When God reveals something to His children, it seems so personal. It is as though it becomes no ones but your very own.
It isn’t that others can’t benefit by what you have received--it is just that their needs may be different. Their awareness is also different.
No matter what we learn from God and attempt to share with others, it must be revealed by the Spirit of God before anyone can understand it. Even the person sharing his knowledge didn’t understand until God gave him understanding.
I’ll give you an example: When Jesus asked His twelve disciples, “Who do they say that I am,” He received a general response or opinion. His disciples said, “Some think you are a prophet; some say that you are John, the Baptist, risen from the dead; others say you are just a good man.”
When Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” only Peter said, “You are the Christ the Son of the living God.” Peter was one out of the twelve, but he was the one who truly understood who Jesus was. Why?
Jesus replied by saying, “Blessed are you Peter for flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you, but my Father which is in heaven.” There were eleven other disciples, but it was to Peter that the REVELATION came of who Jesus was.
I submit to you that it is upon this basis of REVELATION KNOWLEDGE alone that all of God’s truth must come. Paul calls this, “The Spirit of wisdom and revelation,” and his prayer in the first chapter of Ephesians is that God would give such a Spirit to them. That Spirit is the Spirit of Truth who Jesus said He would send to take His place (John 14: 17-18).
There are many (in fact the majority) in our churches today that have what I would call explanation knowledge. There are very few that have received any revelation knowledge.
What is the difference? I am glad you asked! It’s quite simple: Explanation knowledge is what we get when we go to church. We hear sermons, read books, listen to tapes, attend conventions, watch television, and listen to the radio. Is that bad? No! But, Jesus did not build His church upon an explanation.
When we read the text regarding the revelation given to Peter about Jesus (Matt 16:17), Jesus said that flesh and blood did not reveal this to him. What does He mean? He simply means that the conclusion about who Jesus really is was made known to Peter by the Holy Spirit of Truth! No man can come to the conclusion God wants him to have until it is revealed by the Spirit. This principle covers all of God’s truth, not just part of it!
Jesus told His disciples that His church would be founded and established upon this kind of knowledge. No human mind is capable of figuring out the truth of God. Jesus is the rock of understanding. He is our sure foundation!
The same difference exists between an interpretation and a revelation. In an interpretation the flesh takes the initiative. In a revelation the Spirit carries the initiative.
Man encourages his fellow man to interpret the scriptures and they have their books on Hermeneutics and their commentaries; but again, no man can come to the proper conclusion about scriptures’ meaning until the Spirit reveals it.
Jesus said that when the Spirit of Truth is come, He would guide us into all truth. He also said that this knowledge was withheld from the wise and prudent but revealed unto babes. He underscored this by saying, “Even so Father for it seemed good in Your sight.”
The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians Chapter 2, that there is a vast difference between the wisdom of this world and the wisdom of God. So vast he says that not many mighty, not many noble, not many wise of the world are called.
Paul emphasized that the wisdom of God is a hidden wisdom and that the wisdom of man at its highest estate is but foolishness to God. He says that the foolishness of God is still wiser than the wisest of all men.
With that solemn denouncement upon man’s wisdom, what chance does he have on his own to obtain God’s revelation knowledge? Neither his Bible commentaries nor his books on Hermeneutics will do him any good. He must learn how to hear from the Spirit of God direct!
It is indeed amazing how much light the Bible sheds on commentaries. Man in his natural state cannot possibly know or understand the things of God. The Bible says that the natural man does not understand the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them because they are Spiritually discerned (I Cor.2:14).
Jesus told Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews in John 3:3 that he must be born again in order to understand the things of God. That is why Nicodemus said, “How can these things be.” The mind of man just does not understand! The Bible says to trust in the Lord with all of our heart and lean not to our own understanding!
Question: Why are there so many born-again, Spirit-filled, Bible-believing Christians who do not possess this thing called revelation knowledge? I believe it is because they do not read the Word of God for themselves, and when they do so they forget that the Bible is speaking of Spiritual things even though it uses physical words with physical illustrations.
The Bible is about God, But God Himself is Spirit. The fact that Jesus said in the Fourth Chapter of John that God is Spirit is something that few seem to understand. Most think He is flesh--if He is, then He couldn’t inherit His own Kingdom because the Bible plainly states, “Flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of God!”--1 Cor.15:50
The apostle Paul says that we are to compare Spiritual things with Spiritual things, not natural things with natural things. Yet man continues to look at everything strictly from a physical point of view. He thinks the Kingdom of God is a material future Kingdom here on earth and that heaven is a physical place we go to some day. But that is not what the Bible teaches about these things, nor is it the Bible meaning.
