Tradition--what is it? Jesus said, “Because of your traditions, you have made the Word of God of none effect.”--Mark 17:13. To put in other words, He is saying, “Because of your attitude, even though it appears to be highly religious, you are hindering and making ineffective the Word of God.”
Tradition is a preconceived idea that has superseded God’s revelation and taken over the mind. It is in many cases a religious thought, but one void of power. Therefore it cannot produce the necessities of man’s Spiritual demand. Because this traditional opinion is void of God, it is also void of Life. It is only a form or appearance of Godliness, but this form or appearance denies the power of God. The greatest hindrance and most effective obstruction used by Satan against the Christian is a preconceived idea.
Religion is not Life. Jesus did not come the first time contrary to the scriptures, but He came contrary to man’s understanding of the scriptures. As a result, the religious traditions tied the hands of the unlimited One. Even though God’s power and efficiency are unlimited, the very thoughts and ideas of our mind, though they are ever so religious, though they speak like scripture, are void, powerless, and ineffective, God does not dwell there. “And He (Jesus) did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”--Matt. 13:58.
It is man’s tradition that limits God in the believer’s life. Tradition is not necessarily always an act. It first begins with a thought, a religious interpretation of the Bible. Jesus never commanded us to interpret the scriptures by our own initiative. Contrariwise, He said, “The Spirit of truth shall teach you all things (everything you are to learn) and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have spoken unto you.”--John14:26. Many times the mind has become so acquainted with the Bible, so physically familiar with what it says, that it struts and boasts and declares, “I know God’s Word.” The truth of the matter is that it does not know God’s Word; it may only know the Bible--the Book. The carnal mind does not know God, neither can it. Romans 8:6-7 says, “For the carnal mind is death.” It is at odds with God. “It is not subject to the laws of God, neither can it be.”
First Corinthians 2:14 declares the natural man with his mind (man of flesh) cannot receive or understand the things of the Spirit of God, for he cannot know them for they are Spiritually discerned. The things that pertain to the Spirit are not understood by the human mind. James 3:15 says that its wisdom and judgment are earthly, sensual, and devilish. Jesus also said in John 14:17 that the world (mind of this world, the natural mind) cannot receive, or understand the things of the Spirit. That is why the Comforter, the enlightener, has come to unveil that which man cannot understand. We might just as well face the fact that we cannot of ourselves understand the things of God. Even Jesus said, “Of Myself I can do nothing, as I hear I judge...”--John 5:30. God’s truth must be revealed by the Spirit of God.
God and His Word are one; and if we of ourselves cannot know God, then we of ourselves cannot really know His Word. The religious people in Christ’s time boasted in their knowledge, yet in all of their supposed understanding, they failed to appreciate the Christ of God. They knew the scriptures but only with their carnal mind. Jesus said, “Search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal Life and they and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me that ye might have life.”-- John 5:39-40. (When a man thinks he knows something, he knows nothing as he ought”--1 Cor.8:2
The Bible says, “It is with the heart (Spirit) man believes,” not with the mind--Rom. 10:10. “No man knows or understands the things of God but the Spirit of God.”--1 Cor.2:11. Many of us have become involved mentally with God’s Word, but God cannot be found or understood that way. God must be understood Spiritually because He Himself is Spirit (John 4:24).
God has an impenetrable security system. The traditional and intellectual approach cannot pass through the gate into the area of understanding. There are signs posted that say, “Show your heart before entering; traditional or intellectual knowledge alone cannot go beyond this point. Traditional concepts and opinions are not allowed to enter. If any are secretly brought in, they will be found and destroyed.” Flesh and blood shall not enter the Kingdom of God’s understanding. Every man’s work will be tried by fire (1 Cor.3:1).
You see, the heart is the only badge that God recognizes. Because of this, many are regretfully turned away from the place of understanding. To go the way of the heart is the only way to get in. All other methods must remain outside. The “I know that’s” cannot enter. They cannot enter because, as far as their judgment is concerned, they are already inside. Jesus said “If any man enters the gate by some other way, he is a thief and a robber.”--John l0:1, a thief because he has stolen from others the right to hear the Gospel that feeds the hungry heart.
