desires. It has already died with Christ-- reckon it so.
No longer offer your bodily members as vehicles for the unholy spirit. Don’t do his dirty work; but simply yield yourselves to the Father as one who has been raised from spiritual death into newness of Life. Yield your members to the Holy Spirit of righteousness because sinful flesh has lost its legal claim over you.
Being a new creation in Christ also takes you out from under the judgment of the law and places you in the Father’s favor. Well then, shall we just turn away from God’s Love and go on doing our own thing? Heavens no! You must certainly realize that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey his slave you in fact become. When you follow the flesh, you automatically become servants to the flesh because that is the nature of sin--it makes men slaves.
So you see, man became the devil’s slave simply by serving his own desires and it ended in spiritual death. That is the death you have been redeemed from--the death that separates one from the Father. Obedience to the right Spirit binds you to God, but then in truth it really sets you free.
You have only God to thank that you have been bought from Satan’s slave market. You were purchased at the greatest cost, so don’t be fools and go back under his yoke of bondage. I am deeply thankful to God, our Father, that you have obeyed with all your heart the Good News I have brought to you.
Through Christ’s death, you were severed from the law of sin that dwells in your flesh and you have become the willing Love slaves of God’s righteousness. For the first time, praise God, you are truly free.
I am using examples that you see everyday because flesh is not really capable of grasping Spiritual thought. I am confident, however, that the Spirit of truth will quicken your understanding.
So, my brethren, you have heard the Good News that you might now learn to hand your bodily members over to the right One. Remember, it is either good or evil--flesh or Spirit. You must always keep in mind you cannot serve but one master at a time. Frankly, it is either God or the devil--there is no in-between ground. Think about it, which one gives you joy and peace?
Then, too, what kind of harvest have you been reaping? It depends; have you been sowing to the flesh or have you been sowing to the Spirit? You must have learned by now all things of the flesh only end in condemnation and death. Even our Lord taught, “He that commits sin is the servant of sin.”
But praise God! Today is the day of your salvation. God Himself through Christ Jesus has made you free from Satan’s tyranny. You are now bondsmen to the truth and your harvest is a brand new creation, the real and lasting benefit being Eternal Life now dwelling in your souls.
When you followed the ways of the flesh, Satan paid your wages. It was death--death of the worst kind. It was a spiritual death that always ended in a feeling of separation and alienation from God. You actually labored in the vineyard of despair, the devil being your taskmaster. You were paid the wages of emptiness. But now you are free. Receive, therefore, the gift of God which is Eternal Life and start enjoying your inheritance.
You are aware of the fact, my brethren, you who are acquainted with the law, that the law can judge a man only so long as he lives.
For an example: A married woman is tied by the law to her husband as long as he is living; but if the “old man” dies, she is immediately set free from her earthly tie.
If her husband (the old man) should still be alive when she married another, the law would judge her as an adulteress. That is because she would be having two relationships at one time and that is illegal. Now if her husband should die, then she is set free to marry again. The real problem here, as you can see, is the old man and the law. To sum it up and to show you what I am really driving at: There is no legal way out for the woman except death to the old man-- her husband.
Can you comprehend the Spiritual implications here? God actually put to death your old man on the cross. In fact, if you could only grasp it—Christ’s body hanging on that tree was really your body. Yes, it was your body of sin that was destroyed. Jesus was taking our place upon that cross and our flesh was put to death with Him, killing its secret motives and desires. Putting it bluntly, it was you who really died. We were worthy of death, but Jesus willingly substituted in our behalf.
God, the Father, made all this possible so that you could be married or made one with Him. Never forget that you were in Christ each step of the way. Even when He was raised from death, the Father included you in Him. God was waiting to reap the harvest as He gathered new fruit unto Everlasting Life.
You see, in the mind of God, you were born again when Christ arose from the dead; and at that time, you were removed from the bondage of the flesh. This became possible because when you were born of the Spirit, you became Spiritually alive.
When you were in the flesh and ruled by the flesh, the earthly desires inherent within your bodies were always at work. They, of course, were contrary to the law. It is just plain spiritual death to be ruled by the flesh.
But, brethren, the miracle of miracles has transpired in Christ. We who were and are in Christ have been set free from the law of sin that dwells in the old creation. That was made possible because in God’s mind we were put to death in the exact spot where we were once held captive. In Christ we have died to Satan’s hold.
Thank God, we now Live a new Spiritual Life in Christ. We need no longer fear judgment by the law, the criticism of others, or the accusations of the devil. When flesh died its death, we were freed in the Spirit from every form of bondage. That is because bondage itself exists in the flesh.
Are we saying then that the law is sinful? Heavens no! The law had a purpose--it was a schoolmaster to escort us to Christ. It was the law that made sin very apparent and caused me to sense a definite need for salvation. I would not have known the dreadful existence of sin if the law had not pointed out my evil desires by simply saying, “Thou shall not covet.”
But sin in my body gained control in spite of the law and a deep sense of unrighteousness kept pulling me down. I had no doubt that I was a doomed sinner.
When there was no law to judge me, sin was not an issue-- it was almost as though I found life without law. But when I compared myself along side the law, I immediately saw how far short flesh fell from the glory of God. It was awful. As the law’s demands became more and more apparent, I became smaller and smaller by comparison. I died in my smallness. The very commandment that was meant for Life towered over me like a giant of death.
But, my brothers, it wasn’t really the law that was my problem--it was sin. Sin took advantage of me through the commandment. By the law sin itself managed to deceive me and finally killed me. It left me totally powerless.
