The New Birth: What is it? To many it is no more than a word. In my early years as a Christian, I don’t think that I gave it much thought. My idea of a Christian more or less encompassed someone who either did or did not do certain things. A Christian to me was a person who did not smoke, drink, swear, or go to movies and so on. The other side of the coin was that the positive evidence of a faithful Christian was someone who went to church every Sunday, believed in God, paid his tithes, was baptized in water, and obeyed the rules as prescribed by our church. Whatever “our church” said was more or less the infallible interpretation of truth and righteousness.
I don’t suppose that my thinking went much further than that. But the one thing I continually overlooked without realizing it was that these “things” a Christian should or should not do were merely physical in their nature. They were not of themselves Spiritual. . .
By paying attention to what man had told me, I was completely overlooking my Spiritual being. I was a very unhappy fellow! There were times that I was not able to go to church, and the one thing that bothered me the most were the desires within me that I could not always seem to control. I had been taught that they were taboo and I felt utterly condemned. Quite frankly I was unhappier than I was before all this “religion” began. .
I never knew where I stood. I was doubtful about my position before God and fearful before man. Now that I think of it, I believe that I was more concerned about my standing before my fellowman than I was about my standing before God. I let what man was telling me become more significant than what God had told me in His Word. I was listening with ears of flesh so I could not hear the voice of the Spirit that was within me.
It had never dawned upon me if I were really “born again,” that everything had indeed become new like the Bible said. I did not realize the Spiritual phenomenon of my new life in Christ and I continually made confessions, which identified myself with the old. I talked about my imperfections and shortcomings just as loudly as the next fellow.
One day something happened to me. I’ll simply call it a revelation. I was reading my Bible, and I was in the Third Chapter of the Gospel of John. It is a beautiful chapter. Read it for yourself and see. I believe my eyes fell upon something that Jesus was telling Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. He was a religious man and very knowledgeable of the law and the traditions of the Jewish Fathers.
It was the particular way in which Jesus handled this man that arrested my attention. I finally began to see something with the eyes of my Spirit. Nicodemus was attracted to Jesus because of miracles--by things that he could see with his senses. The Bible states that Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God because no man could do these miracles you do unless God be with him.” Jesus did not appear to be impressed by this statement. He did not even seem to regard this important Jew’s reference to the miracles that captivated his attention. It was almost as though Christ were saying, “Ok, we have your attention, now let’s begin to investigate a new realm. It is a realm which takes one beyond the things that he can see--beyond one’s senses. I want to guide you into a dimension of life that is not physical but Spiritual, not temporal but eternal--a realm that one cannot possibly understand unless his Spirit is made alive. “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”
There, I saw it! In a moment in the twinkling of an eye, I saw God’s reason for the new birth! One must be born again in order to perceive the kingdom of God. I read a little further, “Except a man be born of water (water is the water sac that houses the baby--the physical birth) and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”
I saw it again –God’s two reasons that man must be born again. It was the new birth that actually conveyed me into
God’s Kingdom. This happened the very moment that I believed on Jesus. Now something clicked. I remembered what I had read in Col.1:13. “God who has delivered us (past tense) from the authority of darkness has translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.” The Bible did not say that He was going to do this, but that He had already done so. I saw that in the new birth, I actually received a new Life and a new identity. I had also received new faculties that would enable me to enter into and realize (real eyes) this realm or Kingdom of God.
I read further. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” There it was— God’s answer to the human dilemma. For the first time, I began to depart from reliance upon this physical sensorial realm of the flesh and began to explore my Spiritual being. I truly began to see with the eyes of my understanding that that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.
I had been born again, but it had seemed to mean so little to me. I had been taught that the new birth was only an experience. In believing that it was an experience, I was unconsciously putting it into the category of all other experiences. Now that I had it, I began to move on and seek other experiences. I had not yet realized that the new birth was not just an experience, but a totally new Life in Christ.
The new birth did not deal with the outer man, but with what Peter called “the hidden man of the heart.” All experiences were but temporal and passing, but this was eternal.
I saw that I had not fully realized what the new birth had done for me, what it really meant from God's perspective. I had not majored the totalness, the completeness of it all! I saw the reason for my ignorance. I had been trained by my senses--the senses were in the flesh and Paul had in no uncertain terms stated that flesh and blood would not inherit the Kingdom of God (Spirit).
This new birth was the miracle of miracles. Yes indeed, man must be born again if he desired to know the things of God. God Himself is Spirit; and if man wants to know God, he must also become Spirit. This is, of course, an unknown environment to man so he would need to be educated all over again. Not only would man require a new birth but also a whole new dimension of understanding.
I realized that I had been looking at the wrong things. I was like Nicodemus who could not get past that which he could see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. I had not yet gotten beyond my mere human ability to rationalize and think. I was totally dependent upon my personal powers of reason and had not departed from my own understanding which scripture had commanded me to lay aside. “Lean not upon your own human understanding...”--Prov.3:5. If it did not fit into my way of seeing things, then as far as I was concerned, it just didn’t fit. I was trying to get God to conform to my carnal thinking when He had something else in mind. The problem was I just couldn’t get past physical things. I was thinking with a limited carnal mind and was ruled and dominated by my bodily senses.
