Where do these things come from? They have plagued the mind of man ever since the incident that happened in the Garden of Eden--what man calls the fall.
Adam had communion with God in the garden and absolutely no fear until his fellowship with God was interrupted by Satan, the so-called god, of this world.
When Eve considered or thought Satan’s thoughts, things changed. Eve's nature was changed into the enemy's nature. We then read about a thing called sin.
When Adam had partaken of the forbidden fruit, a nature change, a thought process, and a behavior change came about. When God called out for fellowship with Adam, the Bible says that Adam hid himself from the presence of the Lord. The reason given by Adam was, “I heard your voice in the garden and I was AFRAID…and I hid myself.”
Adam and Eve knew nothing about fear, worry, loneliness, and a lot of other things that plague the flesh today. Prior to their experience with Satan, all was well. They didn’t even know that they were naked.
When man became separated from God (sin is separation from God), he entered into a state of being wherein he became aware of things not experienced before. He entered into Satan’s realm--the realm of spiritual death, the realm of the carnal mind. This spiritual death caused his soul to die and fears to arise.
God had told them that in the day you partake of that tree, you will most surely die. Man died as a result of his decision, but the death was the death of the soul, not of the body. Adam’s soul was now separated from God (Spiritual life).
When communion with God was broken, fears, and insecurities arose. That day the first thought of worry and care entered into the mind of man. A voice that Adam never heard before began to dictate to his mind. That voice was the voice of the devil--a voice that you and I may only recognize as worry or fear.
Before the fall, Adam’s mind was accustomed to hearing only the voice or Word of God. He had no fears and no worries.
When sin or separation from God entered, his mind became subject to the god of this world--the voice of Satan. Fear, worry, doubt, insecurity, etc., is the voice of Satan. The god of this world had blinded the minds of Adam and Eve. They were now physically alive, but spiritually dead. God had left their soul.
Look at Adam’s behavior after the fall. He not only hid himself from the presence of the Lord, he also desperately tried to cover his nakedness. He felt very incomplete and insecure.
God asked him a direct question: “WHO told you, you were naked?” You see, there was a voice in Adam’s mind now that was not THE WORD OF GOD. There was another voice, and the other voice broke Adam’s rapport and TRUST with the Spirit of God.
The Bible says that the serpent that deceived Eve was the most SUBTLE out of all of the beasts of the field the Lord had made. I looked up the word “subtle” in the dictionary. It means to be “barely noticeable.” That means then that when Satan spoke to Eve’s mind, it was done in such a way that it was barely noticeable.
There were no alarms or red lights flashing. It was just a subtle turning of one’s thoughts in Eve’s mind. In fact, I believe these thoughts were so subtle that they appeared as HER OWN THOUGHTS.
When we read of the temptations of Jesus in the Gospels, we see Satan appear to Jesus in the same way--in the form of doubt and questions-- “If you be the Son of God…” When we read these two accounts regarding temptations, we more or less get the idea that the devil openly exposed himself and literally carried on a verbal conversation with his intended victims. Nothing could be further from the truth. If that were true, the Bible would not take the time to use the word “subtle” in its narrative. Remember, the word subtle means “barely noticeable.”
It is much easier to deal with an enemy when he is right out in the open, but that is NOT Satan’s methodology. He is crafty, sly, and deceitful. He is a LIAR. There is NO truth in him at all! Jesus said he was a liar from the beginning. “When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own for he is a liar and the father (source) of ALL lies!”
I’ll give you an example of how subtle Satan is: In Luke 4:5, it says that Satan took Jesus up into a high mountain. I remember the day I was studying this portion of scripture. I asked the Lord a simple question. “How did Satan take Jesus to this mountain?. How did he get there?” I was staggered by the answer God gave me. He said, “HOW DOES THE DEVIL TAKE YOU?” I almost fell out of my chair. I said, “Lord, simply by thoughts, desires, and imaginations.” The Lord said, “Well, would anyone much less the Christ follow the devil if he KNEW IT WAS the devil?” I said, “No, Lord, no one would do that, not even the most inexperienced believer.”
Then the Lord said, “You see, Satan can only tempt you so long as he remains anonymous (hidden in your thoughts). I never will forget that communion with God. It was and still is extremely vital to me. I saw that all worry, fear, depression, oppression doubt, despair, darkness, evil, death, and everything that is destructive were nothing less than adjectives defining Satan himself.
The devil cannot violate a man’s will. If he took Jesus to a high mountain or the pinnacle of the temple, he could not do it against His will. And no one would consciously follow the devil--no one. Neither would Christ--neither would you!
Let’s take it to the extreme! Has the thought of suicide ever passed through your mind? Where do you think that thought came from? If this were the Garden of Eden, God would say, “Who told you to kill yourself?”
According to the Bible, there are only two sources or origins of thought: Good (God) and evil (Satan). Jesus said, “Why do you call me good, only God is good.” So now we know that Satan is the evil one.
Why did Jesus say in John 10:10, “The THIEF comes but to kill, to steal, and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and that abundantly”? The answer is simple: So that you and I will know most assuredly where ALL of our thoughts come from--GOD or the DEVIL!
So now you know where worry, fear, and doubt come from. No wonder we are told to cast down imaginations, to pull down strongholds, and bring into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ. Your victory depends on it! Christ is your victory. Listen to Him and no one else!