Basically, man has failed to see the reason he must be born again or have a Spiritual birth.
The answer is very simple: Man must be born again because in his first estate he is flesh. Jesus said in John 3: 6, “That which is born of flesh is flesh.” Flesh, or what the Bible calls the natural man, cannot understand the things of the Spirit; it’s impossible!
According to Jesus, when one becomes born again he becomes a Spiritual creature. “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.”--John 3:6. Once he becomes a Spiritual Creation, he is able to learn about the things of the Spirit, providing he does not impose his own carnal bias upon the meaning of scripture. He cannot use the same physical standards he has learned in the flesh to understand Spiritual things! Man (the new man) must simply expose himself to the Word of God without prejudice and wait for the Spirit of truth to illuminate what he has read.
The difficulty most people have is that they may be so anxious to learn that they forget to wait upon the Lord for His guidance in thought. They follow the guidelines and standards of the flesh. Man supposes or assumes that knowing and learning about God is to be pursued in the same manner one would follow in a biology course. You get your books and commentaries together and read about other peoples thoughts. You think, “They surely must know more about it then I do. They must know what they are talking about.” You figure that they have been a Christian longer then you have--right?
Well, they may or may not know what they are talking about, but you will never know for sure until you learn to hear from God yourself. Peter was not told by man who Jesus was--it was revealed by God! Jesus plainly stated that flesh and blood was not responsible for what He learned. It was not because of some human initiative--it was because of the Divine initiative. The knowledge Peter received was given him by God.
John, the Baptist, said that a man could receive nothing unless it was given from above. Jesus said that no man could come to Him unless the Spirit draw him.
I have seen it happen time and time again where people have not waited on God’s direction and illumination but in their zeal for the Lord just run off on their own. They go from church to church and from convention to convention (sometimes many miles away) to try to learn about “Faith secrets.”
David said that the secret of the Lord is with those who love the Lord. It should be no secret. The Bible says that the secret things belong unto the Lord but the things He has REVEALED belong unto us. Paul in his writings said, “Behold I show you a mystery”--once a mystery or a secret has been revealed, it isn’t a mystery anymore.
It is absolutely impossible for a man to understand the things of God with his natural mind. The Bible says that the human mind of the flesh is enmity or an enemy of God’s and that it is a thing of death (Rom. 8:6). At the new birth man receives what I call the SIXTH SENSE. He receives the faculty of God’s Spirit- -the “uncommon sense.” This faculty has the capability of God within it.
Paul says in the second chapter of First Corinthians that we have received the Spirit of God that we might know, realize (real eyes), the things of God.
There is absolutely no way to understand the things of God without the Spirit of God. And there is no way to understand the things of God if we lean to our own understanding. That’s because our own understanding does not understand!
God’s knowledge is available to every believer; but if a person thinks that he can come into God’s understanding just because he may attend a school of theology and get a degree, he is sadly mistaken.
There are two realms: the realm of the “interesting” which deals with the curiosity of the mind and endless details, and the realm of the “inner-resting” which deals with the heart. In one case you learn about God; in the other case you actually learn to know God. There is a MAJOR difference between the two.
Just to know about God is not to truly know Him. I know about a lot of people but I really don’t know them. I haven’t spent any time with them in order to get to know them. We haven’t corresponded! To know them with just my mind is not to know them with my heart. You can’t really know someone until the heart is involved.
The same thing pertains to this thing we call fellowship. There is no fellowship in the realm of the mind. True fellowship is in the Spirit--what Peter calls, “THE HIDDEN MAN OF THE HEART.” The mind only causes division, debate, argument and discord!
God has established things in such fashion that the only way to truly know Him is through His Son and in our heart. That is why the Bible says that it is with THE HEART that man believes.
No man can find God with his mind. The mind of the flesh is death! If man could find God with his mind, only those with the greatest mental capability could find God and know him.
Again, Jesus told His disciples that His Father has withheld Divine secrets from the wise and prudent but has revealed their content to babes.
So, if you really want to know God, read your Bible and seek Him and search for Him with all of your heart. You will find Him!
That’s His promise!