Jesus described to Nicodemus what the new birth was like. He picked an example that he was familiar with--the wind. “The wind blows where it wills and you can hear the sound of it; you can see the bending and the swaying of the trees just as surely as you have seen the might and the power of almighty God working through me producing visible miracles. However, you in your present state, Nicodemus, cannot actually see the Kingdom of God, anymore than you can see the wind. You must have a new birth in order to understand the Spirit of God. God is Spirit. He is invisible just like the wind.”
Nicodemus relying upon his senses to inform him of reality said, “How can these things be?” Jesus replied, “You are a master (a teacher) of Israel and do not understand what I am telling you. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how are you going to believe when I tell you of heavenly things?”--John 3:12. I marveled at Christ’s way of handling this man. He neither underscored nor emphasized the physical miracles that captured his attention. Instead he immediately proceeded to introduce the necessity of this phenomenon called “the new birth.”
It is here that I began for the first time in my Christian walk to contemplate the real significance of the Spiritual Life. There was another scripture that began to take on new meaning. Listen: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new; and all things are of God.”--2 Cor.5:17. I said to my self, “All things are of God in this new creation? What happened to sin and my shortcomings?” Then something else was brought to mind that was in God’s Word. “You are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.”-- Col. 3:3. I began to realize something: the new creation was more than a physical being that did not swear, drink, smoke or dance. The new creation was more than someone who went to church every Sunday, got baptized in water, sang in the choir, and paid his tithes. All of these things were not themselves Spiritual, but material. According to Jesus, God is Spirit and all of these new things were supposed to be of God.
I began at this point to understand a little more of what Jesus meant when He said, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” I began to see a separation here of motives, desires, and entities. I began to see that emphasis upon doing and refraining from doing was all my own way of thinking and reasoning. All of my thinking and reasoning at this point were as nothing before God, because it all came under the “works of the flesh.” I saw that according to Galatians 5:20, I was trying to emulate (imitate) God. I had not realized that the Christian life was not one of imitation, but one of PARTICIPATION! I had not yet learned to abide in the vine and rest in His ability to give Life to the branch. I was struggling with mere religion.
Now I understood what the Bible meant when it said, “It is God that works in you both to will and do of His good pleasure.”--Phil. 2:13. Even Jesus said, “I can of my own self do nothing...”--John 5:30
I now realized that in Christ I had received a brand new and wonderfully different Life. I saw the other for what it was-- a thing of death! Revelation knowledge was separating the flesh from the Spirit and I was being made Spiritually strong through knowing the difference. I could now see the enmity between the two sides. No wonder Christ had said, “Because I live you shall live also.”--John 14: 19. I saw that the reason for his life was now the reason for my life. (The Spirit of God was that reason.) I was born of the same Spirit as Jesus when the Holy Spirit came down from heaven and filled him at John’s baptism. God was now my Life just as surely as He became Jesus’ Life. (The Holy Spirit did not live in Jesus until his baptism in the Spirit. That is what made Him the Christ.)
There was so much more to this new birth of Life than I had ever dreamed. I definitely saw one thing--the new birth was not something that God had added just to improve the old nature. The new birth was totally new. It was the absolute end of the old! God had said that he would not put new wine in old wineskins or sew a new piece of cloth on an old fabric. This was a COMPLETE NEW LIFE. I needed a new life because the old one was dead in trespasses and sins. Sin is separation from God and God doesn’t want us separated.
No wonder that Paul in Romans 6 instructed the believer to reckon (count) himself dead to the old man of sin (flesh), but then to find a new Life again in the Spirit. The believer is not an old creation, but a new being in Christ. Christ is the believer’s present Life. (For him to live is Christ.)
The new creation has no harmony whatsoever with the old. They cannot exist together; they are enemies. What
harmony has light with darkness? The one thing that Satan, the god of this world, wants to do is blind the eyes of the believer. He wants to hide from him the meaning of this great and mighty miracle of God’s new species. Satan knows that the NEW CREATION is his absolute and total defeat, and that Christ has completely deprived him of authority over such a being. His only hope is to try to keep the believer ignorant of his true identity. It is through realizing the revelation of Christ being the Life of the believer that the prince of darkness is cast out and man is made in God’s image and likeness.
It is absolutely necessary for the believer to recognize his utter oneness with the Father in the Son to thwart off the temptations of the evil one. As long as the believer sees himself as merely a man of passions and of flesh and blood, he will be tempted sorely by the devil. When he begins to recognize that God is his true Life, he can reply to Satan, “Thou shall not tempt the Lord, thy God.” You see, God is the Lord over Satan and that same Life of God is in you! Satan knows this; God knows this; do we know it? Satan’s main scheme is to convince the believer (with lying deceptions contrary to God’s Word) that he is not really a Spirit being but that he is still flesh. He knows that every man of the flesh is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed of his own desire. He also knows that the NEW LIFE in the believer cannot be tempted with evil. (God cannot be tempted with evil James l:13:14.)
As I began to see my new identity in the Spirit of God, I also remembered a prayer that Jesus once prayed in the Seventeenth Chapter of John and how that prayer now affects the believer. Listen: “I pray for them: I pray not for the world...because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world. I pray not that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil. They (the new creations) are not of the world even as I am not of the world.”