Jesus said, “Because you say you can see therefore you are blind and because you say you can hear, therefore you are deaf.”--John 9:41. If one says both “I can see and I can hear,” by the Holy Spirit, then He has spoken the truth for he has given voice to the Spirit of God within him. Many are anxious to believe something, not waiting for the quickening approval of God’s Spirit, “For not he that commends himself is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.”--2 Cor.10:18. Man has said he can both see and hear and understand when perhaps he has never gone further than the devils that believe and tremble (James 2:19).
The proud in spirit always resent instruction (Prov.1:7). Proverbs declares that fools despise wisdom and instruction. “A scorner seeks wisdom and finds it not, but knowledge is easy to him that has an understanding heart.”--Prov.14:6
The proud are always kept in the chains of ignorance, for pride and deceit is the tool used by Satan to obstruct man’s vision. Man must come to the end of his own thoughts. The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise that they are vain (1 Cor.3:20). “If a man thinks himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.”--Gal. 6:3
Only the children understand God’s revelation. Jesus said, “I thank thee Father that you have withheld your truth from the wise and prudent and revealed it unto babes.”-- Luke 10: 21.
Paul said, “Examine yourself and see if you be found living in faith.”--2 Cor.13:5. Sometimes we live in the emptiness of mental assent. This kind of knowledge will not withstand temptation or trials, and we are soon taught of God where our knowledge originates, the carnal mind or the Spirit.
“That which can be shaken will be shaken but that which is able to remain will remain.”--Heb. 12:27. There is a fearful undoing when we find that our understanding has not been founded upon the revelation of Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, but upon the commandments and doctrines of men. Only the knowledge of God can endure affliction without destruction. Jesus did not come just to bring material or theological discussion. He came to bring Life and set the captive free.
Our desires and religious ambitions must die their death. We must be willing to deny and forsake all of our preconceived ideas and concepts. The only thoughts that are to endure are those that are heavenly in their nature. Paul says, “Our conversation is in Heaven…”--Phil. 3:20
Because Jesus was willing to die, God could live His Life through Him without restraint. Jesus did not allow religious tradition (preconceived ideas and motives) to limit God to infectiveness. He considered having possession of the Divine nature serious business--quite a bit more serious than the Christian (partaker) of the Divine nature today. We are unique if we consider the meaning of such things, even on Sunday morning. Jesus never said to go to the church of our choice. To Him there was no choice--it was either Life or death, God or the devil.
Jesus gave Himself to the Holy Spirit. He refrained from thinking the thoughts of man-made religion and followed the direction of God. He knew before anyone else what Paul meant when he said, “For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.”--Col. 3:2. Jesus Himself taught, “He that loves his life shall lose it, but he that hates it for my sake shall find it.”--John 12:25. To put it in everyday words, He was saying, “If you insist on having your own thoughts, your own desires, your own will, your own plans, you shall lose the only Life that counts and lasts--eternal Life.”
We must deny the traditional way of thinking that has been handed done to us by others who have not really known what they were talking about. Our error has been that we took it for granted that they knew.
We must have more than an intellectual concept, more than a churchy idea about God and about ourselves for they are now one in Christ. If we have no more than this, our idea becomes a god to us and God becomes limited to our idea. We will change only as our idea of God changes.
It is astounding, but it is true. Though God is unlimited, yet we can limit Him to our concepts, for God becomes no bigger to us than we believe Him to be, than we know Him to be, no bigger than we acknowledge Him to be, yet He is unlimited. Paul says that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think (Eph. 3:20). We can see here that it is simply our own thoughts that hinder God. Jesus said, “According to your faith, so be it.”--Matt. 9:29. If I might take the liberty, I might say it this way, “In direct proportion to your expectations and your own personal belief in Christ’s ability, so be it unto you.”