Now the law itself is holy, righteous, and good. Was it really that which is good that became a thing of death unto me? Heavens no! It was the old man of sin again being revealed for what he was. He was actually using good to work evil against me. Nevertheless it was really God’s plan that I should see the terrible awesomeness of sin through His law. It left no question that man apart from God is hopelessly bound by sin’s control.
The law itself is Spiritual; it is a very good outline of God’s nature. God doesn’t lie-- God doesn’t steal. The problem is that apart from Christ I am still a carnal man. Adam sold my birthright to Satan and I inherited his state of slavery. I could not free myself from this awful bondage. The devil owned me lock, stock, and barrel.
It appears I am constantly doing things that my inner man does not approve. I seem to be powerless to carry out that which I know to be right. I detest my own actions; it is as though I am a living-contradiction. My heart agrees with the goodness of God’s law and so my struggles have brought me to this final conclusion: there is a separation here of flesh from Spirit--a change of identity. I must know who I really am.
If I keep doing that which my inner man abhors, then it is not really I who is doing it, but the principle of sin that still exists in my body. I am convinced now and forever there dwells absolutely no good thing in the flesh. I at long last can see that this is exactly what God wanted me to know. Why then should I continue to look to the flesh for good? No wonder I am often disappointed; I must learn to look to the Spirit.
I have the willingness to do what is right, but I find there is no ability within my flesh to carry out that which is good. The good that I want to do I don’t do; but the evil that I detest, I am constantly doing.
Now if I habitually do that which my inner man does not approve, I must conclude that it is not really I who am doing it but the sin that dwells in my flesh. I find this principle: when I would do good, evil always steps in the way.
My inner man wholeheartedly agrees with God’s law, but there is also a principle at work in my senses--my bodily members--that is at war with my mind. What I see bothers me; what I hear disturbs my mind; what I feel rules me.
I find that this ungodly principle of sin that is in my body often controls my mind and brings me under bondage to the law of sin and death that exists in the flesh.
Oh, hopeless and despairing man that I am! Who can possibly deliver me out of this condemned body of death?
Praise God, Jesus Christ, our Lord, has already done it!
So then I can do the things contained in the law only when my mind is in subjection not to the flesh, but to the Spirit. The flesh always serves the law of sin. That is because when my mind comes under the control of the flesh, I become a slave to the flesh; but when my mind is captive to Christ, I am set free by the Spirit.
This is the conclusion, my brothers: you must understand that the Father never condemns His children--never! You are now righteous in Christ Jesus because He was already condemned on your behalf. Condemnation and death come about by following after the desires of the flesh. Yes, it is truly a thing of death. That is because the flesh is Satan’s realm and he is a condemning spirit.
Now a new principle called the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has actually made us free from the principle of sin and death in the flesh. This happened at the resurrection of Christ but became ours in the new birth by faith.
What the law could not enable us to do because of the weakness of our humanity, God did by sending His own Son adorned in the likeness of sinful-flesh* just like ours. It was because sin exists in all flesh that God, the Father, condemned His own Son to die in the flesh on our behalf. You see, He did away with sin when He did away with His Son.
Jesus actually put sin away once for all by the sacrifice of Himself. This made it possible for the very righteousness of the law to be fulfilled in us as we Live by the motivation of the Spirit and not after the dictates of the flesh. *(Jesus was not a sinner. See 2 Cor.5:21.
Well then, what’s the answer--where is our victory? It is very simple. It is again in recognizing the difference between flesh and Spirit. You see those who follow the desires of the flesh do so simply because they are thinking about the cravings of the flesh.
Likewise those who are willing to follow the longings of the Holy Spirit place their mind upon Spiritual things. We reap exactly what we sow.
To be ruled by the mind of the flesh means immediate spiritual death. (Remember what happened to Adam and Eve?) But to deliberately place your mind upon the things of the Spirit of God means Eternal Life and God’s own peace right here and now. That is because the mind trained by the five senses is an enemy of God. It is of a completely different realm and most certainly not a willing subject of God’s kingdom.
It is always in opposition to the knowledge of God and is not capable of understanding Spiritual things. It gains its knowledge not by revelation, but by physical contact with this present evil world. It is impossible for it to understand the things of God because God is Spirit and the carnal mind is of the flesh.
So you can plainly see, my brothers, those who think real Life is in the flesh are deceived. Being controlled by the mind of the flesh, they cannot possibly please God. But I have Good News for you: your real Life is not in the flesh, but it is in the Spirit of God. That is because the Spirit of truth now abides in you and you dwell with Christ in the heavenlies.
Now if any man does not have the Spirit of Christ, then of course He is not one with the Father. That is because only those who are born of the Spirit can dwell in God’s kingdom.
Now it has been clearly revealed to me, my brethren, that the flesh is a thing of death. I now see why it was necessary for Jesus to die for me. We can now understand that real Life exists only in the righteous Spirit of God. Yes, the flesh is dead! That is why we must be born again. We haven’t even begun to Live until we receive God’s Eternal Life.
If the same triumphant Life which resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in you, He that raised Christ up from the dead is now also making alive your mortal bodies by that self-same Spirit.
Because these facts are a present reality in Christ, we have a definite responsibility; but it is no longer to the former man of flesh--the old man of sin that we once were. For if we continue to follow after the desires of the flesh just a s Adam, we shall surely die!
Let us, the
refore, receive the grace of God, not in vain, but with wholehearted thanksgiving. Because we can do all things through Christ’s indwelling Spirit, who is our strength, let us willingly reckon dead our bodily members here on earth that we may begin to enjoy now a new Life in heaven.
Please read these references: Isaiah 40:6; Rom.6:6-12; 7:17-18; 8:3; 2 Cor.5:21; Mark 14:38; Heb.5:2; 9:26