I would at this time like to substitute another word in place of the word “world.” The reason I would like to do this is because there is another word that I believe makes the meaning contained in this prayer nearer to home than one might think. I wish to substitute the word “flesh” in place of the word “world.” Notice that the meaning becomes more specifically identified with our experience as we repeat this prayer together. Keep in mind that Jesus was also born of the Spirit when he was filled with the Holy Spirit; and, therefore, could very significantly point out to Nicodemus the distinction between being born of the flesh and being born of the Spirit. Listen: “I pray for them: I pray not for the world of flesh... because they (the new species) are not of the flesh even as I am not of the flesh. I pray not that you should take them out of the flesh but that you would keep (preserve) them from the evilness of the flesh, for they are not of the flesh even as I am not of the flesh”--John 17:9,14-16. This is one of the ways that God, (The Father of Spirits) began to show me the limitless dimension of this brand new Life that is ours in Christ. For the first time, “Life” became exciting!
I now began to realize that this Spirit-Life of the Father was so measureless that I could no longer think as a mere man. How could one evaluate its significance by something so small and unappreciative as the carnal mind? Only the mind of Christ was capable of doing the job-- a mind the Bible says we have!
New meaning began to spring forth through ancient words. When I was willing to accept the fact that God Himself was Spirit and therefore free from substance, form, and shape, the perspective at once became boundless. I now understood why Paul when speaking of our glorious redemption in Christ selected words like “exceedingly, abundantly, above, all we can ask or think” (Eph. 3:20). The new creation was passing in review. It required a much higher estimation than the carnal mind could give. A new appraisal must be forthcoming. Even the rocks cry out, “There is more to God than the eye can see.”
As I began to see with the eyes of my Spiritual understanding, there were many things I had formerly read in the Bible that came alive to me (or perhaps I really came alive to them). When the Bible said things like, “He that comes from above is above all” (John 3:31), I began to sense something. Somehow it was now relating to me, that is my new Life in Christ. I had formerly thought that certain things pertained to Jesus, the Christ, alone; but now I began to see with the eyes of the Spirit a whole new dimension of living. No wonder the Bible said, “We have received the Spirit which is of God that we might KNOW the things that are freely given to us of God.”-- 1Cor.2:12
The eyes of the new creation saw things that the old man of sin could not see. I began to compare Spiritual things with Spiritual instead of material things with material.
I also saw what John, the Baptist, meant when he said, “A man can receive nothing unless it be given from heaven.”-- John 3:27. Jesus said, “The flesh profits nothing, it is the Spirit that gives Life.”--John 6:63. I began to understand that the new creation, being born of the Spirit, came from heaven (a higher realm). Because it came from heaven, it was Divine, righteous, and pure. It was holy because it came from above and not from beneath (the earth). All these new things were of God!
I began to realize (real eyes) that I had never majored the fact of the new birth. All of my thoughts and reasonings were from below, but the new man came from above. I also began to understand that the realization of this new Life did not come from myself. It was the gift of God--a treasure in an earthen vessel. This was not a human knowledge but a Divine revelation. Flesh and blood had nothing to do with this! It was not my knowledge about God, but His knowledge dwelling in me. It was this new Life within who understood the message. Christ was living his Life a second time through me. What I possessed was the knowledge of God. It was not just my knowledge about God. I understood now what the Bible meant when Paul wrote in Colossians, “That you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and Spiritual understanding and increasing in the knowledge of God.”--Col.1:9-10. He also prayed in Eph.1:17-18, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes (real eyes) of your understanding being enlightened…”
I began to understand what the Bible called the “appearing” (Greek: apokalupsis, or revelation) of Christ. I began to receive Spiritual illumination. I was knowing Christ this time not after the flesh, but after the Spirit! Again, it was not my knowledge “about” God. Any knowledge that I possessed apart from this revelation of Christ would be considered carnal knowledge. God’s knowledge would have to be Spiritual because God himself is Spirit. But my mind did not understand Spirit because my mind is of this world.
I saw something clearly once again: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh.” All of my struggling to understand God was a work of the flesh. I had not yet recognized the Spirit of God. That was because I really didn’t believe that God was Spirit. I had still been thinking of God as a person of flesh and bone just like my self. Well, how could God who is Spirit speak to me and reveal Himself as long as I was insisting that whatever He should say must conform to my senses and human point of view?
I had to face it: My understanding of the new birth was fashioned after the graven images of my natural mind. As long as I was thinking like the world, I could not understand God who was not flesh and bone, but Spirit (Luke 24:37-39). .
This new knowledge that Christ was pouring into my heart was fresh and vital; it was nothing like the dead concepts of before. What I began to understand was quickened from heaven. It was alive and therefore generated by the Spirit. It was joy unspeakable and full of glory. Now I understood the words of Paul, “Lie not one to the other seeing that you have put off the old man (old creation) with his deeds: and have put on the NEW MAN which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him who created him.”--Col.3:9-10
God’s image is Spirit, so obviously this new knowledge would be Spiritual too. It would be fashioned after God’s image and likeness.
