As far as the believer is concerned, habits of thinking are the only thing Satan has going for him. The devil has taught our flesh how to sin and then he condemns us for it. But according to Jesus, we who have been born again are not flesh anymore, we are Spirit. He said, “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.”--John 3:6. If you are born of the Spirit, then you can safely say that you are indeed Spirit--that is, if you want to. You will only have this reality by faith. If you will not claim this fact in God’s word, then you are stuck only with flesh, and flesh will not inherit the Kingdom of God according to the scriptures.
Now that we are a new creature in Christ, we do not have to obey the dictates of the flesh anymore, that is, reacting to situations the way Satan has taught our flesh. Having once been a creature of the flesh and being trained in the ways of the flesh, we have obeyed habits of the flesh; but now that we are a new creature in Christ, we are free from Satan’s hold. We are a new kind of being--a new species.
We are not only free from the habits of the flesh, but also the habits of thinking that Satan has taught the flesh. We are also free from the death source that trained us in those habits. We are completely free from Satan’s power. In other words, we have died to sin. Any other thought is a lie from the devil.
James says in his Epistle that we are tempted only when we are drawn away and enticed by our own desires. We obey a habit then when we pay attention to the desires of the flesh. When we recognize the flesh over the Spirit, that is sin, and sin when it is finished brings forth death.
According to the revelation given to the Apostle Paul in Romans, Chapters 6, 7, and 8, the flesh is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of God’s righteousness. Why then should we pay attention to a dead man who has already passed away?
According to the Word of God, Christ is our total life-source now, and we should acknowledge this as true. When we feel sorry for the old man and cater to his desires, that is where we lose the battle. We are reckoning him to be something and Christ in us to be nothing! In the words of James, “Brethren, these things ought not to be.” We are instructed in the Word of God to count the old man already dead (that is why Jesus died) and to then reckon the new man to be alive (that is why Jesus was raised from the dead). To not reckon the old man to be dead is to say that Christ did not die, and to not reckon ourselves alive to God is to say that Jesus was not raised from the dead.
If we do not do what God tells us to do, we end up with all sorts of problems. We need to turn our thoughts to the Spirit and away from the things of the flesh and God promises us we will find Life and peace. To not turn our thoughts to the Lord is to be what the Bible calls carnally-minded, which is death. That is exactly what happened to Adam and Eve in the garden.
Anytime we put the flesh before the Spirit that is sin against God; and the penalty of sin, according to the Bible, is death. But Jesus died so that we don’t have to die. He doesn’t want us to die--He wants us to live in Him. That is why He came--to give us life, true life, in the Spirit. He said, “I have come that you might have life...” True life is only in the Spirit of God--the flesh profits nothing!
The very instant we regard the flesh and its desires we come under its control. But we don’t have to do that anymore. If we reckon the flesh to be something, we are reckoning in the wrong realm. God’s realm is the realm of the Spirit. We are told to acknowledge that life in all of our ways. God is Spiritual life.
The reason we are told to reckon ourselves dead to sin is because we are dead to sin. We are just as dead to sin as Jesus died. His death was a complete death or He did not die at all. His death set us free from the law of sin and death that is in our flesh. If we do not reckon or count upon Christ’s death, we are stuck only with the flesh and there is no way out. God’s law is flesh produces death--Spirit produces life. Jesus said, “The flesh profits nothing, it is the Spirit that gives life.” You can’t change that law because God established it. We would do well to pay heed to this fact.
Paul says, “They that are Christ’s have crucified (put to death) the flesh with its affections and desires.” How then can we recognize the flesh above the Spirit and still claim to be a creature of the Spirit?
We no longer have an obligation to the flesh to live and think after the flesh. Jesus bought us with His life’s Blood. He became flesh in order to die to set us free. He became sin on our behalf.
He tasted of death for every man so every man would not have to taste of death. “Him who knew no sin God made to become sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ.”--2 Cor.5:21. Sin is separation from God and separation from God is spiritual death.
No Christian has an obligation to give his mind over to that which would rob him of God’s peace. Jesus gave us His peace. He wants us to live in that peace, but there will be no peace as long as we mind the things of the flesh.
Everyone belonged to Satan at one time. We were born in sin (separated from God) and shaped by iniquity (things contrary to God). In our first birth of the flesh, we were estranged from God; but in our second birth of the Spirit, we were made one with God. But old habits of thinking learned in the flesh die hard.
Satan has no legal right to control a believer because he has totally lost his dominion. His realm is the realm of the flesh; and if we do not live after the flesh or mind the things of the flesh, he can’t touch us. Actually he can’t really touch us because the Bible says, “Ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.” He can’t gain access to God no matter what he does. We are a new creation in Him and Satan has no power over us. Every man who believes on Jesus and is born from above has the right to be a Son of God. If he wants that right, then he must exercise it. No son of God is a subject of Satan's because he is one with Christ in God, and Christ is not subject to Satan--it is the other way around.
In Bible language, we have an obligation, but it is not to the flesh to live after the flesh. Flesh has lost its legal claim to lord it over us. “Sin shall not have dominion over you.”-¬Romans 6:14
If we will stop identifying ourselves with the flesh and no longer claim the things of the flesh, the training of the flesh will die out.
Jesus died for one purpose--TO SET US FREE FROM SATAN’S POWER and make us a new creation in God. He already did this; therefore, we must learn new things. We must become familiar with the realm of the Spirit and live there because Jesus put us there.
Paul says, “Ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if so be the Spirit of God lives in you.”--Romans 8:9. Jesus came so that we might have the Father’s life and live where He lives. Paul also said, “If ye live after the flesh, you shall die, but if you walk after the Spirit, you shall live.” Actually that is what God told Adam and Eve way back in the Garden of Eden--“Ye shall die.”
To live in the Spirit is to acknowledge Christ as being our complete life-source, not just a problem solver. Flesh and Spirit are of two opposite realms. One is God’s--the other Satan’s, one sin--the other righteousness, one light--the other darkness, one good--the other evil--one freedom-- the other bondage, one heaven--the other hell.
To obey the dictates and desires of the flesh is to be the servant of sin. Paul says in Romans Chapter 6, “Know ye not that to whom you yield yourselves slaves to obey, his slave you are to whom you obey, whether of sin unto death or obedience or unto righteousness?”
The only way to be free from the bondage of the flesh is to reckon yourself dead to the flesh and alive to the Spirit of God. If you reckon yourself alive to the flesh, then you will always have a problem of one kind or another. We must realize this: CHRIST IS OUR PRESENT LIFE AND HE IS NOT A PROBLEM! '
Because He lives, we live also. He is making alive our physical bodies right now. He is quickening our mortal bodies by the self-same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.
Christ is our resurrection Life today.
It’s a miracle!