Paul said, “If we be otherwise-minded (thinking contrary to God), God will reveal this unto us.”--Phil.3:15. If we are satisfied with our own point of view, then we cannot anticipate change. The Word of God says to be transformed (that is changed) by the renewing of our mind (Rom. 12:1-2). This is not done against our will. One will follow after God’s knowledge because he wants to or not at all. To change is contrary to the nature of flesh. We have not been born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (John 1:13). “Of His own will begat He us by the word of truth.” --John l:18
“The first man was of the earth and earthy…”1 Cor.15:47. He was earthy in his concepts, earthy in his desires, and earthy in his will.
Today religious tradition and ignorance of God’s Word are the major hindrances imposed upon the new creation. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; all the old things have passed away, behold (observe, look) all things have become new and all things are of God.”--2 Cor.5:17. We have carried the old mind into the new Life even as some of the Jews carried legalism into grace in the times of the apostles. James said, “See how many there are that believe and everyone of them are zealous for the law.”--Acts 21:20. Paul taught that when one believes in Christ, he becomes a new creation; but many have not changed their thinking. There is no real change in their ways because there is no real change in their understanding.
We often try to add Christ to our own ideas, but our own ideas are the obstructions that hinder Him. The Bible says, “It is God in you both to will and to do of His own good pleasure.”--Phil. 2:13. Yet David said in Psalms 78:41 that the Holy One of Israel has been limited.
Jesus said we cannot serve both God and mammon. One must suffer denial. One must cease to be the standard. It is Christ in the believer now and He will not lead us astray. The law that governs us now also makes us new. It is the law of Spiritual Life that has set us free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2).
Paul instructed us to be renewed in knowledge after the image of Him (God is Spirit) who created the new creation (Col. 3:10). We seldom consider the fact that we are made new in Christ and all these new things are of God.
Many have not been quickened by the power of God and by the understanding of His Spirit but survive on mere speculation. This is not a knowing of the Spirit but of the mind. Speculation leaves room for chance and chance leaves room for error. But, “We have received the Spirit of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”--1 Cor.2:12. Hereby know we the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error”-- 1 John 4:23. Hereby know we that we dwell in Him and He in us because He has given us of His Spirit.”--1 John 4:13. We must place all of our faith in the Spirit of God for He will guide us into all truth.
How vital the message is that Jesus taught. “Repent; change the course and direction of your thinking, for it has led you to a spiritual death.” Jesus was speaking to the religious people of that day. Jesus spoke the Word that did warfare with tradition and uprooted the tree of preconceived ideas. He knew they did not, neither could they bear fruit. We must be willing to change our mind lest we become satisfied with less than God means for us to enjoy.
We live on dangerous ground when we insist upon reserving the right to form our own opinions. We will go no further than we have already attained.
Jesus said, “Straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to Life and few there be that find it.” - Matt. 7:14. There is only one way and that is by the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit. If one walks this way, the keenness thereof will surely execute a division.
It is difficult to describe the penetrating power of God’s Word because it is a Spiritual thing. It can divide and sever the soulish (fleshy) things from the things of the Spirit so accurately, so precisely, so keenly that it leaves no wounds to heal and it leaves no scars to cover. It can only be realized by the one who is experiencing the process. It is like being in the fire, but not consumed. It is like the force of a rushing mighty wind, and yet it is like the kiss of a soft mountain breeze. It is like the great and mighty eagle, and yet it has the gentleness and quietness of a dove. It is like bending iron in the powerful hands of a blacksmith, and yet it is like the soothing gentle caress of a lover’s touch. It is violent, and yet it is tender. It destroys, and yet it brings Life. It tears down, yet it builds up. It divides, yet it unites. It empties one until he is void, and yet it fills him with all the fullness of God. It begets the assurance of God, yet makes one as a lowly servant. It gives one the boldness of a lion, yet the meekness of a lamb. It makes one Divine in his nature, and yet human in every way.
Because of all this, a man may boast, but he will do his boasting and he will find his glorying not in the realm of the flesh, but in the Spirit of God. In his flesh he realizes there dwells NO good thing, yet he knows the truth of what is said in these wonderful words: It is Christ in you that is your hope of glory. “It is not by might; it is not by power; but BY MY SPIRIT, saith the Lord.”--Zech. 4:6