One thing I had to clearly understand: Flesh was not Spirit and Spirit was not flesh. Spirit was not like anything that I had ever known before! It was true that God would use physical words to convey the idea, but the meaning was Spiritual, not physical. When God spoke of a “body” etc., it did not always mean that which I imagined when I thought of the word “body.” Jesus said, “The words I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are Life.” As long as I could not separate flesh from Spirit, I was not able to discern the good from the evil or rightly divide (discern) the Word of Truth. If the words that Jesus spoke are Spirit and Life, then they are more than a carnal understanding of the meaning of the word itself. Did not the Apostle Paul himself say, “The letter kills, it is only the Spirit that gives Life.”
It is possible for us to understand the mechanics of a word and still fail to grasp the Spiritual meaning. Jesus told the Pharisees, “You search the scriptures and within them you think you have found eternal life, yet they testify of Me, but you will not come to Me that you might have true Life.” They read the message, but they missed the messenger. They caught the letter, but they failed to hear the Spirit.
The miracle of Christianity is not only the raising of the dead and the healing of blind eyes, but a NEW BIRTH of Divine Life--an eternal Life in the Father and in the Son. “Of his own will (initiative) begat he us by His Word of Truth.”--James 1:18
I was now beginning to realize what it really meant to be born again. It was a dual revelation both of the good (God) and of the evil (mind of flesh). As the eyes of my understanding became enlightened, I recognized that not only had the new come, but that the old had already passed away (died). The old no longer had legal claim over me. I was free--free at last! I knew that just as surely as Christ had died, so had the man of sin that I once was. I now realized that I was separated from the former body of sin and death by the resurrection of a new birth of Life even as the butterfly from its cocoon.
I saw that the new creation was purely the work of God. He had done it all! I had nothing to do with its success other than the fact that I believed his Son. He did all the rest so I entered into His rest--the rest of a perfect and complete salvation.
I had received Him, so He in turn gave me the right and privilege to become a Son of God. It all existed within this phenomenon called the new birth. I was the recipient of an intangible reality. Faith had become the living substance of my hopes. The heritage of every believer had become mine. I was complete in Him--the head of all principality and power.
Now that I understood this newness, I began to realize that my carnal mind was in total opposition with what God had
done. It did everything it could to cancel out and render void the Spiritual reality of faith. I began to understand the meaning of Romans 12:1-2 and Romans 8:6-7. “I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect, will of God...For the carnal mind is enmity (an enemy) against God. To be carnally minded (sense ruled) is death, but to be Spiritually minded is Life and peace!”
I began to realize that the new creature did not think like the old; and if I did not change my way of thinking (repent), I would be like someone rich thinking like someone poor. All things had for a fact become new in Christ, so I began to put on this new knowledge. I was no longer a sinner in God’s eyes. I was His workmanship created in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10). I was more than a sinner saved by grace. I had become the very righteousness of God in Christ (2 Cor.5:21). I was no longer living in spiritual poverty and human depravity. I was blessed with every Spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph.1:3). I was no longer one of Satan’s prisoners. I was delivered out of the authority of darkness and had been translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son (Col. 1:13). I was no longer separated from my Heavenly Father, but I was eternally one with Him in Christ (John 17:21).
There were a thousand and one new things that were mine in Christ. I could no longer think the old way; neither could I talk the same old way. If I wanted to enjoy the benefits of the new Kingdom, I was instructed by God’s Word to renew my mind. Now it was up to me. God had already done His part!
I had no proof of this Spiritual reality, but God’s Word. I would enter into the victory that Christ won for me by faith, or I would not enter in at all! False humility would not help me here. Without faith it would be impossible to please God. There was no value in talking about my former unworthiness.
I began to believe! I decided that true humility was to accept the gift of righteousness by pure faith and make no more apologies for the old man. I was born again for the explicit purpose of entering into God’s righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, so I entered in by faith. I was the recipient of not merely a human, but a Divine Life.
There were many ways that the Father opened my understanding to the door of His heart. I remember reading where Jesus said, “I came down from heaven not to do my will but His that sent me.” John 6:38 For the very first time, I believe I finally truly understood what Jesus meant. I remembered the scripture that said, “When a man thinks he knows something he knows nothing as he ought.” What came to me, came by revelation, not through someone’s explanation!
I had always recognized Jesus in the physical sense as being the Son of God. That was normal for a believer. Now I began to see something that I had completely overlooked. I began for the first time in my Christian life to consider His Words with the eyes (the eyes of the Spirit) and ears of the new creation that God had made me to be. Once more this thing about not “knowing Christ after the flesh” challenged me. I knew that if I were no longer to know Christ after the flesh, there was only one other way I could know Him--IN THE SPIRIT (2 Cor.5:16). This too went along with what Jesus told the woman of Samaria at the well. “The true worshippers shall worship the Father in the Spirit and in the truth, for the Father is seeking such.”-- John 4:23-24 (God is Spirit.)
I began to see on the inside of Jesus. I began to recognize the Father’s Spirit within Him. I saw more than a man with a beard and sandals. I saw by the Spirit of the living God. I remembered how many times Jesus had said things like, “My doctrine is not mine...the words I am speaking are not my own...He that has seen me has seen the Father.”
When Jesus said things like, “I came down from heaven...” I began to understand that Jesus was speaking the Father’s Words, not His own. I knew that Jesus was born of a virgin in the physical sense and that He was indeed the Son of God, but then God Himself was Spirit. Jesus went through the normal process of birth only He escaped the seed of Adam (Gal. 4:4). However, this was still a physical birth; it was not a birth of the Spirit. Flesh is not Spirit and Spirit is not flesh. “That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is Spirit.”--John 3:6.
Whatever Jesus meant when he said, “I came down from heaven...” disturbed the Jews. They replied, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How is it then that he says, I came down from heaven?” It is true that they did not understand his physical birth, but they (like the church of today) had not even dreamed that he had also participated in a birth of the Spirit. They knew nothing about the Spiritual Life of the Father.
I finally began to see how this was made possible and what Jesus really meant. It was Nicodemus who once asked in
reply to Jesus’ statement about being born again, “How can these things be?” What I saw was not at all related to
Jesus physical birth through Mary, or his physical birth because of His Father God, nor of any pre-existence of the man Jesus on some far and distant planet. (Why should God waste thirty years of development if Jesus, the man of flesh, already existed?) I knew that Jesus was God’s Son in the physical sense because of the seed of God deposited in Mary’s womb; but this was still a physical seed and God Himself was not material, but Spirit. Yes, there was more to God than the eye could see.
When John, the Baptist, saw the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus in the form of a dove and the Father declared to Jesus, “You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased,” I saw that Jesus became the first man to INSPERIENCE the new birth. Jesus was born of the Spirit of God by believing the Father’s Word (faith) just as you and I become new creations by believing the Son’s Word. As the Father has Life in Himself, so the Son has Life in Himself. (I used the word insperience because “ex” in the word experience deals with the outer man. We here are referring to the inner man.)
This birth of the Spirit of God into a man’s spirit was not to be compared to any physical birth, for it was of a completely different realm --the realm of God. Jesus had received a new Life! It was a Life that He did not possess before His baptism. This birth was not of blood, or of the will of the flesh, or the will of man or of woman, but OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD! It was a Life born out of heaven itself. Its Spiritual origin came from God, and into the world for all to see.
THE WORD (Spirit of God, the Logos) came in flesh and dwelt in flesh and lived among us. Spirit Life was walking the earth in a man. The miracle of miracles had inspired because a man was willing to do the Father’s will. It pleased the Father that in the Son all the fullness of God should dwell bodily. He and the Father had become one. Jesus had become the Christ. The anointing came to dwell in Jesus.
I began to see that what was true of Jesus, the Christ, was also true of God’s other Sons. There was only one God, one Father, One Lord, one faith, one baptism, ABOVE ALL, IN ALL, AND THROUGH ALL. God, the Father, had made them ONE!
Jesus had been born again (a second time) by the creative Word of Spirit. He was born first of woman, the second time he was born of God. It was the Word of God which created the new creation in Jesus in response to faith. He then became “The Christ,” the anointed one.
I had always wondered why there was so little recorded in the Bible regarding the first thirty years of the life of the man Jesus. It occurred to me simply because he had not yet been filled with the Spirit of God, and there was little to say or the Bible would have said it. It wasn’t until He was filled with the Spirit that He stood up in the synagogue with the Father’s authority and spoke these words: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, and announce the year of the Lord’s favor; TODAY this scripture is fulfilled (brought to pass) in your ears.”--Luke 4:18-21
It was not until Jesus became the Christ that things radically changed. His whole Life radically changed! He now had received the Father’s Spiritual Life. He was the first born among MANY brethren that were yet to come (Rom. 8:29). That is why Jesus could speak to Nicodemus about the new birth. He had just recently come into possession of it and was learning about it for the first time Himself. “Though he were a Son yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered.”--Heb. 5:8. He had never spoken by the Spirit before His baptism because He had not yet had the Spirit birth. He was now being trained and directed by the Spirit of God. This knowledge was contrary to His former training. He was realizing a Divine Life. Now I understood why the Bible said things like, “I came down from heaven...He that cometh from above is ABOVE ALL. He that is of the earth is earthy (the man of flesh) and speaks of the earth. He (the new creation) that comes from heaven is above all.”-- John 3:31.
I began to realize that the Life of the NEW CREATION was superior to other forms of what I had previously thought that life was. Yet it was not a worldly superiority. It was the power of Love and of a sound mind. The WORD sprang to Life within me that said, “Let this ( same) mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form (Spirit image) of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”-- Phil. 2:5-8
The NEW CREATION is above all because he is IN CHRIST. This also makes the NEW CREATION above all in the believer. It also makes the NEW CREATION above all in this world. The NEW CREATION in Christ is seated at the Father’s right hand in heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that that is named: not only in this world but also in that which is to come. Now you can understand why, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” Now you can see why, “Whatsoever is born of God has overcome the world. Who is he that has overcome the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” Now you can understand what the scriptures mean when they say, “As He is so are we in this world.”--Eph.1:3, 2:6, Col.1:20,1John 4:4-17, 5:4-5
The NEW CREATION, the Life of the Father in the believer, is the same Spirit that made Jesus the anointed Son of God. He has also made us the Sons of God. “Behold, what manner of Love the Father has bestowed upon us that WE should be called the Sons of God. Beloved now are we the Sons of God.”--1 John 3:1-2
God has made us what we are in Christ today! “It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.” The NEW CREATION is victorious. He is the child and offspring of faith. He is born of God and cannot be defeated!
So you see, no longer is the meaning of these words isolated to the one man Jesus Christ. I saw the Father swing wide an open door to “whosoever will.” They too become God’s Sons. They too have the Father’s nature. They too have eternal Life. They are the very righteousness of God in Christ. They know that it is the Spirit that gives them Life (Greek: zoe). The flesh profits them nothing. They dare to believe the Father’s Word!
About this thing called oneness: When Jesus said, “I and my Father are ONE,” the Bible records that the Jews took up stones to stone him. The reason they wanted to stone Him was “Because you being a man are making yourself God when you say that you are one with God or God’s Son.” Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, I said you are gods? If He called them gods unto whom the Word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; are you saying of Him whom the Father has set apart and sent into the world, you blaspheme, because I have said that I am the Son of God?”--John 10:33-36
The thing I saw here is that they could not accept the fact that God could dwell in a human being, that a man could become His temple. No way; the temple was in Jerusalem, that’s where it was. They did not understand that God was Spirit and that a man could become one with the Father through a new birth of Divine Spirit Life. They did not recognize God in Christ because of their religious pride and the blindness of their hearts. A man could become equal with God? Impossible! That would be blasphemy to a Jew.
They did not realize that it was the Father who had done the work and the Son of himself could do nothing.
Here is what I believe Jesus was actually telling them: “You are from beneath and born of the flesh; I am from above and born of the Spirit. I have received a new birth of the Father’s Life; this is an invisible reality. God, who is the Word, has come to Me through revelation of the Spirit. He has unveiled Himself to Me and has declared at My baptism that I am the Son of God, filled with the Holy Spirit. I am now claiming a new Spiritual identity in the Father. I have become all that the Father is. All things that are the Father’s are now Mine for We are one. He speaks through Me because I am willing to reckon Myself dead to my earthly desires. I believe the Father’s Words and act upon them. If I should not believe His Word, then I would be a liar like unto you. I have not by My own efforts made Myself equal with the Father; He has made it so. If you will believe the Word, you too shall become God’s Sons. That is why I have come, that you might also have the Father’s Life. I have the authority to implant within your heart the very nature of God if you will believe Me. Yes, it is possible for you too to be born from above.”
You see the words “come from above” simply mean to receive the Father’s Life, to be born a second time, but this time of the Spirit. When you read those words, think of yourself as being in Christ right now! What is true of Him in the Father is true of you. “As He is, so are you in this present world.”--1 John 4:17
Jesus prayed in the Seventeenth Chapter of John these words, “Father, keep through your own name (nature and
self) those whom you have given me that they may be one, just like we are one. They are not of the world even as I am not of the world.” (In other words, they too have the Father’s Spirit Life which is above all other forms of life.) “As you have sent (commissioned) Me into the world, possessing your nature, your Life, your Spirit, your power, your authority, even so have I also sent them into the world. My desire is that they all may be one in us Father, just as you are in me and I am in you, that they too may be one. And now Father they are one, even as we are one, I in them and you in me that they may be made perfect and complete in one. (God is one.) That the world of flesh may come to realize (real eyes) that you have sent me into the world and has loved them as you have loved me.”
Have you ever considered this fact of oneness with the Father? It is almost too much for the heart to take in. If we never had one ounce of faith in our own prayers, we can be absolutely certain that the Father has already answered this prayer prayed by Jesus. Jesus once said, “I know, Father, that you always hear me...”--John 11:42. 1 John 5:15 says, “If we know that God hears us, then we have (possess) the petition that we desired of Him.”
Jesus always prayed in faith and always had his prayers answered. This prayer has also been answered! It is a fact
now in Christ! We are one with the Father just as surely as Jesus is one with the Father. Not just in one accord but the number one! Because Jesus always prayed in faith, we now realize that His faith is the substance of the things we hoped for. We believe and live by His Faith!
This thing about being one with God and being a Son of God, what does it do for the believer? Dare we accept the Father’s perspective regarding this profound truth?
The Jews reacted violently to Jesus' reference of His oneness with the Father and of His Sonship. They certainly seemed to have gotten the message--a message that the church has evidently failed to grasp today. Hardly anyone is stirred to thoughtfulness when the words oneness or Sonship is used. That’s because we really do not understand what they mean. That is why we need God’s understanding.
Observe the following: Jesus answered the Jews, “My Father has worked up to now, now I am working. Therefore, the Jews sought the more to kill Him, not just because he broke the Sabbath by healing a man, but because He also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God.”--John 5:18
Possibly you have begun to catch a glimpse of something that has been obscure to the church for centuries. Wouldn’t it be to our Spiritual advantage to know what it really means to be God’s Son from His perspective?
Those Jews understood more about Sonship, not even having the Spirit of God, than most believers do today. Why? Perhaps I can share what God has revealed to me as part of the answer as we travel along.
While reading the Gospel of John, I would have my interest aroused by the Spirit again and again by certain Scriptures that seemed to repeatedly confront me. Each one appeared to be related to this thing called “Sonship,” whatever it meant. For example, Jesus said the following, “All things that the Father has are mine (the Son’s), therefore said I that he shall take of mine and reveal it unto you.”--John 16:15. “The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand.”--John 3:35. “My father has worked, now I am working.”--John 5: 17. “For the Father loves the Son and reveals to him all things that He does. For as the Father raises up the dead and makes them alive, even so the Son quickens whom he wills. The Father judges no man but has committed all judgment unto the Son.”-- John 5:20-22. “The servant does not have a permanent abiding place in the Father’s house, but the Son abides forever. If the Son shall make you free, then you shall be free indeed.”--John 8:35-36
I began to understand something about the Bible meaning of Sonship. I also began to understand why we here in the Western Hemisphere could not fully appreciate what it meant to those of the East. We that live in the Western Hemisphere have been exposed to a totally different perspective of Sonship. The Eastern meaning is completely different and is, of course, more suitable to scripture. The Bible we know is an Eastern book. The customs of the time of Christ were vastly different than ours of today. The culture, languages, and traditions of the people of that era were of course, divergent to the West. This makes it more difficult in some cases to comprehend the Eastern meaning, but God can still give illumination by His Spirit.
As I began to understand more of the customs of the Bible lands and the Holy Spirit proceeded to guide my thoughts into certain areas of truth, things that had formerly been obscure began to become clear.
One thing that helped me considerably was that I found that there was a certain custom practiced in the east called the ADOPTION OF SONS. However, adoption in the land of the Bible had an entirely different meaning than it does here in the West. When we think of the word “adoption” we think of benevolent parents taking an orphan or a homeless child into their care. This is not the Bible meaning or the meaning understood by the people of the East.
In Israel and in the Near East, adoption was a public ceremony in which a young man who had proven his responsibility and faithfulness to his Father was publicly proclaimed as a Son. This is the Bible meaning for the word adoption.
It was customary for friends, neighbors, and relatives to be present at the ceremony when the Father publicly proclaimed his hitherto adolescent boy as his Son. This proclamation gave the Son certain privileges not previously enjoyed by him. If we contemplate the significance of these privileges, we will begin to realize what happened to Jesus when He became the Christ (the anointed). We will also understand more clearly what the Apostle Paul meant when he said, “For you (the believer) have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear: but you have received the Spirit of ADOPTION whereby we cry Abba Father.” These words also in Galatians: “Now I say that the heir (someone entitled to an inheritance but not yet in possession) as long as he is a child, (not a Son) differs nothing from a servant, though by birthright he be Lord of all; but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed (adoption) by the Father. But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the ADOPTION OF SONS. And because ye are Sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying Abba Father. Therefore you are no more a servant but a Son; and if a Son, then an heir of God through Christ.”--Gal. 4:1-7. “The Spirit himself is also bearing witness with our Spirit that we are the Sons of God and if Sons, heirs; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God.”-- Rom. 8: 14-17. You have received the Spirit of Adoption.
At this ceremony of adoption, the privileges of Sonship were as follows: First, the Son was given the right to the use of his Father’s name. He could buy or sell, or do business in the good name of his father. He need not build his own credit limit. He could draw upon his Father’s. Putting it in simple terms, he had the power of attorney. (Read John 16:23-27.) Secondly, at the adoption ceremony, the Son was given his inheritance and was therefore able to use the wealth that his Father had provided for him. It became his from then on to dispense accordingly. Thirdly, the most significant thing of all: At the adoption ceremony, the Son was given equality with His Father (John Chapter 17, Phil. 2:5-8).
Do you now understand what Jesus meant when He boldly confessed that He and his Father were one? Do you now understand why the Jews were so violent in response to His words? It was unthinkable for a man to go against the tradition of the Jewish religion and profess such things. It could be nothing less than blasphemy. The Jews would not believe in two Gods, they were monotheistic, they believed in one God!
I now understood many things that were once a mystery to me. I also understood the following words more clearly: “Truly, truly, I say unto you, whosoever commits sin is the servant of sin. The servant does not abide in the Father’s house forever: but the Son remains permanently; therefore if the Son shall choose to make you free, you shall be free indeed.”--John 8:34-36
Now that I understood more about Sonship from the Jewish perspective, I realized many implications I had not understood before. Jesus, knowing full well that God told him, “You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” (to dwell), understood the all inclusive meaning of his anointing.
Never before had he or anyone else operated as the anointed Son of God. He recognized the position of authority that only a Son could occupy. Also, according to the Jewish custom, if the full fledged Son chose to release the household slaves or servants from their indentureship, he could. The Son possessed all authority. Man was a slave to sin so the Son had come to set the captives free.
When Jesus had said, “I and my Father are one,” the Jew, recognizing what Sonship and adoption really meant, could not receive His testimony. Making their evaluations based upon the oriental customs and traditions of family life, they refused the message. They cried and complained, “We have a law and by our law he ought to die because he has made himself the Son of God.”--John 19:7. They never once dreamed of the Spiritual phenomenon that had inspired within the life of this one man Jesus. They did not realize that when the Father came to dwell on the inside of this man that he became a NEW CREATION, took on a new Life, began to speak new Words, and do God’s deeds. It could happen to them too. He had the authority, the right, and the privilege to give eternal Life to as many as would believe on His name. However, religious pride and traditional beliefs hindered them from recognizing God in Christ. Their religious works of self-righteousness and achievement kept them from receiving the gift--the gift of the Holy Spirit!
No wonder John had said, “He that comes from above is above all.” The Spirit of Truth, the Anointing, the Comforter, Eternal Life, the Holy Spirit, the New Creation, the Father, the Son, are not three, six, or eight, but ONE! “He that is born of God overcomes the world.” The new creation is born of God and He is on the inside of the believer! What the new creation has seen, realized, heard, and understood that he testifies. He whom God has sent into the world speaks the Word of God for God has given him the full measure of the Spirit. The Father loves the Son and has given ALL things into His hand.
Do you see? That’s what Sons of God are, have, and can do! They are from above (the highest realm) and possess a *superior Life. They too have come down from heaven to do the Father’s will. *Christianity, a superior life without the attitude of superiority.
They are one with the Father in Christ Jesus. The Father dwells in them, and they dwell in the Father. They are on earth to speak the Father’s Word from heaven. He has sent His Word into the world to heal, comfort, and cheer the broken in heart. He dwells, abides, and lives in His Sons. The Sons of God are the Word made flesh, the Word incarnate. They are a new species with the Father’s super nature.
These Sons of God reckon themselves dead to sin, but alive in Christ. They are hid with Christ in God. They are not of this world even as Jesus, the first Son, was not of this world. They possess a Divine Life. This Divine Life is above every principality and earthly power. The Sons have been baptized with the same baptism as Jesus, not with water only, but a full and complete identification with the Spirit of Holiness.
Jesus once asked the disciples, “Are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of and to be baptized with the same baptism?” He said unto them, “Yes, you shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with my baptism.”--Matt. 20:22- 23
The real meaning of the word baptism from the Father’s point of view means total identification in death, then rising into the Father’s newness of Life--a total death, then a total Life--yes, submerged into the Father and into the Son--a new found identity. “He that has the Son has (possesses) Life.” The Sons are quickened by the resurrection Life of Christ. Because He lives, they are living also. Total oneness with the Father is now a fact! Many Sons have been brought to glory (Heb. 2: 10). They are enjoying the glorious liberty of the Sons of God (Rom. 8:21). They are transformed into the image of their Father, as in wonder they behold the glorious revelation of His nature. They go from glory to glory. As they see Him, they become like Him. As He is, so are they in this present world. Now are they the Sons of God. They have come that the Father’s will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So, you see, the New Creation is a lot more than mere church attendance and dropping off a few evil habits. The New Creation is the very presence of the Christ dwelling within the heart of the believer. No wonder Jesus had said, “Among those born of women there was not a greater prophet than John, the Baptist, but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” The new creation man is born with the Kingdom nature. He is a King and a Priest unto God, the Father. He is born into the Kingdom of God as the Kingdom enters into him through the new birth. He possesses Divine faculties because he is in possession of the Divine nature. He knows that Christ lives within, so his King is already here!
It is time for the believer to cease being a doubter and start considering his true Spiritual identity. He must turn from the sense realm and begin to believe God’s Word--not just for things but for the realization of a new and abundant Life in the Spirit of God.
The new creation is our second chance, our second birth! It is an opportunity to start all over again and lay aside the old. It is God’s best! He can do nothing greater for the believer than to grant a new Life to him in Christ. Nothing shall equal or surpass God’s new birth for His children!
Yes, it is true, “If any man be in Christ (the Christ Life), he is a new creation; old things have passed away, look, all things have become new and all these things are of God.”--2 Cor.5:17-18. There is no need to say, “I hope so.” It is an established fact! There is no substance in hope. It is only faith that gives substance to things hoped for--not just temporal or material substance, but Eternal Spiritual Realty. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. That is why God gave us His own faith!
“While we look not at things which are seen but at things which are not seen for the things which are not seen are Eternal.”--2 Cor.4:18
It is only in the realm of God's Spirit, the realm of the unseen, that a new dimension of Life awaits the believer. As long as physical things occupy his attention, he will never realize what it means to enjoy the Kingdom of God.
This Kingdom comes not with observation (looking for the signs of the times) but with participation in the Spirit of God.
Jesus came to bring more than a ministry of miracles; He came to bring a total, new dimension of living. The Father intends to permeate every nook and cranny of the human experience. Oh yes, there is work to do, but one must realize that being is much more important than doing.
So what will you do with your second chance? Has the Christ-Life become meaningful to you or are you looking for something far off in the distant future? Do you think that the ministry that God could give you may be more significant than His Life? Could our work exceed God’s workmanship? Can we accomplish more for the Father than He has succeeded in doing for us in Christ?
In not realizing the significance of the birth and Life of the Spirit, we have failed to develop the deep sense of awareness and appreciation that comes from understanding Spiritual things! Are we so dominated by our flesh and the senses of our own body that we still think that is who we really are?
Why did Jesus say, “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit,” if true reality were in the flesh?
No, my friend, the answer is not in the flesh, but in the Spirit of the Living God. If any man would follow Him, let him take up his cross and follow Him into the realm of the unseen. Let him be separated by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from his former identity in the flesh to live a new Life now in the Kingdom of the Spirit of God. Flesh and blood will not inherit this Kingdom. A transformation of nature and of mind takes place only as one is willing to disembark from the former and familiar, even as Abraham of old who believed God and walked by faith.
Yes, child of God, there is more to the Father’s Life than healing the sick, casting out devils, and rebuking the storms. I am for all of that, but what we have in Christ cannot be measured. Let’s forget about “things” and leave the details up to the Lord. Let us explore the Father’s heart together as we move along undisturbed by the multitude of voices that cry for our attention.